User manual for "24HOS ELD / iOS"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "24HOS ELD / iOS".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page 24HOS ELD.

For Apple iOS Devices

Table of


Log in/Log out


Team Driving


Home Screen


Connecting to Truck


Malfunctions and Data Inconsistencies


Additional Menu




Fuel Recepts & IFTA




Status Switch


Personal Use


Yard Move




DOT Inspection & Data Transfer


Driver Vehicle Inspection Report














vehicles are obliged to log their driving history using Electronic Logging Devices

Responding to the needs of the industry, our team has developed the 24HOS ELD
app  an all-in-one mobile elog designed to take your driving experience to a













displays engine diagnostics, driver status changes, provides GPS tracking, and
more, helping to create a safer and more productive environment. It also assists












passing DOT inspections, and transferring data to the safety officials for simple
and affordable FMCSA compliance.

Rely on the 24HOS ELD app to stay on top of your performance!

Log in/Log Out

In the Google Play Store for Android devices or the iOS
App Store for Apple devices, search for 24HOS ELD.











button and wait until the software is downloaded into
your device. Open the app and accept the permissions
if asked. 

To set up the 24HOS ELD app for the first time, you
need to either register a new account, or log in with
your personal User Login and User Password. You can
also use Face ID/Touch ID to enter the app.

Please note that each User Login and User Password














login data, please contact your fleet manager or motor


Log in/Log Out

In case you want to log out of the 24HOS ELD app, you need to check if the Upload
Queue in the Settings menu is empty. If not, please re-check your internet
connection and wait until all the data is transferred. Only after that, you can log out
of the app.

You should also log out of the app installed on your current device if you want to
use the same app on another device. Being logged into two different devices
simultaneously will lead to an unavoidable data loss.

Team Driving

If you drive in a team, you can also use the 24HOS ELD
app to log your working hours and duty statuses. To
do so, all drivers operating the same vehicle are
obliged to be logged in to the same app installed on
the same device simultaneously.

Please note that using two or more devices at the
same time is prohibited (for both single or team
drivers) as it will lead to unavoidable data loss. 

To get started, the First driver should log in to the app
with their personal User Login and User Password as it
was described in a previous paragraph. The Second
driver should tap the Co-drivers icon in the top right
corner of the Home Screen and enter their User Login
and User Password in the Co-driver Login field. 

After that, both drivers will be able to use the app by
switching the viewing perspective with the help of the
Co-drivers icon.


Home Screen
Once successfully logged in to the 24HOS ELD app, you will see the main Hours of
Service screen with the following items:

1. Malfunctions and data
inconsistencies icon shows if there
are any issues with a track or ELD.

2. Truck icon shows track to PT30

3. Flag icon shows the rules of which
country you are following at the

4. Name icon shows the name of the
driver whose working hours are
counting at the moment.

5. Co-driver icon allows to switch a

6. Notifications.

7. Track speed.

8. Available driving time.

9. Current status.

10. Status switch menu.

11. HOS counter.

12. HOS menu icon.

13. Log menu icon.

14. DOT inspection menu icon.

15. DVIR menu icon.

16. Additional Menu icon.


Connecting to Truck
To connect your 24HOS ELD app with your truck, make
sure that the ELD device is correctly plugged into your
truck as described in the Hardware Manual. 

If everything is OK, you need to turn on the Bluetooth
on your smartphone or tablet, open the app, and tap
the Truck icon at the top of the Home Screen. The app
will scan all the nearby trucks for the ELD device
presence and show them as a list. Choose your truck
and the ELD by the serial number from the list and set
up a connection with one click.

The Green Truck icon at the top of the app screen
means that the truck is connected and the system is in
ELD mode. The Red Truck icon means that the
connection was lost and it is required to be restored.


Malfunctions and Data Inconsistencies
As per FMCSA requirements, each ELD device must monitor its compliance with
the ELD technical standards and detect malfunctions and data inconsistencies.
The ELD output will identify these data diagnostic and malfunction events and their
status as either "detected" or "cleared."

