User manual for "Omnitracs XRS ELD SYSTEM"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Omnitracs XRS ELD SYSTEM".
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Omnitracs, LLC.
Omnitracs XRS Mobile ELD Driver Guide Android Operating System ELD ID: XRSAN1 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 1 Table of Contents Overview.................................................................................................................................... 3 Logging In to Omnitracs XRS Mobile ......................................................................................... 4 Logging Out of Omnitracs XRS Mobile ...................................................................................... 5 Omnitracs XRS Mobile Dashboard ............................................................................................. 7 Hours of Service (HOS) Functions .............................................................................................. 8 Change Duty Status................................................................................................................ 8 Change Duty Status Personal Conveyance......................................................................10 Change Duty Status Yard Move ......................................................................................11 Log Editor Overview .................................................................................................................13 Viewing Your Driver Logs ......................................................................................................13 Editing Your Driver Log .........................................................................................................16 Confirming Carrier Edits ........................................................................................................19 Certifying Logs ......................................................................................................................20 Unassigned Vehicle Activity ...................................................................................................23 Diagnostic and Malfunction Alerts ............................................................................................25 Paper Log Mode .......................................................................................................................25 Sending eRODS to FMCSA .......................................................................................................26 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 2 Overview Omnitracs XRS Mobile will run on many Android and Windows Mobile-based devices, including both phones and tablets. Omnitracs XRS Mobile uses the Bluetooth capability of a mobile device to connect to an Omnitracs XRS Relay and obtain engine data automatically. The small, easily installed in-cab Omnitracs XRS Relay taps into the trucks computer. Data is transferred from the Relay via Bluetooth to the drivers smartphone, tablet, computer, or rugged device. The data is then transferred via cellular network from the mobile device to the Omnitracs XRS host website for data collection and analysis. The result is an easy-to-use dashboard of compliance and fleet optimization data and scorecards. Drivers can use Omnitracs XRS Mobile to view and update Hours of Service (HOS) logs, record Driver Vehicle Inspection results, begin and end routes and stops, and perform a variety of other tasks. The information automatically collected from the Omnitracs XRS Relay, in addition to any information provided by the driver, is sent to the Omnitracs XRS host website using the mobile device's carrier network. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 3 Logging In to Omnitracs XRS Mobile To log in to Omnitracs XRS Mobile, select the Omnitracs XRS icon from your app menu. The Omnitracs XRS login screen appears. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 4 Logging Out of Omnitracs XRS Mobile When you log out of Omnitracs XRS Mobile, you may leave remarks as well as adjust your log time. Omnitracs XRS will ask you to acknowledge any errors and confirm that all log entries are true and correct. Omnitracs XRS automatically records inspection and logout information and makes it available through your offices web user account. To log out, select the three-line menu button in the upper left corner of the Mobile Dashboard, then select Logout from the flyout menu. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 5 The Logout screen appears, asking you to confirm that you want to log out. Select Yes. If you are still On Duty, you are prompted to go Off Duty. Select Yes to log out of the application. It is recommended that you always go Off Duty when you log out. If you select No, you will remain On Duty even though you are no longer logged in. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 6 Omnitracs XRS Mobile Dashboard The Omnitracs XRS Mobile Dashboard provides real-time driver information such as HOS and connection status, as well as access to the Omnitracs XRS system via a fly-out menu, which is accessible by selecting the three-line (or Hamburger) menu button located in the top left corner of the Mobile Dashboard. The menu button also provides an at-aglance view of pending notifications. Information, Hours of Service, and Messages make up the majority of the Omnitracs XRS Mobile Dashboard, while other applications are 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 7 available from the fly-out menu. All of the components are dynamic and can be either touched or swiped to access new information. Hours of Service (HOS) Functions The HOS function of Omnitracs XRS monitors On Duty, Off Duty, Sleeper Berth, and Drive time. Change Duty Status You can adjust your duty status on the Omnitracs XRS Mobile dashboard by touching any element in the HOS panel to open the Change Duty Status screen. The HOS function features 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 8 Automatic Duty Status change when the vehicle is in motion. A device that is in On Duty status will automatically switch to Drive when the vehicle moves. The Change Duty Status screen displays your current Duty Status and remaining Drive and Duty Time, as well as any violations currently applied to the driver status. Once you are logged in, you can adjust your duty status manually: 1. From the dashboard, select the three-line menu button in the upper left corner of your screen. The fly-out menu appears. 