User manual for "TRUE ROAD ELOGS"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "TRUE ROAD ELOGS".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page True Road Elogs.


Table of Contents

ELD Installation .... 3
Online Fleet Manager Portal .... 4
Logs Features ...... 5
Electronic Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports .... 6
Recording Logs Offline ..... 8


ELD Installation


Identify the ECM Port:
Locate the ECM (diagnostic) port on your truck.
Identify the appropriate cable based on your vehicle type:
- Heavy-duty vehicles typically have 9- or 6-pin circular ports.
- Light or medium-duty vehicles usually have an OBDII port.
Install the Hardware:
Connect the ELD device to the ECM port using the provided
Mount the device on the dashboard, ensuring it is visible to the
driver while seated and from outside the vehicle.
Log into the Mobile App:

Download the mobile app onto your mobile device.
Use the credentials provided by your eet manager to log in.
Select your vehicle from the list of available options in the
Allow the Bluetooth connection to establish with the
hardware, enabling the recording of driving time, miles, and

Online Fleet Manager Portal


Sign in into portal:
Go to your preferred browser, enter the portal URL, and use your
credentials to sign in.
Company Information:
Provide necessary company details in the company settings
Portal Users:
Create user accounts for eet managers and administrators with
unique usernames and passwords.
Driver and Vehicle Details:
Enter driver and vehicle information, including names, contact
details, and vehicle specications.

Logs Features


Go to the Main Menu to
access all the features and
functionalities related to your

Available Hours and
Required Breaks

Records of Duty Status

Roadside Inspection

Inter-and Intrastate HOS

Electronic Driver Vehicle
Inspection Reports

Create a new inspection

Access the Menu and go
to DVIR.

Tap the plus sign to initiate
a new inspection report. A
list of vehicle components
will be presented.

Mark the checkbox for any
components with detected

Provide general notes in
the Remarks section.

When nished, tap the
Sign button to nalize the
report. The report will be
saved in the DVIR history


Electronic Driver Vehicle
Inspection Reports


Edit a report:

From the DVIR History,
select the report you wish
to modify.

Click on the "..." button.

Choose the Edit option to
make necessary changes.

Delete a report:

From the DVIR History,
select the report you want
to delete.

Click on the "..." button.

Select the Remove option
and conrm your choice.

Recording Logs Offline


If your device temporarily loses internet connectivity, the app will
automatically switch to offline mode. You will receive a notication
at the top of the screen indicating the switch.
Even in offline mode, the ELD is fully capable of accurately
recording the log data.
Any logs recorded while offline will automatically synchronize with
the server as soon as your device reconnects to the internet.
To manually initiate data synchronization with the server, press
the "Sync" icon located in the action bar.
Normally, data is sent immediately from the device to the ELD
provider server when the device has a reliable internet
connection, such as good cellular coverage or Wi-Fi.

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