User manual for "Sentry ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Sentry ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Sentry ELD.

Sentry ELD

ELD Guide:
Unlocking Your ELD System

Unlocking Your ELD System
Managing HOS Cycles
Select Your Vehicle
Organize Your Logs



Unlocking Your ELD System
Hardware: Capturing Essential Data
The ELD's hardware connects directly to your vehicle's diagnostic port
to begin the automatic recording of your driving hours and important
information required for compliance.

App: Your Central Hub for ELD Data
The data collected by the hardware seamlessly transfers to our
user-friendly mobile app through Bluetooth to make the data easily
accessible on your smartphone or tablet.

Display of Information: Clear and Convenient
The system neatly organizes the collected information and displays it
on your device through the app or the fleet manager portal to review
and manage.

Managing HOS Cycles:
Staying Compliant in the US and Canada
Adjust your cycle rules in the Settings section to adhere to the rules and
regulations set by the authorities.

For instance:
Canadian Cycle: Canada 7/70 [South of 60].
US Cycle: USA Property 8/70.

Select Your Vehicle:
Making the Right Match
Your fleet manager can pre-assign you to a vehicle. Otherwise, select
your vehicle from the available list. You can also access the Menu and
choose "Change Vehicle" to assign yourself to a different one.

Organize Your Logs:
Keeping Track of Your Duty Status
Tap on the log's icon to access and manage your duty status with just a
few clicks. It's a simple and efficient way to stay up-to-date.

Retrieve historical logs and violations from the past six months to stay
informed about your activities.

Review your notes in the events section by tapping on a status. Keep
track of important details related to your driving activities.

Sign your logs at the end of your shift by tapping "Certify" for accurate
and compliant record-keeping.

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