2. Select HOS from the menu. The HOS Log screen appears. 3. Select the three-dot menu button in the upper right corner of the screen and select Options from the menu. The HOS Menu screen appears. 4. Select Change Duty Status. The Change Duty Status screen appears. Note: You can also open the Change Duty Status screen by touching anywhere in the HOS panel of the Mobile Dashboard. 5. Select one of the following to change the current HOS status: o OFF - Off Duty o o SB - Sleeper Berth D Drive o ON - On Duty 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 9 If your company is configured to allow any special driving conditions, you might also see options for Personal Conveyance or Yard Move when you change your status to On Duty (Yard Move) or Off Duty (Personal Conveyance). Change Duty Status Personal Conveyance The Personal Conveyance work time extension can be declared to allow off-duty drivers to use an unladen Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) in order to drive to their domicile or other nonwork-related locations when they are off-duty. Your company must be configured to allow Personal Conveyance for this option to be available. To declare Personal Conveyance, you must be Off Duty and must have associated to a vehicle. 1. In the HOS panel of the Mobile Dashboard, select the Duty Status tile. The Change Duty Status screen appears. 2. Select OFF from the status options at the bottom of the screen. Two additional options, Off Duty and Off Duty -- Personal Conveyance, become available. 3. Select Off Duty Personal Conveyance. The Enter PC Comment screen appears. 4. Enter a comment (460 characters) to explain your use of PC and select OK. You return to the Change Duty Status screen, which indicates that your duty status is being 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 10 updated. 5. Select the Home icon to return to the Omnitracs XRS Mobile dashboard. The Duty Status tile now flashes orange and indicates that you are Off Duty and have declared Personal Conveyance. If you exceed the daily maximum Personal Conveyance distance allowed by your company, the screen becomes red and issues a warning message: Change Duty Status Yard Move On-duty drivers can declare a Yard Move work time extension when they need to move trucks and trailers in a non-road space, such as the yard of a manufacturing facility, warehouse, or distribution center. Your company must be configured to enable Yard Move for this option to be available. In order to declare Yard Move, the driver must be On Duty and associated to a vehicle. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 11 1. In the HOS panel of the Mobile Dashboard, select the Duty Status tile. The Change Duty Status screen appears. 2. Select ON from the status options at the bottom of the screen. Two options, On Duty and On Duty Yard Move, become available. 3. Select On Duty Yard Move. The Enter YM Comment screen appears. 4. Enter a comment (460 characters) and select OK. You return to the Change Duty Status screen. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 12 5. Select the Home icon to return to the Omnitracs XRS Mobile dashboard. The Duty Status tile now flashes orange and indicates that you are On Duty and have declared Yard Move. Log Editor Overview Viewing Your Driver Logs You can use the HOS Log screen in Omnitracs XRS Mobile to view the HOS Log in a variety of ways. It is important to know how to display this screen when law enforcement personnel request access to the HOS log or in the event of a roadside inspection. The HOS Log screen has three different tabs: HOS Log, Header, and Certify. All three tabs display eight days worth of logsthe current day plus the previous seven days. Use the right and left arrow buttons to move backward and forward through the logs. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 13 The HOS Log tab displays the log graph and all log events for the given day. This tab includes an Inspection Mode option. Switch Inspection Mode to On to display detailed information about ELDonly events. You can present the Inspection Mode screen to law enforcement personnel during a roadside inspection. The Header tab displays detailed information about the driver, carrier, vehicle, trailer, and other data unrelated to log events. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 14 The Certify tab enables drivers to certify their HOS logs, which is required by the ELD Mandate at least once per 24-hour period. The tab displays all log events for a given day. Simply select the Certify button to certify your log for that day. If you need to certify logs for more than one day, select the right or left arrow buttons on either side of the header to move to the next or previous days log. When you have certified all logs, the red indicator next to the Certify tab label disappears. The Unidentified tab displays details about any unassigned vehicle activity you confirmed when you reviewed carrier edits. This tab is intended for use by law enforcement officers when they review driver logs during an inspection. The Unidentified tab is only visible if you are associated to an ELD vehicle and the associated vehicle has a cumulative total of at least 30 minutes of rejected UVA within the last seven days. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 15 If there is no unassigned vehicle activity for a given day, or if you rejected any UVA when you reviewed carrier edits, the tab displays a message saying there were no unidentified driving events for that day. Editing Your Driver Log ELD drivers are able to add and edit On-Duty, Sleeper Berth, and Off-Duty time directly from their mobile devices. They are also required to accept or reject edits made by their carrier before they will be allowed to add or edit events from their mobile device. You cannot edit: Other drivers logs Intermediate logs Driver login/logout activity Engine power-up or shut-down activities ELD malfunction or data diagnostic events Inactive events Personal Conveyance time In addition, you are not able to reduce or delete drive time. To edit your log: 1. Select the three-line menu button in the upper left corner of the Omnitracs XRS Mobile dashboard. The main menu appears. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 16 2. Select HOS from the menu. The HOS Log screen appears. 3. Select the three-dot menu button in the upper right corner of the screen and select Log Editor from the menu. The Log Editor screen appears. Editable events are indicated by a pencil icon. 4. To add an event, select the +Event button in the upper right corner of the screen. The Select Event to Add screen appears. a. Select Duty Status, Add Shipping Information, or Remark. The screen that appears will depend on which event you selected. b. Complete all required fields. When you have finished, select Continue to return to the Log Editor screen. The event you added is shown in green in the graph and in the events list. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 17 c. Select Save to save the added event. The Violation Changes screen appears to alert you to any potential HOS violations that have occurred as a result of the change you made. d. Select Continue to return to the Log Editor screen. The new event has been added to the graph and the events list. Note: If you add a Remark or Shipping Information, you are prompted to add a trailer after you select Continue. If you are adding a remark, you can select Skip to bypass this step; if you are adding shipping information, you must add and save trailer information. 5. To edit an event, select the pencil icon next to the event you need to edit. The Edit Duty Status screen opens for that event. a. Edit the fields as needed. When you are finished, select Continue. You return to the Log Editor screen. The edits you made appear in green in the log. b. Select Save to save your edits to the log. After you add or edit events, you will need to re-certify your logs. Select the Certify tab, review the logs, and select Certify. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 18 Note: Drive events cannot be shortened, deleted, or replaced. Also, Personal Conveyance and Yard Move events cannot be deleted. Confirming Carrier Edits If the carrier made any edits to your log on the Omnitracs XRS host website (for example, , Unassigned Vehicle Activity or carrier-initiated ELD exemptions), you must confirm or reject each edit. Drivers are notified of carrier edits once they have logged in, changed their status to On Duty, and associated to a vehicle. If edits arrive while the vehicle is in motion, drivers will be notified as soon as the vehicle is stationary. If there are team drivers, the drivers are notified immediately, even if the vehicle is in motion. To confirm carrier edits: 1. Log in to Omnitracs XRS Mobile, change your status to On Duty, and associate to a vehicle. You receive a message telling you that the carrier has made edits to your log and that you must confirm or reject the edits before you can continue. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 19 2. Select OK. The Review Carrier Edits screen appears, showing the edits that were made by the carrier. 3. Review each edit and select Confirm or Reject. If you reject an edit, you will be required to include a comment that explains the reason for rejecting the edit. You must be within Bluetooth range of the associated ELD vehicle for proposed carrier edits to be displayed. 4. When you have confirmed or rejected all edits, select Save. The changes are incorporated into your log and you return to the Mobile Dashboard. Certifying Logs As part of the ELD Mandate, drivers are required to certify their HOS logs at least once per 24hour period. 1. To certify your log, select the three-line menu button from the dashboard and select HOS from the fly-out menu. The HOS Log screen appears. If there are events waiting to be certified by the driver, the Certify tab on the HOS Log screen displays a red notification badge showing the number of uncertified days. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 20 2. Select the Certify tab. The screen displays log events for the selected date. If the events for the day are not yet certified, a Not Certified notice, indicated by a red X, appears at the top of the list. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 21 3. Select the Certify button. The HOS Log screen appears, asking you to certify that the log entries are true and correct for the designated 24-hour period. 4. Select Agree to certify your log. The Not Certified notification is replaced by a Certified notification, indicated by a white check mark. Select the left and right arrow buttons at the top of the screen to see logs for other days. If any of them need to be certified, repeat steps 34. Once you have certified all uncertified logs, the red notification next to the tab label disappears. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 22 If there are no events to be certified on a given day, a No Events notification (denoted with a white minus icon) appears at the top of the list of log events. Once all logs are certified, a Certification of Records event is added to the log. After you certify your logs, new events that occur within the 24-hour period must be certified again. Unassigned Vehicle Activity If you associate to an ELD vehicle within eight days of unassigned vehicle activity being recorded for that vehicle, the ELD must notify you of any unassigned driving segments that have been stored on the relay within those eight days. You receive this notification when you open your HOS Log screen; the message informs you that UVA exists and reminds you that you must confirm or reject all UVA before you can proceed. UVA is always presented to the driver on the mobile first. If you reject the UVA, it is sent back to the carrier, where it can be assigned to another driver. When a host user assigns UVA to a driver, it is sent to the assigned driver as an edit to their log, which they will then have to confirm or reject. When you receive notification of UVA: 1. Select Review Activity on the notification window. The Review Unassigned Driving Events screen appears, displaying all UVA for the vehicle for the past eight days. 2. Select Confirm or Reject for each unassigned driving event. Select the View Graph button if you want to see how the UVA would fit into your existing log. 3. When you are finished, select Save to add the confirmed UVA event(s) to your log. You return to the HOS Log screen and can see that the UVA has now been added to your log. Note: You cannot perform log edits or send an eRODS transfer as long as unreconciled UVA exists on the ELD. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 23 Once you have accepted the UVA, the Unidentified tab displays the details of the activity. Having the information on a separate tab makes it easier for law enforcement officials to view UVA when they are inspecting logs. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 24 Diagnostic and Malfunction Alerts The ELD Mandate requires that the ELD record and store relevant diagnostic and malfunction events and alert drivers when a diagnostic or malfunction event occurs. The relay detects and records the diagnostic and malfunction events for a minimum of eight days. Omnitracs XRS Mobile includes features that enable you to monitor and log diagnostics and malfunctions. When an ELD diagnostic fails or a malfunction is detected, Omnitracs XRS Mobile displays a red X (for malfunction) or orange exclamation point (for diagnostic) indicator on the right side of the status indicator bar on the Mobile Dashboard. Malfunction Indicator Diagnostic Indicator Malfunction and Diagnostic Indicators Depending on the nature of the Diagnostic or Malfunction event, the HOS Status values may change as well. You can select the indicator to open the Diagnostics and Malfunction screen, which lists any Diagnostic or Malfunction events that have been detected since login. Paper Log Mode Paper Log Mode (PLM) is triggered by any ELD Compliance Malfunction that is logged while the ELD is associated to a vehicle. When PLM is triggered, you immediately go into Paper Log Mode; you are not offered the option of doing so. When Paper Log Mode starts, you receive a message saying, There is an active ELD malfunction. You must keep paper logs until the malfunction clears. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 25 Select OK. When you return to the Mobile Dashboard, the values in the HOS Panel all read NA. When the malfunction that triggered the PLM has cleared, you are taken out of Paper Log Mode. You receive a message saying, ELD malfunction has cleared. You may resume use of the ELD as your Record of Duty Status. Select OK to return to the Mobile Dashboard. Sending eRODS to FMCSA As part of the ELD Mandate, drivers must be able to present safety officials with a copy of their Driver Logs for the past seven days upon request. Omnitracs XRS Mobiles eRODS File Transfer functionality allows drivers to do so using either Web Services or email. Drivers must be On Duty and within Bluetooth range of an associated vehicle to use this option, which is available from the HOS Options menu. From the HOS Log screen: 1. Select the three-dot menu in the upper right corner of the HOS Log screen. The three-dot menu appears. 2. From the three-dot menu, select ERODS File Transfer. The ERODS File Transfer screen appears. 3. Select the Web Services or Email field to choose a transfer method. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 26 4. Enter a comment in the Enter a Comment (Optional) field if you would like to record additional information. 5. Select Send. A message stating the ERODS file is being processed appears. 6. When the ERODS file transfer is complete, you receive a notification that the file was either sent successfully or that delivery failed. Important Note: eRODS transfer capability will be enabled when the FMCSA mechanisms are in place to receive the transfer file. In the interim, law enforcement personnel will use the HOS Inspection Mode display to review RODS. 2017 XRS Corporation, All rights reserved Page 27 For use with Omnitracs XRS Mobile 4.60 Android operating as an ELD Device O MNITR A C S X R S D RI VE R C A B CAR D ELD ID: XRSAN1 VIEW DRIVER LOGS Select the 3-line Menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen. 2 Select the HOS item on the menu to view the HOS Log screen. Select the Inspection Mode switch on the HOS Log screen to view detailed information about ELD events. 4 Select the Header tab to view a daily summary. Use the Header to view driver, carrier, distance, and other information. 1 3 2017 X R S C o rp o ra t i o n. A ll Ri g h t s Re se r v e d . XRS -9 8 1 8 MALFUNC TIONS AND DIAGNOSTICS If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. Power - An ELD must be powered and function within one minute of the vehicles engine receiving power and remain powered for as long as the vehicles engine stays powered. Engine Synchronization - An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle parameters. Timing - The ELD must cross-check its compliance with the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. Positioning - An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measured point. Data Recording - An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events. Data Transfer - An ELD must implement inservice monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly. Other - Any other ELD-detected malfunction such as Bluetooth, relay, etc. ERODS TR ANSFER the HOS Log screen, select the 1 From 3-dot menu, located in the top-right 2 Select ERODS File Transfer. The ERODS File Transfer screen appears. a Transfer Method, either Web 3 Select Services or Email. Select Send. 4 The message ERODS File is Being Processed by Omnitracs appears. If the transfer fails, the HOS Log screen display is considered a compliant secondary record. corner of the screen. 2017 X R S C o rp o ra t i o n. A ll Ri g h t s Re se r v e d . XRS - 9 8 18