User manual for "MT Eld"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "MT Eld".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page MT ELD INC.

User Manual  MT ELD
UPDATE: 06/01/2023

ELD Mandate Overview
It is important to know that ELDs do not fully automate driver logs. For example, drivers still
have to manually set their duty statuses to Off Duty, Sleeper Berth, and so on. They also
have to manually certify their records. The ELD is a tool to simplify the process of data
collection for a drivers logs.
The MT ELD connector allows your vehicle to communicate with the MT ELD app over a wireless
connection. To support compliance with the FMCSAs ELD mandate, it automates the collection
of the following data items:

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) - it is used to automatically associate your records
with a specific vehicle. If you move your MT ELD to a different vehicle, it will
automatically read the new VIN and use the new VIN in your logs.

Odometer mileage - it is used to automatically fill-in fields in your driver logs.

Engine hours - it is used to automatically fill-in fields in your driver logs.

Engine on/off status - it is used as triggers to automatically record events. A record will
be automatically added to the ELDs logs when the engine is turned on or turned off.

Vehicle in-motion status - it is used as triggers to automatically record events. A record
will be automatically added to the ELDs logs when the engine is turned on or turned
off. When the vehicles wheel speed exceeds 5mph, a duty status of Driving will be
automatically recorded. If the vehicle is no longer in motion, the
ELD will automatically record a duty status change to On Duty Not Driving after 6
minutes if the driver does not manually change their duty status. When the ELD
adapter detects that the vehicle is in motion, the time must be recorded as either
driving, personal use of the commercial vehicle, or a yard move. The time when the
vehicle is in motion cannot be shortened or reassigned to a status of Off Duty,
Sleeper Berth, or On Duty Not Driving

Location - it is used to automatically fill-in fields in your driver logs

Your records are collected and stored in a database on your smartphone or tablet with the MT
ELD app. However, the MT ELD (model: BA9000) has internal memory to store events when not

connected to the MT ELD app. These records will be associated with the Unidentified Driver
account and will be visible to all drivers of that vehicle on the main page of the MT ELD app.

Installing the ELD Run App on your Phone or Tablet
Install the MT ELD application from Google Play or Apple Store on both Android and iOS
devices. Using your android device, go the Play Store and search for MT ELD.

Setting Up a New Account
After downloading and opening the app, the login screen is open. To create a new account,
press create account at the bottom of the screen. Enter all the required information.
When you sign up for your account, the administrator for the carrier will be notified and accept
you to the carriers team. Once accepted, you will have access to all of that carriers fleet of
vehicles and can select from those vehicles for the days work.

When you sign up for your account, the administrator for the carrier will be notify
Note: Driver account can also be created from MT ELD web application

Login using your unique Driver ID or your email and your password.
If you forget your password, press forgot password option. Forgot password page opens. Enter
your email and press Reset password button. Password reset link will be sent on your email

Note: If a motor carrier configures a driver account as exempt from ELD use, the MT ELD will
advise the driver of this during the login / logout process.

Select vehicle
After successfully login, Logs page is open. On this page, press No vehicle option to open
Select vehicle page. Select vehicle from the vehicles list. You can only select vehicle that is not
used by other driver (marked with a green circle).
Note: When using the MT ELD to record your drive time, remember to disconnect from the ELD
when you are finished driving for the day. This is the best way to ensure that other drivers will
be able to connect to the vehicle and that the drive time recorded by the ELD appears on the
appropriate drivers logs. To release vehicle, select Release Vehicle button after which this
vehicle can be used by another driver.

The ELD Diagnostics feature is a useful tool that allows drivers to view the properties of the ELD
device installed in their vehicle. Once you have selected vehicle, you can access this feature
from Select vehicle page, pressing the


The ELD Diagnostics screen will appear, displaying various attributes of the MT ELD device and
selected vehicle that may be useful when contacting MT ELD Support.

Change your current duty status
On the main Logs screen, tap Current status bar. Update current duty status page opens. Select
duty status and enter required fields.
Duty status options are:


Driving - This option changes the activity to Driving status and the Driver Log begins to
record the driving time. It can be started manually or automatically (If the driver begins
driving the truck without changing the status, the MT ELD device will sense the movement.
After exceeding five miles per hour, the status will automatically change to Driving)

On Duty (Not Driving) - After logging on for the first time that day, the driver selects this
button to indicate the beginning of a shift. A Start of Day note is made in the logs.