If there are any malfunctions or data diagnostic issues detected, the M/D icon at
the top of the app screen will change its color from green to red. The red M letter
will signal a malfunction, and the red D letter will indicate a data inconsistency.

According to FMCSA requirements (49 CFR  395.34 ELD malfunctions and data
diagnostic events), in the case of an ELD malfunction, a driver must do the

1. Note the malfunction of the ELD and provide written notice of the malfunction to
the motor carrier within 24 hours.

2. Reconstruct the record of duty status for the current 24-hour period and the
previous 7 consecutive days, and record the records of duty status on graph-grid
paper logs that comply with 395.8, unless the driver already possesses the
records or the records are retrievable from the ELD.

3. Continue to manually prepare a record of duty status in accordance with  395.8
until the ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance with this subpart. 

Note: If you are facing any issues during the DOT inspection, please be ready to
provide the manually kept and filled RODS (records of duty status) to the roadside


Malfunctions and Data Inconsistencies
Engine Synchronization  no connection to the Engine Control Module (ECM).
Contact the motor carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored. Check and
correct the logs if needed, and restart the engine after that.

Positioning Compliance  no valid GPS signal. Can be fixed automatically by
restoring the GPS signal.

Data Recording Compliance  device's storage is full. Delete some unnecessary
files from your smartphone or tablet to provide at least 5 MB of free space.

Unregistered Odometer Change  odometer readings changed when a vehicle was
not moving. Recheck the odometer data in the app or contact the motor carrier.

Timing compliance  ELD provides an incorrect timeframe for the events. Contact
the motor carrier or the 24HOS ELD support team.

Power compliance  occur when an ELD is not powered for an aggregated inmotion driving time of 30 minutes or more over a 24-hour period across all driver
profiles. Can be fixed automatically when aggregated in-motion driving time will be
less than 30 minutes in 24-hour period


Malfunctions and Data Inconsistencies
Data diagnostic events:
Engine synchronization  ECM to ELD connection is lost. Contact the motor
carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored.

Missing data elements  a temporary or permanent loss of the GPS/Internet
connection or the ECM disconnection. Reconnect and reload the ELD device.

Unidentified driving records  unidentified driving lasts more than 30 minutes.
Manage unidentified events until their duration drops to 15 minutes or less during a
24-hour period.

Data transfer  driving data cannot be transferred to the FMCSA server. Contact
the motor carrier or the 24HOS ELD support team.

Power data diagnostic  The Engine was started while the device was off, and the
ELD took more than 60 seconds to power up after turning the engine on. Can be
fixed automatically once ELD is turned on or contact the motor carrier.

If you still have any questions regarding ELD malfunctions or data inconsistencies,
please contact the 24HOS ELD support team via: phone: +13853424411 or email:
[email protected] 


Additional Menu
To open the Additional Menu click the three dots icon
in the bottom right corner of the Home Screen. Here
you will find some extra options, including:

1. Drivers settings and personal info. Can be added or

2. Rules. Here you can select and configure the HOS
ruleset for the country in which you are operating.

3. IFTA. Allows managing your fuel purchases.

4. Truck. Allows to set and manage truck to ELD

5. Truck Settings. Shows truck odometer data.

6. Messages. Keeps you in contact with fleet
managers and a motor carrier.

7. Contact Support. Opens a chat with the 24HOS ELD
support team.

8. Setting. Contains general app settings.

9. FAQ.

10. Log Out.


Open the Rules menu if you want to check or change
your current country's rules (from the USA to Canada
or vice versa). 

Here you can also see the HOS timing according to the
ruleset you choose.


Fuel Receipts & IFTA
24HOS ELD users are able to add Fuel Receipts for their fuel purchases using the
IFTA menu. This option allows drivers and fleet managers to keep track of all fuel
purchases for their fleet, maintaining vehicle records acceptable for IFTA and IRP
auditing. Fuel receipts are accessible from the Additional menu > IFTA.


