User manual for "FleetHunt ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "FleetHunt ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Fleethunt Technologies.

User Guide
Version 3.1

FleetHunt Technologies | | +1 888-448-4868
625 Marion Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 0B6

Table of Contents
Login ..............................................................................................................................3
Home Screen .................................................................................................................. 4-5
Connecting the App with the ELD .................................................................................. 6
Driving Screen ............................................................................................................... 7-8
Roadside Inspection ...................................................................................................... 9-10
Certifying your Logs....................................................................................................... 11-12
Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR). ....................................................................... 13-14
Adding & Switching Co-Drivers ...................................................................................... 15
Troubleshooting ELD Connection Issues ..........................................................................16-17
ELD Malfunctions ...........................................................................................................18-20
Contact Information ...................................................................................................... 20



1. Enter your username and password assigned to you by your Fleet Administrator.


Home Screen







1. Bluetooth Connection  Used for connecting the app with the ELD.
Grey  No Connection between the app and ELD.
Orange  Trying to connect with the Device.
Blue - App connected with the ELD installed in the truck.
2. Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)  This is one of the two ways for the driver to perform
their DVIR.

3. Daily Graph  The graph records all the duty statuses of the driver for a given day. It displays Off
Duty (OFF), Sleeper Berth (SB), Driving (DR)and On Duty (ON) time.
4. Current Cycle  The flag indicates the current country in which the truck is operating. Drivers can
set the cycle to switch automatically or manually by clicking on the flag.
5. Add Co-Driver  This option enables team drivers to log in simultaneously with the main driver.
6. Trailers  The drivers can add trailer info in this section. Information entered here will reflect in the
DVIR report only if the trailer info is added prior to performing the DVIR.

7. Shipping Documents  The drivers can add their shipping document details such as Bill of Lading
Number, order numbers or any other reference numbers related to the trip.

Pair SB  The drivers who want to split their sleeper berths can turn on the switch to indicate that
they are splitting their sleeper berth time. For drivers who do not split their sleeper berths, the
button needs to be turned Off. The option will be turned off by default.
Yard Moves  Drivers can turn on this option after putting their status in On Duty.
Personal Use  Drivers can turn on this option after putting their status in Off Duty.


Connecting the App with the ELD
FleetHunt ELD App will connect with your vehicles ELD using Bluetooth. Follow the steps mentioned below
for a establishing a Bluetooth connection:
1. Select the ELD icon to see a list of vehicles on your app. Select the vehicle which you want to drive.

2. Upon selecting the vehicle, the Bluetooth connection will be established, and the vehicle icon will turn
Blue. As shown below.


Driving Screen

1. Once your vehicle is in motion and goes above the speed of 8 km/h, your duty status will automatically
be set to Driving.

2. When your vehicle is at 0 Km/ H, the status will change to Stationary.


3. To change the duty status manually, tap on the Driving prompt on screen. Select the appropriate duty
status and enter the location and notes while changing the duty status.

Click Here

4. If the vehicle remains stationary for five minutes, a pop-up window will appear if you would like to
change your duty status. To update the duty status, select Update Status. To remain in driving status,
select Continue Driving. If nothing is selected, your duty status will automatically be changed to ON


Roadside Inspection
1. Tap on the Inspection menu icon on the main screen.

Tap here


2. To let an officer, inspect your logs directly from your device. Select Begin Inspection.

3. To send ELD output files to the DOT via email or web service, tap Send Output File


4. To email or fax a copy of your logs to an officer, select Send Logs option

5. Enter the recipients mail and click send.

Certifying Logs

The FleetHunt ELD app will prompt the driver to certify past days log upon Login and Logout. The driver
can choose to sign the logs in bulk or one by one as described in the following steps.


Certifying your logs just after Logging in
The drivers will get a notification to certify their past days logs after they login in the app. The prompt is
displayed in the picture below. Drivers can certify their log by selecting the Sign option on the prompt.

Here to

Certifying your logs from the Home Page
1. Click on the HOS option on the Home screen. Select the Day from the screen menu and press the
Certify and Submit button.


2. Draw your signatures and press Agreed.


Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR)
For a new DVIR at the beginning of the day, the driver can select the No DVIR prompt on the home
screen on the top right corner of the daily graph.
Tap Here

The second way to perform the DVIR is illustrated in the following steps:
1. Click on the Daily graph on the home screen and select DVIR option on the next page.