Off Duty - Moves the driver status to off duty for any type of break except time in the
sleeper berth. To begin recording on duty activities again, the driver must select a different

Sleeper Berth - This option changes the driver status to Sleeper Berth for off-duty time
during longer shifts. According to FMCSA Regulations, drivers on long shifts must have
specific break and rest times.

When the MT ELD gateway is able to obtain a valid GPS fix, the Location field will be
automatically populated with the current location information of the user. If there is no GPS fix,
the Location field will remain blank, in this instance and you must manually input the relevant

From this screen, driver also has the option to choose one of the special driving conditions:

Personal Conveyance - If personal conveyance is selected, the status will be set to Off Duty
automatically and will disable the other options. Selection of this option will be recorded
within the events history.

Yard Move - If Yard move is selected, the status will be set to On Duty automatically and
will disable the other options. Selection of this option will be recorded within the events

Note: You will only see the Yard Moves and Personal Use of a CMV option if the Fleet Manager
has allowed these options from the MT ELD web application.

If the driver begins driving the truck without changing the status and after exceeding five miles
per hour, the duty status will automatically change to Driving. When duty status is changed to
Driving, then new screen opens with clock at the center of the screen that displays remaining
drive time. When using MT ELD app to record your hours of services at night, you can use night
mode feature to darken the background of the screen.
When the truck stops, the driver can change to a non-driving status. If there is no change within
five minutes, a prompt displays for the driver to change the status. If the driver does not
respond to the prompt within one minute, the status automatically changes to On Duty (Not

The ELD Run app allows drivers enabled for ELD mode to select Personal Conveyance (Off Duty Driving) for Driving Events that should not be appearing as Driving on their record of duty
status. Personal Conveyance must be selected before the Driving Event is recorded by the ELD.
On the main Logs screen, tap Current status bar. Update current duty status page opens and
select Personal Conveyance from the special driving categories. When personal conveyance is
selected, the status will be set to Off Duty automatically and will disable the other options. You
may also add notes in the Notes field to explain the purpose of selecting Personal Conveyance
and press the SAVE button.

On the main page, a green bar will appear that indicates Personal Conveyance is enabled. When
vehicle is in motion, you will see that the Driving Event is being recorded as Personal
Personal Conveyance duty status event in log graph is represented like Off Duty event, but with
dotted line and different color.

When vehicle stops, you can manually change your duty status by tapping and selecting one of
the alternate duty statuses listed. You can also disable yourself from Personal Conveyance. If
driver, dont change duty status manually it will be automatically changed to Off Duty. Also,
popup dialog will be shown, asking the driver if he wants to continue to use this special driving
Note: When vehicle is used for personal conveyance, vehicle miles and engine hours will be
omitted for all recorded events, except for Power On and Shut Down events. Also, location will be
generated at a lower precision level.

The MT ELD app allows drivers enabled for ELD mode to select Yard Move (On Duty - Driving)
for Driving Events that should not be appearing as Driving on their record of duty status. Yard
move is designed for those moments when youre moving your truck, but youre not really
driving. An example of this is when youve been asked to move a few meters in a parking lot

or youre picking up a load and you need to get a bit closer to the loading dock. Yard Move must
be selected before the Driving Event is recorded by the ELD.
On the main Logs screen, tap Current status bar. Update current duty status page opens and
select Yard Move from the special driving categories. When yard move is selected, the status
will be set to On Duty automatically and will disable the other options.

You may also add notes in the Notes field to explain the purpose of selecting Yard Move and
press the SAVE button.
On the main page, a green bar will appear that indicates Yard Move is enabled. When vehicle is
in motion, you will see that the Driving Event is being recorded as Yard Move. Yard Move duty
status event in log graph is represented like On Duty event, but with dotted line and different

When vehicle stops, you can manually change your duty status by tapping and selecting one of
the alternate duty statuses listed. You can also disable yourself from Yard Move driving
scenario. If driver, dont change duty status manually it will be automatically changed to On

Edit a past duty status
On the main Logs screen, select the day you want to change. Select Log tab and choose duty
status that you want to edit. From the Edit duty status page you can set Start and End time by
selecting appropriate fields and choose time from Set time dialog. To change duty status, select
OFF DUTY, SLEEPER or ON DUTY buttons. To change location, tap on Location field and enter
new location. Location must contain minimum 5 characters. To finish editing duty status event,
you have to enter a note, explaining the reason of editing. To add notes, tap on Notes field and
enter minimum 4 characters. After making appropriate changes, press SAVE to finish. Your log
graph will display the new changes.
Note: ELD driving events CANNOT BE EDITED. In addition, any other duty status edit that would
cause any subsequent reduction of recorded Driving time is not permitted.

