User manual for "MasterELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "MasterELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION PARTNERS LLC.

Driver Manual
Pacific Track PT-30 (Android)

Per FMCSA Rules, please keep this manual in MasterELD equipped vehicles.

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Section 1 - MasterELD System Requirements

Section 3 - Installing Device
1. Make sure your vehicle engine is turned off. Check the ignition
key is set to Off position.
2. Locate the diagnostic port inside of your vehicle.
3. Insert cable and turn clock-wise to lock device connector.
4. Turn on vehicle power. ELD device will begin synchronizing with
your vehicles engine computer.
The ELD device has a small light, to indicate its status.

4G LTE mobile device with data-roaming enabled.
Bluetooth 4.0 and internal GPS.
Android 9 or newer operating system.
A Google account signed into the mobile device.

Solid Green light.
ELD Device is connected and
receiving data from the
vehicles computer.

No Light
ELD Device is not connected or not receiving power.

Section 2 - Installing MasterELD
1. Open
Google Play
2. In top Search bar,
search MasterELD
3. Click on green Install

(Google account required to access the Google Play Store)

Per FMCSA, please begin daily ELD usage in the following order:

Start the MasterELD application.
Check the ELD device is connected and receiving power.
Log in using your username and password.
Select correct vehicle.
Start the ignition of the vehicle. (This should be the very
last step.)

Section 4  Logging-In to MasterELD Driver App

Open the MasterELD application.
Enter your Username and Password.
Click Confirm.
Select your Vehicle.

Section 6  Connecting to the ELD Device
To pair to your ELD device by Bluetooth, you MUST log into your driver
account first. This is required for security reasons.
1. After logging in, a red bar will appear at the top displaying
Scanning. This is your tablet and app looking for an available
2. After it finds the device in your vehicle, it will pair automatically
to this device, and the red bar will disappear.
3. While the ELD app is running, it will continue to be paired to the
ELD device.

Section 7  Starting A Shift
Section 5 - Granting Permissions
1. To function, the MasterELD app requires permission to use your
devices Location and Storage.
2. Please always select Allow, or Always Allow.


On the main ELD home screen, press On-Duty
Your location will automatically generate.
To indicate a Pre-Trip, click on the long line next to Remarks.
Select PTI from the menu that appears.
Press Save and then press Ok.

Section 7  Recording Movement
Per FMCSA, the ELD device will begin automatically recording CMV
movement at a vehicle speed of 5 MPH. Depending on driver input,
this movement can be categorized as one of three options:

Section 7C  Off-Duty Personal Conveyance

1. On-Duty Driving.
2. On-Duty Yard Move.
3. Off-Duty Personal

Press Off-Duty to indicate movement as a personal action, not
related to business purposes.
Additionally, select checkbox for Personal Conveyance in the
Off-Duty menu. Initiate movement.
Please note, per FMCSA, a reason for the personal movement
will be required.

MasterELD is not responsible for PC movement not in compliance
with FMCSA regulations. Please contact your carrier if you have
questions about PC movement.

Section 7A  On-Duty Driving Movement

Press On-Duty to indicate movement as part of your shift.
Initiate driving.
This movement WILL count against your DRIVING clock.

Section 7B  On-Duty Yard Move Movement

Press On-Duty to indicate movement as part of your shift.
Select the checkbox for Yard Move in the On-Duty menu.
Initiate driving.
This movement WILL count against your ON-DUTY shift clock.

Section 8 - Perform a DVIR (Post-Trip Inspection)
Post trip inspections must
always be conducted at the
end of the workday. To
begin, navigate to section
DVIR and press on the
orange + button.
The drive may then select from two options:

Driver found nothing wrong with vehicle combination
during inspection.
Driver found a fault with vehicle combination during
inspection. He may further explain what that fault is.

Section 9  Certify A Log
Certifying your logs at the end of every workday is important, as it
affirms the activity is true and accurate.
1. Click on Signature
2. Draw your signature
or apply preset
saved signature.
3. Press Submit

Section 10  Logging off MasterELD
Per FMCSA, it is recommended a driver shuts off a vehicle whenever
possible, BEFORE logging off the platform.
1. Press Off Duty or
2. Shut off vehicle (If
3. Navigate to the
upper left-hand
column three lines.
4. Select Log Off from the menu.

Section 11  Profile
The profile section contains logbook information not inside the
HOS graph. This information can include:

Drivers Name
Drivers ID Number
CMV Number (Selected at login screen)
Trailer Number
Load Number
Trip Information
Daily Mileage (Calculated automatically)
Carrier Name and Address.

It is important this information be kept current by both the driver
and the carrier staff.
Information changed can be saved by scrolling to the bottom of
the screen and pressing the large orange Save button.

Section 12 - Device Malfunctions
Section 395.22  Motor Carrier Responsibilities
A motor carrier must ensure that its drivers possess onboard a
commercial motor vehicle and ELD information packet containing the
following items:
An instruction sheet for the driver describing ELD malfunction reporting
requirements and recordkeeping procedures during ELD malfunctions.

Section 12 - Device Malfunctions (Continued)
What does the driver need to do in case of a malfunction?
1. Contact MasterELD Technical Support immediately at 630-4227497 or email [email protected]
2. Provide written notice to your fleet management within 24
hours of malfunction discovery.
3. Temporarily switch to manual paper logs until the ELD is

MasterELD Self-Monitoring
MasterELD will monitor and report malfunction data based on section
4.6 ELDs Self-Monitoring of Required Functions Table 4:
P  Power Compliance malfunction.
E  Engine Synchronization Compliance malfunction.
T  Timing Compliance malfunction.
L  Positioning Compliance malfunction.
R  Data Recording Compliance malfunction.
S  Data Transfer Compliance malfunction.
O  Other ELD detected malfunction.

How can a driver know if the Master ELD is malfunctioning?
The MasterELD ELD device has visual LED light to indicate its status.

No Light  The ELD is not plugged in or not receiving power.
Solid Green light  The ELD is connected and receiving data
from the vehicle computer.

What does the fleet need to do if the ELD is malfunctioning?
1. A motor carrier must take action to correct the malfunction of
the ELD within 8 days of discovery of the malfunction on a
drivers notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first.
2. Upon notification by fleet manager, MasterELD will prepare a
new device for the carrier.
3. If a motor carrier needs a time extension beyond 8 days,
MasterELD is not authorized to provide this extension. The
motor carrier must contact the FMCSA Division Administration
for the state of the motor carriers place of principal business
within 5 days after a driver has notified the carrier, according to
guidelines set forth in 395.34(2)


Driver Manual
Pacific Track PT-30 (Android)
FMCSA Registered.
By National Transportation Partners LLC.
The MasterELD Name and Logo are registered trademarks of National Transportation Partners LLC.
2021. All Rights Reserved.

Tech Support



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