User manual for "Big ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Big ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Big ELD.

Big ELD ensures FMCSA compliance and delivers
safety and productivity for any fleet. It is a perfect
choice for small to large fleets and owner-operators.

Big ELD ensures FMCSA compliance and delivers safety and
productivity for any fleet. It is a perfect choice for small to large fleets
and owner-operators.

ELD components
 Logging Device: easy to install. Simply plug ELD
into a vehicle ECM port and start recording driving
hours and miles automatically.
 Logbook App: easy to use app for managing hours
of service logs. It connects to ELD via Bluetooth
and displays recorded driving time to a driver.
 Smartphone: Big ELD app works great with most

Android and iOS smartphones.


Main features
 Automatic HOS: Automatic hours of service calculation
and violation alerts. Automatic recording of driving time,
miles and locations.
 DOT Inspection Mode: Simply show logs on your phone
or tablet. No printer needed.
 Multiple HOS Rules: Compliant with multiple HOS rules
including Property/Passenger 60-hour/7-day &
 Compliance Monitoring: Monitor your drivers hours of
service logs and DVIRs. Receive alerts to prevent
 Fleet Tracking: Track your vehicles in real time and view
their location history.
 IFTA reporting: Automatic IFTA state mileage reporting
saves you time and money.
 Access Permissions: Manage permissions for fleet
managers, compliance, officers, drivers, accountants,
brokers and customers.


Install and connect ELD
 Locate ECM (diagnostic) port
 Install ELD
 Log into Big EDL Logbook App
 Connect ELD


Driving with ELD
 Once ELD connected,
your driving time will be
captured automatically.
 Once your vehicle is
moving at 5mph or more,
your duty status is
switched to Driving.
 Your logs and other
features are not available
while in Driving mode due
to safety reasons.
 Once your vehicle is
stopped, you may change
your duty status by tapping
on the, status circle. The
app will remind you to
make a selection in 5 minutes. If no, selection is
made, your duty status will be switched to On



 Todays Log
Tap on TODAYs log to view & manage your current
 Logs History
View past logs & violations if any. Tap on a log you
would like to view or edit.
Tap on a specific status in the events section to view
location and notes.
 Certify Log
Tap Certify and sign your log when your shift ends.


Compliance Dashboard

 Current Status
View currents statuses and locations of your drivers. Click on
a driver to see details.
 Real-Time Hours
View real-time hours to avoid violations and regulatory fines
Monitor violations in real time and mitigate compliance risks


Driver Details
 Hours of Service: View current status and
real-time hours. Available and reset hours
are calculated automatically.
 Driver Logs: View current log graph grid
and last 14 logs. Click on a log, to see log
details. Click More to view historical logs.
 Violations & Errors: Monitor violations and
errors in real time. View past, violations and
mitigate compliance risks.
 Details: View driver contact information,
current or last known, vehicle and location.


Fleet Tracking
 Fleet Tracking: Track your vehicles and view,
current locations in real time.
 Drivers Monitoring: Instantly know who is behind
the, wheel and monitor drivers statuses.
 Issue Notifications: Receive real-time alerts for,
vehicle defects, diagnostic, issues, nearing
violations and, occurred violations.


Big ELD ensures FMCSA compliance and delivers safety and
productivity for any fleet. It is a perfect choice for small to large fleets
and owner-operators.


© 2024

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