Same steps like editing past duty status are included when you want to insert a past duty status.
After edit page is opened, to insert a duty status into the selected duty status event, press the +
button at the bottom right corner of the screen and select duty status that you want to insert,
choose start and end time, add location and notes and press SAVE to finish, after which log
graph will display the new changes.

The ELD Run App allows drivers to reclassify the recorded driving period as Personal
Conveyance or Yard Move and vice versa, but these special driving categories should be allowed
from fleet manager.

On the main Logs screen, select the day that you would like to reclassify Driving as Personal
Conveyance or Yard Move. Select the Driving period from the Log Event List below the Log
Graph. Youll be able to reclassify Driving as Personal Conveyance or Yard Move. You may also
add notes in the Notes field to explain the purpose of reclassifying your duty status.

Tap SAVE button to finish. Your log graph will display the new changes.

If your device is temporarily off-line, the app will switch to off-line mode. You will receive a
notification at the bottom of the screen. Even in off-line mode, you can still edit duty status and
make log changes. These changes will sync as soon as you go online again. You can press the
Sync icon in the action bar to try to manually synchronize data with the Server.
Data is sent immediately to the Motor Carriers server from the device when the device has an
internet connection (good cell coverage or Wi-Fi. However, if the internet connection is poor,
the information may not make it to the server.


When this occurs, an Un-sync status icon will appear instead of Sync icon. This indicates
a failure to synchronize with the server. This icon will also appear when there is no internet
connection and the device has records that need to be sent to the server.

The driver can manually initiate the synchronization process by tapping on the Sync icon
from the action bar. If it is successful, then the exclamation icon will disappear.

Create a Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
The DVIR feature provides a way for you to create online vehicle DVIR reports (Vehicle
Inspection Report) while in the field. This helps to ensure that your vehicle confirms to the
FMCSAs safety regulations.
On the main Logs screen, you can check if a DVIR is already created or not. Next to the wrench
icon you can see 3 statuses: No DVIR, No Defects, or number of Defects. If you want to add DVIR
first select the day for which you want to create the report. Select DVIR tab and press plus
button at the bottom. New DVIR page opens. At the General tab, add all required fields and
select type of DVIR that will be created:

Pre-trip: A DVIR conducted before driving the CMV
Post-trip: A DVIR conducted after driving a CMV
Other: Any DVIR conducted in any other period that the ones specified in points a & b
At the Vehicle tab you can add / remove vehicle defects. Choose the defects that apply from the
available options on the Vehicle Defects screen.

Select the tab Sign to sign the DVIR. Tap the Sign DVIR button to electronically sign the report.
Enter your signature in the marked field on the Sign DVIR screen and click Done. After you sign
it tap Save.

When you return to the main DVIR tab, on the selected Log, the inspection report that you have
created will be shown. Also, on the main Logs screen, the Wrench icon will reflect the changes
made, i.e., if you have reported 2 defects, it will change from No DVIR to 2 Defects.

Change Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
In this section you can edit and change the vehicle inspection report.

If you want to make a change to your inspection report, you can edit it. Tap the Edit icon
(pencil) to open the Edit DVIR screen. You can change the general info on the General tab, or
you can edit defects on the Vehicle tab. Tap Save to finish.

If you want to delete a report tap the Delete icon (trash can) on the DVIR tab. A pop-up window
will appear to confirm if you want to delete the report.

Sign your Logs
Drivers are responsible for signing (certifying) their day logs for every 24 hour period. If they, or
their fleet managers make any edits to the information that is already signed, they will need to
recertify the logs again.
From the main Logs screen, tap the day you want to sign. Select the Sign tab on top. Select Sign
log button and enter your signature with the finger. Press Agree to finish.
Note: Driver can only sign log if all information is filled in FORM section

Note: Driver certification of the daily logs is REQUIRED BY LAW. If there any records that need
certification or recertification, the ELD Run app will indicate the required action by the driver
when logged-in or logged-out.
If the driver has not certified all the daily logs, the ELD will prompt the driver regarding noncertified logs upon logging-in or logging-out from the app.

