User manual for "Contractors E Logs - MC4+"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Contractors E Logs - MC4+".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Contractor E-Logs Guide 1 Copyright 2020 P. 06 INTRODUCTION P. 07 DOWNLOAD THE APP P. 08 SIGNING IN P. 20 INSPECTIONS Access Your Profile P.9 Table of Contents P. 10 P. 21 DATA TRANSFER P. 22 DOCUMENTS P. 23 MESSAGES P. 24 REVISIONS FLYOUT MENU DASHBOARD SCREEN Selecting Duty Status Timers Suggested Edit Selecting Exceptions Unassigned Logs P. 12 TAB MENU P. 25 ACCOUNT P. 13 HOW TO SET A VEHICLE P. 26 SETTINGS P. 14 LOGS Paired Vehicle User Preferences This Device P. 15 REVISE LOGS P. 17 FORM P. 27 ADMINISTRATOR Overview E-Logs P. 18 SIGN P. 19 DVIR Driver Tab Sync Error New DVIR P. 29 MALFUNCTIONS Report Defects Save DVIR 1 2 Copyright Disclaimer The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Inc (the Company) reserves the right to revise, update, or modify the content of this manual without obligation on the part of the Company to provide notification of such revision or modification. While the Company has endeavored to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate and correct as of the publication date, the Company disclaims any responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the content of this manual. 2020 Inc. All rights reserved 3 4 INTRODUCTION In the crowded field of ELDs, it can be difficult to pick the right solution for your business. Contractor E-logs is designed for mixed fleets. It not only enables compliance, but also has numerous features that allow users to manage vehicle and equipment maintenance, dispatching, job costing, etc. We are always improving and enhancing the entire feature set to make sure our users have the latest in technology to meet their business needs. Additional information about the Contractors E-Logs app is available through the EquipmentShare Help Center and by contacting Track Support at [email protected] 5 6 HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE APP SIGNING IN Available on Google Play and the App Store. To sign in, the user can choose their email address or the ID provided by their company. Simply enter the email address or ID in the Username field followed by the password. Select Sign In to log into Contractors E-Logs app. Search and download from the App Store Search and download from Google Play Press Sign In when completed 7 8 FLYOUT MENU DASHBOARD SCREEN The Flyout Menu contains the ability to view and add documents, update account and device settings, and log out. The Dashboard screen allows a user to view their E-Logs activity for the day. The Current Duty Status is displayed and can be updated from selecting the current status. The logs are viewable as well as the Hours of Service (Driving, Shift, and Cycle) remaining. Edit and save a form, sign a log, and complete a DVIR from the Actions section of the Dashboard. After logging in, a user will see the Flyout Menu button on the top left of the screen. Top Left Menu Button Dashboard Screen 9 10 DASHBOARD SCREEN CONT. TAB MENU Selecting duty status A driver can select a duty status from the home screen. A prompt will confirm if a driver wishes to move to the selected duty status. Along the bottom of the Dashboard screen is a Tab Menu that enables the user to quickly navigate Home, Logs, Revisions, Inspections, and Messages. Timers The timers at the bottom of the screen will display the current HOS status for Driving, Shift and Cycle for the logged in driver. It will be accessible throughout the application session at the bottom of the screen, except when viewing options in the Flyout Menu. Selecting Exceptions A driver will select the appropriate exception by selecting the Duty Status tab from the main home view. 11 12 HOW TO PAIR A VEHICLE Pair Vehicle Button From the Dashboard, select Pair Vehicle. Select a vehicle from the nearby/suggested list. Click Set Vehicle. Your vehicle is connected and ready to log hours. LOGS To view logs, select the Logs icon from the Tab Menu. Users will see a list of logs, which they can click on to view log details. Click Set Vehicle and your vehicle will pair. 13 14 REVISE LOGS To revise logs, select Logs from the Tab Menu. Select the day for editing from the logs list. The current log, as well as Duty Status and Work Description, will display. REVISE LOGS CONT. NOTE: The Work Description is a display-only field on this screen and entered from the Duty Status screen. It is important to note that an edit to a Driving status will require an exception selected, or it will move that time to Unassigned Logs. Select Revise Time/Work to edit the Duty Status. Select the Duty Status for revising. 