The Settings menu provides access to the basic app
settings. Tap the Current driver or Co-driver (if you
work in a team) section to check, change, or edit the
drivers personal data.

The Settings allow you to customize your 24HOS ELD
app and choose a Preferred Distance Unit, a Graph
Clock Display, and enable or disable additional options
such as Regain Hours at Midnight, Load Board, and

Here you can also update signatures, upload logs,
change the app theme, check the app version, set up
Face ID or Touch ID, log out of the app, and more. The
Settings menu is accessible from the Additional menu
> Settings.


Status Switch

The Status Switch interface allows drivers to change
their statuses during a shift. The list of drivers
statuses includes Driving, On Duty, Off Duty, Sleeping
Berth, and Border Crossing. 

The Driving status is recorded automatically 3-10
seconds after a vehicle starts moving. When the
driving ends, you should stop, wait 3-10 seconds until
the ELD device recognizes the end of the Driving event
and the Status Switch interface becomes active again.
Only after that can you turn off the engine.

Please do not turn off the engine before the ELD
device recognizes the end of the Driving event. In such
a case, you may get stuck in the Driving status and
corrupt your logs recording. If this has already
happened, you need to turn on the engine again, wait
for the end of the Driving event to be recognized, and
change the status to the one you need. 

The 24HOS ELD app allows drivers to use manually
added events like Personal Use and Yard Move. One
can add comments, shipping documents, and trailers
to any event. Manually added events should also be
followed with the odometer readings. 


Personal Use, Yard Move

To go for the Personal Use status,

To go for the Yard Move status,

open the Status Switch interface

open the Status Switch interface

and choose the Off-Duty status.

and choose the On-Duty status.

After that, you will see a field for a

After that, you will see a field for a

comment where you can specify

comment where you can specify

that you are in the Personal Use

that you are in the Yard Move

status now.

status now.

To change the status you should

To change the status you should

tap the Clear button, add a

tap the Clear button, add a

corresponding comment, and tap

corresponding comment, and tap




Open the Log menu to see the Log Form with all the
details regarding a driver, vehicle, and carrier. The Log
Graphs provide a graphical representation of the
drivers status switches and hours of service during a
shift. Navigate between the dates with the help of the
<> button. 

Use the Add Event button to add a missing event to
your logs. Use the Pencil button to edit existing events
in your logs. 

Both adding and editing options are legally allowed by
the FMCSA regulations. Nevertheless, those are not
for everyday use but rather for situations, when the
data was entered incorrectly or by mistake.


DOT Inspection & Data Transfer

The DOT Inspection menu provides summaries of all the collected data regarding a
driver, truck, and trip. You may also use this menu to transfer the data to FMCSA
during the DOT inspection, certify your logs, or view unidentified records.

Tap the Start Inspection button and check if your logs are ready to be transferred to
the safety officials. If everything is OK, tap the Transfer Data to Roadside Inspector
button and choose the method of sending your logs:

send it to the Web Services (FMCSA);
send it to the FMCSA email;
send it to the personal email (provided by the inspector).

If you select personal email, you need to enter the recipient's address, add a
comment, and choose a reporting period. The reporting period will vary depending
on the rules of the country in which you operate.


Driver Vehicle Inspection Report
To stay compliant with the FMCSA regulations, every driver of a commercial motor
vehicle is obliged to complete the Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) on a
daily basis.

To complete the report, open the DVIR menu and tap the Add a Report. Here you
can also find all the reports that were created previously.

For the new DVIR report, you need to enter your location (downloaded
automatically), choose your truck or trailer, enter the truck and odometer number,
and finally specify the truck and trailer defects if there are any. Leave a comment
and point out if the vehicle you currently operate is safe for driving or not.


© 2025

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.