HOS recap
From the main menu, select Hos recap to bring up the recap information and corresponding
cycle data for the specified duty day.
On this screen you can see complete recap for the last 7 days including current day with total
on-duty hours (On duty & Driving Hours). If you want to see details about some specific day,
select the day from the given list and HOS details dialog will appear. All cycle restarts during
these days will be included in the recap.
ELD Run allows drivers to view how many hours they have left in their Hours of Services. At the
top of the screen four clocks are shown, which automatically calculate your break, drive, shift
and cycle time from your log information.

The BREAK clock shows the time left until you need to take a 30-minute rest break;

The DRIVE clock shows the time left until youre driving limit is reached;

The SHIFT clock shows the time left until your shift ends;

The CYCLE clock shows the time left in your 60- or 70-hour cycle.

Below four clocks, you can see:

Hours worked today;

Total hours since last restart;

Allow for an officer to inspect your logs
The Inspection logs feature provides the ability to view the driver daily logs for current 24-hour
period and the past one week. It includes all of the information necessary for a safety
inspection, like vehicle used, shipments, all types of events, including unidentified driving
events esc.
From the main menu, select Inspect Logs. This will allow the officer to inspect your logs directly
from the device, tap Begin inspection button and hand your phone to the DOT officer.

If for some reason the inspector needs logs more than 8 days old, the carrier can provide this
data by logging into the web portal at

Send logs
The drivers ELD records can be transmitted to an enforcement agent, or to a personal email,
through selection of the Send logs option from the main menu button inside the ELD menu.

To send your logs to a personal email in word format press button Send logs. On this way,
you will send 8 logs (for current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days). If you
want to send specific log, from the main Logs screen select the day that you want to send
(select checkbox) and press on message icon which is shown at the top of the screen.

To send your logs to an officer, from the main menu, press button Send output file and
choose one of the given options (Send email or send with web services). The ELD output file
transferred is encrypted using AES-256. Before sending, the driver can enter output file
comment which is optional. Maximum number of characters that can be entered in the
comment is 60.

Violations and warnings
The ELD Run app alerts you on potential and active violations and gives warnings about missing
logs data. On the main logs screen, the red exclamation icon indicates that your log has a HOS
violation or gives a Form or Certification warning.

The HOS Violations are listed below the log-graph. Tap on the violation to check the details.
The HOS Violations include: Cycle, Shift, Driving and Break Violations.

Hours of service violations are the number one cited violation during roadside inspections. Its
the principal reason for the ELD mandate, which requires commercial drivers keeping a Record
of Duty Status to switch from paper logs to an electronic logging device by December 2017.
Avoiding these violations is easy if you know the HOS rules, but many drivers and fleet
managers are misinformed. Main HOS Rules to avoid violations are:

Know your cycle: Driving cycles depend on how many days of the week your carrier
operates. If your carrier operates every day of the week, you are eligible to operate under
the 70-hours/8-days cycle, which limits a driver to 70 hrs on-duty over any 8-days period. If
your carrier operates for fewer than 7 days in a week, you are eligible to operate under the
60-hours/7-days cycle, which limits a driver to 60 on-duty hours over any 7-days window.

Restarting your drive cycle: If you want to completely refresh your driving cycle, you must
take 34 consecutive hours off-duty and/or Sleeper Berth time. The 34-hour restart has
undergone recent changes over the past year, but this is the most up to date requirement
for a restart and the only one you need to know.

The 14-hour rule: When a driver comes on-duty after taking at least 10 consecutive hours
off-duty, he or she has a 14-hour window to complete driving for the day. Although driving is
not permitted after the 14th hour, other work-related tasks may still be performed.

The 11-hour rule: Within the 14-hour driving window, you are allowed to drive a maximum
of 11 hours.

The 30-minute break: No driving is allowed after any 8-hour on-duty period (On Duty or
Driving) until a driver has taken the mandatory 30-minute off-duty break.

