User manual for "TEDDY ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "TEDDY ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page TEDDY ELD INC.
DRIVER GUIDE TEDDY ELD ELD and HOS Compliance 3 RODS Recording 4 Off-Line Compliance 5 Dashboard 6 Log Details 7 2 ELD and HOS Compliance The electronic logbook app is intuitive and user-friendly to help our customers keep records in compliance with federal regulations. Managing logs is simple, reports are created with a few clicks and operations are automatized to increase productivity. The system has been programmed according to applicable FMCSA HOS and ELD regulations. 3 RODS Recording Once the hardware piece connects to the logbook app on your smartphone or tablet, the system will keep automatic records of your driving time. Any time the vehicle reaches a speed of 5 or more miles per hour, the app will set your duty status to Driving. As long as movement continues, the apps functions are not accessible for your safety. Recorded driving time cannot be modied. After ve minutes of the vehicle being static, you can switch your status on the app. If you dont make a change, the On Duty Not Driving status will be selected for you. 4 Off-Line Compliance Cellular connection might fail in certain circumstances. In those cases, the app will issue a notication. While your smartphone or tablet will not display updated HOS information, the device will continue recording this data to keep you compliant. When cellular signal is restored, the app will transfer the information to the providers servers to display your updated RODS. 5 Driver Information Check real-time hours, available driving time, and off-duty and break requirements Monitor real-time violations and view drivers violation history Check vehicle driven and real-time location of drivers Access drivers contact information Monitor idling with the GPS feature Filter data by driver 6 Dashboard Log Details Form and manner errors are automatically detected to keep logs compliant Access vehicle information Check shipping document numbers Monitor compliance Check log events Click on a calendar in the top right corner or click <-> to switch between logs View each drivers current status and logs for the past 14 days, and historical logs for the last six months in the portal 7