15 Complete the edits and click Save. 16 17 FORM SIGN To complete the log form, select Form, Sign, DVIR from Dashboard. Select the Form tab (across the top). The forms fields will be displayed. Enter all pertinent information and select Save to save the form to the log. To certify the logs, select Form, Sign, DVIR from Dashboard. Select Sign tab (across the top). Review the statement and select Sign Log. Use your finger to sign within the blank box, click Accept, then Save. 18 DVIR (DRIVER VEHICLE INSPECTION RECORD) INSPECTIONS New DVIR To create a DVIR, select Form, Sign, DVIR from Dashboard, and then select DVIR tab. Click New DVIR. To begin a roadside inspection, select Inspections from the Tab Menu of the Dashboard. The last 8 days of logs, including the current one, are stored directly on the device. Report Defects Select Report Defects for the vehicle and/or trailer if they exist. If they do not, select No Defects. Save DVIR Once reporting defects is finished, sign the DVIR, and click Save. Inspections Tab 19 20 DATA TRANSFER DOCUMENTS According to the ELD rule technical specifications, an ELD must electronically transfer data to an authorized safety official on demand via wireless web services and email. To start a transfer, select Inspections from the Tab Menu. Select Send Logs & Recap or Send ELD Output File. The driver will be prompted to enter an email address to send the current and last 8 days logs. If an internet connection cannot be established, select Inspections and pass the device to the safety official. To add a document, select Documents from the left Flyout Menu. Select New. New Button The document types available are: - Fuel Receipt - Bill of Lading - Scale Ticket - Citation - Accident Photo - Other 21 22 MESSAGES VIEW AND SEND REVISIONS Messages can be sent from the mobile and web application dispatch. To view messages, select Messages from the Tab Menu on the Dashboard. Type a message and click Send. Access Suggested Edit and Unassigned Logs by selecting Revisions from the Tab Menu of the Dashboard. Suggested Edit Edits suggested from an administrator will display for the users approval. Unassigned Logs Any unassigned drive time will appear here for review. Messages Tab 23 Revisions Tab 24 ACCOUNT Save Button Access device settings from the Flyout Menu and select Settings. To view and edit account information such as name, username, email address, and license number, select the Flyout Menu and then Account, or from the Dashboard, select the Profile icon (top right). Make changes and select Save. 25 SETTINGS Paired Vehicle A vehicle can be paired by selecting Set Vehicle and selecting a nearby vehicle or use the search functionality. The Push To Drive feature enables the devices GPS to sync with assets based on location. User Preferences The user can choose to change the app display from Light (default) to Dark by selecting Display Mode. This Device The devices ID, notification ID, and app version can all be found within the This Device section. 26 ADMINISTRATOR ADMINISTRATOR CONT. Overview Selected Drivers Tab Selected Overview Within the web application, there is an overview showing the status of drivers and logs. Driver Tab From the Driver tab an administrator can add drivers, edit driver settings, and view current duty status of each driver. E-Logs Selected E-Logs By selecting ELogs, the administrator can see all logs in date order with the errors or violations. 27 Sync Error If the truck ELD is experiencing a sync error, it will display on the map as out of lock with the icon in the image on the right. The logs will be uploaded correctly as soon as connection is reestablished. In the case of a sync error, the driver should start to keep paper logs until the connection is restored. Out of Lock Icon 28 29 MALFUNCTIONS MALFUNCTIONS CONT. Malfunctions will be displayed in a visible banner at the top of the app. In the event of any malfunction follow these procedures. Power There is a power issue with the hardware. It is possible that the device is not connected. Timing There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle. 1. Identify if manual entries can be entered into the tablet interface. If so, then enter each duty change and location (if applicable) into the tablet interface. Positioning The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more. Data recording The device cannot retrieve recorded logs. Engine Synchronization The mobile device has lost connectivity to the MC4 vehicle device for over 30 minutes. 2. If the tablet is inaccessible, then keep RODS on an approved form for the duration of the malfunction. 3. In all malfunction events, notify your carrier within 24 hours in writing. 30 833-37-TRACK [email protected] 02 31 03 05