The 10-hour break: If time on the 11-hour or 14-hour clock has expired, the driver must
take at least 10 consecutive hours in Off Duty and/or Sleeper Berth status to reset those

Split sleeper berth: The split sleeper berth allows drivers to split the required 10 hour offduty break into two shifts. One of those shifts must be between 8-10 hours, spent entirely
in the sleeper. The second shift can be between 2-8 hours and completed in the sleeper
berth, off-duty, or as a combination of sleeper berth and off-duty. Regardless

of the order in which a driver takes these breaks, successful completion of both will give the
driver a new 11-hour drive time and 14-hour driving window, which begins after completion
of the first qualifying break.
These seven rules cover the major HOS rules for property carrying vehicles. Familiarizing
yourself with the HOS basics can help you avoid fines and keep your fleet out of trouble.

There are many different exemptions and exceptions that extend or change main HOS rules. MT
ELD app allows use of the following exemptions.

The 16-hour short-haul exception allows drivers on US 70/8 or US 60/7 cycles to extend their
14-hour window by 2 hours every week. To be able to take the short-haul exception, this
exception must be enabled in logs settings.
On the main Logs screen, select the day that when you would like to take the Short-Haul
exception. Select Take 16 Hour Exception from the action bar menu. You can see the 16 Hour
Short Haul Exception below the log graph.
You can also reject the short-haul exception. To reject the exception, select Reject 16 Hour
Exception from the action bar menu.
Note: Drivers can have 16-hour short-haul exception once per cycle. You will only see the option
for short-haul exception if you have not used this 16-hour exception in the previous 6 consecutive
days (unless you have utilized the 34-hour break to restart your weekly cycle).

Adverse Driving Conditions Exception extends the driving limit / ON-Duty limit by up to 2 hours
due to unforeseen driving conditions. This exception is allowed for all drivers.

The FMCSA defines adverse driving conditions as: snow, sleet, fog, other adverse weather
conditions, a highway covered with snow or ice, or unusual road and traffic conditions, none of
which were apparent on the basis of information known to the person dispatching the run at
the time it was begun. So, while this may include an unexpected snow storm or a traffic delay
due to a crash, it doesnt include time sitting in traffic due to normal, rush hour congestion.
If any of the conditions described above exist, drivers may continue driving until the intended
destination is reached or until they are able to safely reach a secure location, but for no more
than two extra hours.
It is important that drivers note their log when using the exemption. They must also provide as
much detail as possible.
On the main Logs screen, select the day that when you would like to take the Adverse Driving
Conditions exception. Select Take Adverse Driving Exception from the action bar menu. You
can see the Adverse Driving Exception below the log graph.
You can also reject the Adverse Driving exception. To reject the exception, select Reject
Adverse Driving Exception from the action bar menu.

Drivers in oil-well transportation service can use time spent waiting at oil well site as OFF-Duty
time or to satisfy the 30-minute break. To be able to take the Wellsite Wait Time exception, this
exception must be enabled in logs settings.
On the main Logs screen, select current status. Update current duty status page opens. From
here, select Waiting time, which automatically set duty status to off duty. Add Location if it is
not automatically entered by the system, add notes and press SAVE to finish.

From the main Logs screen, select the day you would like to view with the red exclamation. A
red exclamation on the Form tab indicates that you are missing required information such as
shipping document numbers. The red text indicates the required information that is missing.
Tap on each text separately to enter the required information. Once all the fields are
completed, the text will change color. The red exclamation in the Form tab will disappear when
all of the required items are completed.
To sign log, first youll have to enter the required information in logs form and then sign the log.
After signing the log red exclamation in the Sign tab will disappear.

Fuel Costs
From the main menu, select Fuel costs. The screen with a list of all fuel costs is displayed. To
add new fuel cost, press the plus button at the bottom of the screen. Add fuel cost page will
open. Fill out all required fields and press SAVE. New fuel cost log will be added. To see details
about the fuel cost press on fuel cost item from the Fuel costs list. Fuel cost details page will
open. On this page you can see all details about selected fuel cost. Also, here you can edit or
delete selected fuel cost logs. Press on edit or delete icon which are on the top of the screen to
do appropriate action.

Team Driving
When two drivers are working as a team, both drivers must be logged in on the same mobile
device. The primary driver should login on their device through the usual login procedure. The
co-driver has to login to the same device through the Main menu. When you are done working
as a team, you should logout one of the drivers.
After the primary driver logs in, open main menu and tap on Co-Driver Login. Then, CoDriver
can login by entering their credentials.
After Co-Driver is successfully loged in, a new tab Team Drivers is shown in the main menu.
Also, at the top section of the main menu, the Co-Driver name is shown.
Note: The Co-Driver belongs to the same carrier and it is AOBRD or ELD driver like the main
driver. Also, Co-Driver joins the same vehicle as the main driver. When your team shift is done,

tap Logout at the top section of the main menu, next to the Co-Drivers name, to remove the
co-driver from your app.

