User manual for "EXTENDED ROAD ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "EXTENDED ROAD ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Extended Road LLC.

Extended Road ELD takes care of your eet by
improving safety, increasing protability and
facilitating FMCSA compliance.


FMCSA-Approved Logbook

Hours of Service

User Levels

Roadside Inspection

Automatically logs
RODS, distance driven
and locations.
Supports federal and
intrastate HOS.

Control access levels
for drivers, fleet
managers, and
compliance officers.

Create a report that
officers can review on
your phoneno need
to print RODS.


Extra Features
Beyond ELD Compliance

Electronic DVIRs

IFTA Calculations

Vehicle Tracking

Easy-to-create and
submit driver vehicle
inspection reports.

IFTA miles per jurisdiction
are calculated
automatically, facilitating
tax reporting and avoiding
human error.

Provides full visibility of
the fleet in real-time
and records
location history.


Electronic Logging System
Hardware and Software

Electronic Logging

Electronic Logbook App

Online Portal

The ELD connects to
the vehicles ECM port
to record driving time
and distance

The logbook app syncs
with the ELD through
Bluetooth to display HOS
data on the drivers tablet
or smartphone.

Fleet managers can
monitor drivers RODS
and DVIRs and receive
alerts to prevent


ELD Setup
Ready to drive in minutes

1. Connect the hardware to the ECM port
Find your vehicles ECM (diagnostic) port and plug in the ELD device with the
appropriate cable. Mount the device on the dashboard.

2. Log into the electronic logbook app
Use the credentials provided to you by the eet manager to log into the app.

3. Synchronize the ELD Components
On the app, go to the list of available vehicles and choose yours. The app on your
device will then connect to the ELD hardware via Bluetooth or USB (if available). The
Bluetooth symbol at the top right corner will let you know the ELD is ready for use..


Records of Duty Status

Once the ELD is set up, movement at 5 mph or more will automatically switch the
drivers status to Driving.


When the vehicle is stopped, the duty status can be changed by tapping
the status circle. A reminder will be issued within 5 minutes. After that
time, if no selection is made, the app will switch the duty status to On
Note: While in Driving mode, the driver cannot access elog data due to safety reasons.

Current Status

Update Status

The status circle displays the
drivers current duty status and
remaining hours.

To change your status, tap circle and
select your current status. You can
add a note if necessary. Then, press

Manage Statuses
Insert a past duty status by
pressing + or use Pencil to
edit an existing one.


Driver Logbook
Manage logs with a few clicks

Current Shift
Tap on Todays log to
manage the log for the shift.

Go to the Events section and tap on
a status to review location and notes.

Certify Logs
At the end of the shift, tap
Certifyto sign your log.

DOT Mode
DOT Mode allows drivers to create an inspection
report or email logs with a single tap.

RODS Archive
Access logs from previous shifts. You
can also view past violations.

HOS Regulations
Check HOS Rules and Exceptions
on your app.


Fleet Manager Dashboard
Supervise compliance and everyday operations.

Current Status
Monitor all drivers statuses
and locations and access
individual details.

Monitor violations
and avoid compliance

Precongured Statuses
Set Personal Use Off-Duty and
Yard Move On-Duty as available
statuses for drivers.


Help your drivers achieve compliance
and boost productivity

Driver logs

HOS Rules


Access logs for the past
six months. Filter data
by driver or date to nd
it easily.

Drivers can nd applicable
HOS rules and exceptions
on the app to avoid
compliance issues.

Monitor violations in
real-time. Drivers
receive alerts for
potential violations.


© 2024

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.