Tap Here

2. Select the create option to open the DVIR form.
Tap Here

3. Vehicle and trailer info will be auto filled only if the driver has connected the app with the ELD and
entered the trailer info on the home screen.
4. If there are no defects found while inspecting the tractor and trailer, the driver can select the next
option. If there are defects found, the driver can select Add Vehicle/ Trailer Defects options on the
screen and select the appropriate defects.

5. After completing the General and Defects forms, use the Next button to go to the Sign menu. A
pop-up signature pad will appear. After signing, press OK and then press the Submit button.


Adding and Switching Co-Drivers

1. Add the co driver from the home screen. Enter username and password provided by the fleet admin.
Once the co driver is added

Tap Here

2. For switching the co drivers, click on the co driver name and select the driver under Switch Driver.

Tap here


Troubleshooting ELD Connection Issues

3. Tap on the (ELD Icon) on the top right corner of your home screen. If there is a currently selected
vehicle, select Leave Vehicle. Then reselect the vehicle you are trying to connect with. If a pairing
request dialog appears on screen or in a system tray, select the option to pair with the ELD. If the app
still doesnt connect with the ELD, then close the dialog box and follow to step 2.

4. Tap on the ELD icon on the top right corner of your screen. If theres a currently selected vehicle then
select Leave vehicle. Go to your devices Bluetooth settings and reset the Bluetooth connection by
turning it off and then turning it back on. Now, reselect the vehicle you want to connect to. The
connection dialog box should appear and connect the ELD to your app. If this step doesnt resolve the
connection issue, then follow step 3.


5. Unplug the ELD device safely from your vehicle and wait for 10 seconds before plugging the device
again. Reboot your phone or tablet before attempting to establish a connection with the ELD device.
Once, the lights on the device are blinking, try to reconnect with the ELD with steps mentioned in point


Diagnostics & Malfunctions

How to Identify if the ELD is Malfunctioning
The LED lights on the ELD device will serve as indicators to identify any possible malfunctions.

How to Identify Diagnostics & Malfunctions on the ELD APP
The FleetHunt ELD will display distinct signs for Diagnostics & Malfunctions. Diagnostic events will be
notified by displaying a D sign and Malfunctions will be displayed using a M sign.
Actions: The diagnostics and Malfunctions cannot be cleared manually by the driver. The ELD will monitor
the diagnostics and Malfunctions and will clear them automatically once the requirements have been

List of Malfunctions and Diagnostics
The standard in the following points refers to the Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices
v.1.2, October 27, 2020.
1. Power Compliance
 An ELD must set a power compliance malfunction if the power data diagnostics event described
in provision of the Standard indicates an aggregated driving time understatement of 30
minutes or more on the ELD over a 24-hour period across all driver profiles, including the
unidentified driver profile.
2. Engine Synchronization
 An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction if connectivity to any of the
required data sources specified in provision 4.3.1 of the Standard is lost for more than 30 minutes
during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver
3. Timing Compliance
 The ELD must periodically cross-check its compliance with the requirement specified in provision of the Standard with respect to an accurate external UTC source and must record a timing
compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying compliance requirement.
4. Positioning Compliance
 An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position
measurement within 8 kilometers of the CMVs movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a
cumulative 60 minutes over a 24-hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning
compliance malfunction.
5. Data Recording Compliance
 An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the
required data elements for each event type and must record a missing data elements data
diagnostics event for the driver if any required field is missing at the time of recording.
6. Monitoring Records Recorded under the Unidentified Driver Profile
 If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period show unidentified driver on the ELD, the
ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving records data diagnostic event and the data
diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers authenticated into that ELD for the current
day and the following 14 days.


7. Data Transfer Compliance
 If the monitoring mechanism fails to confirm proper in-service operation of the data transfer
mechanism(s), an ELD must record a data transfer data diagnostic event and enter an
unconfirmed data transfer mode.

In case of a malfunction
A Driver must do the following:
(1) Contact FleetHunt ELD support at 204-818-2353 or [email protected] for troubleshooting the issue.
(2) Note the malfunction of the ELD and provide written notice of the malfunction to the motor carrier
within 24 hours.
(3) If the ELD records are not retrievable from the ELD, reconstruct the record of duty status for the current
24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days.
(4) Manually prepare a record of duty status until the ELD is serviced and no longer malfunctioning.

The Motor Carrier should do the following:
If a motor carrier receives or discovers information concerning the malfunction of an ELD, the motor carrier
must take actions to correct the malfunction of the ELD within 8 days of discovery of the condition or a
drivers notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first.

The ELD provider, i.e., FleetHunt should do the following:
Send a new ELD device upon notification from the carrier.

Phone: 204-818-2353 (Open 24x7)
Email: [email protected]


© 2025

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