In the event of team drivers, the ELD must display the data for both co-drivers who are logged
into the system. This is allowed using option to change viewing perspective between both codrivers.
Current Driver is the driver that is driving, Co-Driver is the driver that is not driving. You are able
to switch the viewing perspective between Current Driver and Co-Driver to manage their hours
of service separately.
The current active viewing perspective is displayed at the top section of the main menu. The
green user icon shows which driver has viewing perspective. Also, to see current active viewing
perspective you can open Team Drivers page from the main menu. On this page, the eye icon
indicates which viewing perspective is currently active.

To change the viewing perspective, tap on the drivers name at the top section of the main
menu, or press Change view perspective button on Team Drivers page. After that popup dialog
opens. Press Yes to finish this action.

After, changing view perspective, Co-Driver can see his logs, make changes on them, update his
current duty status etc.

Note: Only active driver can change his duty status to Driving. If Co-Driver tries to do this,
warning dialog opens. The current driver will have to stop the vehicle and change their duty

status to a non-driving status before the co-driver can begin their drive time. Also, Co-Driver
cant change active vehicle or release it. Only active driver can do this.

When the drivers are switching seats and roles (i.e., the Co-Driver moves behind the wheel to
drive the truck), the drivers need to be Swapped in the app. To do that, tap on Swap option
at the top section of the main menu or press Swap button on Team Drivers page. After that
popup dialog opens, tap Yes to confirm. This will swap the Current Driver to become Co-Driver
and vice versa.
Note: The driver who is not operating the vehicle (Co-Driver) may make entries over his or her
own records when the vehicle is in motion. However, co-drivers cannot switch driving roles on
the ELD when the vehicle is in motion.
Co-driver can change view perspective from the Driving page, while vehicle is in motion to see
his records or to make some changes on his logs. But, if Co-Driver tries to use swap option while
vehicle is in motion, warning dialog will open. Swap option will only be allowed after current
the vehicle stops and the driver changes their duty status to Nondriving status.

For team drivers, the driver account associated with the driving time records may be edited and
reassigned between the team drivers, if there was a mistake resulting in a mismatch between
the actual driver and the driver recorded by the ELD; and if both team drivers were indicated in
one anothers records as a co-driver. The co-driver must confirm the change for the corrective
action to take effect.
If you are part of a team (signed in as co-driver) and the ELD assigned any driving time to the
wrong driver, you can reassign the driving time to the correct driver. From the Log Details
screen, select the duty status that was incorrectly logged, and tap the reassign icon to open the
Re-assign to Co-Driver screen. The reassign icon is visible only if both team drivers were
indicated in one anothers records as a co-driver.
From the Re-assign to Co-Driver page, select duty status, enter location and note and press
save. After re-assigning driving time to a Co-Driver, the driving event still will be shown in the
drivers log event list, and it will be marked with red bell icon, that indicates that reassignment
is still not finalized and added to the log until the Co-Driver accepts the Driving time
On the co-drivers main Logs screen, Log Edit suggestions will be shown. The principle of
accepting or rejecting Log edit suggestion made by co-driver is the same like the edits made by
fleet manager (see section Accept or reject your fleet managers log edits).

Accept or reject your fleet managers log edits
A properly credentialed manager can edit your logs using ELD Run web portal for managers, but
those edits will not affect your logs unless you choose to accept them. If you disagree with the
managers suggested changes, you may reject them. If you accept the changes, your logs will be
altered, but a copy of the original log will be kept for reference.
The driver will be notified about the edits done by the fleet manager. On the main Logs screen,
Log Edit suggestions will be shown. Select day in this section, to approve or reject the changes.
Your fleet managers edits will be in the Edited Log tab with different color. To view the original
log, tap on the Current Log tab. To approve or reject the suggested edits by fleet manager, tap
on the

or the

button, located at the bottom of the log.

ELD Malfunctions & Data Diagnostics
The MT ELD app include a Self-Monitoring function which not only relays malfunctions to the
server, but also notifies the driver in the event of a malfunction.
When an ELD malfunction or data diagnostic event is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD
records the event. The recorded malfunctions and data diagnostic events are inconsistencies
found while monitoring the app/ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. When a
malfunction or data diagnostic is detected, the app will notify the user by displaying a pop-up
alert. Also in the application toolbar, letters M and D will indicate these events, respectively.
When you see the data diagnostic indicator, you should view the data diagnostic details by
tapping the indicator. This opens the Data diagnostics screen that lists data diagnostic events
recorded on the ELD. You can view the details of a data diagnostic and clear it from the list.

When you see the malfunction indicator, you should view the malfunction details by tapping
the indicator. This opens the Malfunctions screen that lists malfunction events recorded on
the ELD. You can view the details of a malfunction and clear it.
ELD needs to capture when a malfunction or data diagnostic event has been cleared by the
Note: Unidentified driving records data diagnostic will be cleared automatically if unidentified
driving events drop to 15 minutes or less during the current 24hr period and previous 7 days.

Malfunctions & Data Diagnostics Manual
MT ELD provides ELD Malfunction Diagnostic Manual for drivers, which they can present to a
DOT officer during an inspection in case of an ELD malfunction. As per FMCSA rules, this manual
must be kept in the vehicle at all times.
How does the driver know if the ELD is malfunctioning?
Neither of the LED lights on the device are turned on (green or red) when the device is plugged
into the trucks diagnostic port, and the power is on.
What does the driver need to do if the ELD is malfunctioning?

Contact MT ELD Support at +1 773-560-9847 or email [email protected] to
troubleshoot the issue immediately.

Note the malfunction and inform your fleet company within 24 hours with a written notice.

Keep a paper log for that day and until ELD is repaired or replaced. In the event of an


inspection, display the previous 7 days logs from the MT ELD app.


MT ELD provides ELD Malfunction Manual for drivers, which they can present to a DOT officer during an inspection in case of an ELD
malfunction. As per FMCSA rules, this manual must be kept in the vehicle at all times.

How does the driver know if the ELD is malfunctioning?
Neither of the LED lights on the device are turned on (green or red) when the device is plugged into the trucks diagnostic port,
and the power is on.

Power diagnostic

The ELD was not fully
powered in less than one

Advisable actions

Please check your logs to see if they are correct by reviewing
them on the mobile application.
 Check all cables connecting MT ELD connector to the vehicle diagnostics

Try to resolve the diagnostic event by turning off the vehicle
engine and restart.

Manually clear the event.
 The driver must notify the carrier and MT ELD support if these events are

Engine synchronization

The necessary vehicle
information was not read
within 5 seconds of the
last data reading from the
vehicles data CAN bus

Please check your logs to see if they are correct by reviewing
them on the mobile application.
 Check all cables connecting MT ELD connector to the vehicle diagnostics

Try to resolve the diagnostic event by turning off the vehicle
engine and restart.

Manually clear the event.

The driver must notify the carrier and ELD Run support if these
events are repeatable.


Missing data diagnostic

The required data was not
entered for an ELD record

Driver did not fill in the location manually when prompted.

Diver can resolve this data diagnostic by manually entering the
missing data along with an explanation.
 The driver must notify the carrier and MT ELD support if these events are

Data transfer diagnostic

Tests of the roadside
inspection of data transfer

Verify if the ELD has network connectivity. You may be operating
in a location with poor network coverage.

This event auto-resolves, if the device begins to communicate
successfully again.

The driver must notify the carrier and MT ELD support if these
events are repeatable.


Unidentified driving
data diagnostic

Unidentified driver records

Please review the unidentified driving events recorded on the ELD
and accept any periods of drive time recorded, while you were driving and
not logged into the ELD system.

Verify that if the data diagnostics event has been cleared.
In order to improve our products, MT ELD may, at any time, and without warning, change the design, presentation, or functionality of the software.|

Unidentified driving events
If you are using the ELD Run ELD, it is important to connect to the ELD from the ELD Run app
before you start driving. If you do not connect with the ELD before driving the vehicle, driving
time will be recorded as an Unidentified Driving Event until assigned to or accepted by a driver.
The US Department of Transportation has provided specific guidelines for unidentified driving
recorded by an ELD.
To comply with guidance provided by the DOT, the MT ELD will notify you of any Unidentified
Driving Events after connecting to the ELD (after logging in to the app and selecting appropriate
vehicle). Once you have connected to the vehicles ELD from the MT ELD app, any recent driving
events will appear in the orange ribbon on the main screen under Unidentified Driving. Tap the

ribbon to see the Driving Events. Then, you will be able to accept or reject these Unidentified
Driving Events directly from the MT ELD app.

In addition to being notified of Unidentified Driving Events in the ELD Run app upon connecting
to the ELD Run ELD, your fleet manager may also assign an Unidentified Driving event to you in
the format of a Log Edit Suggestion. These suggestions will appear in a second orange ribbon on
the main screen of your ELD Run app. (see section 16. Accept or reject your fleet managers log

If you think you have accepted an Unidentified Driving event by mistake, you can contact your
fleet manager so that they can re-assign the driving event to the correct driver or you can edit
these events and, in this situation, the previous unidentified driving records will be recreated
and they can be accepted by other drivers.

Missing locations
The missing location indicator occurs on main page in action bar (icon with plus sign in it) when
the ELD detects a data inconsistency. It indicates there is required location information missing
from your logs.
When you see the missing location indicator, you should view all missing locations by tapping
the indicator. This opens the Missing locations screen that lists all events with missing location
recorded on the ELD. Select event to add location. Also enter note and press ok.

Customizing the ELD Run App Settings
The apps settings and preferences can be customized in the setting screen
To navigate to this part of the app, open main navigation menu and select the Settings option.
This will display the Settings screen.

On the Settings screen, you can choose those parts you want to edit, like Logs settings, Account,
Password or Notifications.
On the Carrier screen you can check the details of your carrier.

Logs settings
This is where you change the HOS rules or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations
(FMCSA) regulations that govern the hour that a commercial vehicle driver can legally
accumulate driving or being on duty for a motor carrier in a working day and week. This is also
where you apply the HOS rules exceptions.
Select the appropriate HOS rules that you would like the app to use from the drop down list.
You can customize these options:


Cycle rule - this is where you can set the consecutive multi-day duty period which the driver
will follow. Choosing a cycle will take into effect the corresponding legal limitations on the
hours that can be used by the driver in a 7 day or 8 day working cycle.

Available cycle rules in MT ELD app are:

USA 60Hr/7days
USA 70Hr/8days
California 80Hr/8days
Texas 70Hr/7days
Alaska 70Hr/7days
Alaska 80Hr/8days

Cycle Limit

Shift Limit

Drive Limit

Break Limit

7 days
8 days
8 days
7 days
7 days
8 days

14 hours
14 hours
16 hours
15 hours
20 hours
30 hours

11 hours
11 hours
12 hours
12 hours
15 hours
15 hours

8 hours
8 hours
8 hours
8 hours

Log increment - edit current log in 1- or 15-minutes increment

Cargo type - set the applicable Hours of Service rules for property carrying, passenger
carrying commercial vehicles or for Oil and Gas
Available cargo type rules options in MT ELD app are:

Property  the 11- and 14-hours rule will apply

Passenger  the 10- and 15-hours rule will apply


Oil and gas - the 10- and 15-hours rule will apply

Restart - 24- or 34-hours restart

30 Minute Rest Break

16 Hour Short Haul Exception

Waiting Time Exception

Enabled Yard Move - this exception can be enabled only by fleet manager

Enabled Personal Conveyance - this exception can be enabled only by fleet manager

Account settings
Account page lists all drivers current information. To change your account information, select
appropriate filed that you want to change and press SAVE.
Note: Driver cant change his email, his driver ID and his Exempt status.

Change password
If you want to change your password, open Change password page and enter your current
password, under the Current password field enter your new password and press SAVE.

Carrier settings
Carrier page list your current carrier information. Carrier information can only be changed on
the website and cannot be changed using the MT ELD mobile app.

On the Notification screen you can choose when you would like to receive the alerts for
potential HOS violations

MT ELD Documents
All documents can be found on this screen:

User manual

Installation manual

Cab Card

Terms of Services

Privacy Policy

About & Support
From the Main menu tap on About & Support to open this option. From here you can see which
is current app version get to know the application.

Fleet manager web view
On the official web page a fleet manager can log in and track drivers
statuses, locations and violations.

Everything from the administration point of view can be managed from the web with the fleet
manager privileges, like for example vehicles, drivers, groups etc.

Indiana 463755
Phone: +13123511862
E-mail: [email protected]

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