User manual for "Smart Elds"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Smart Elds".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Asritsolutions LLC.

ELD User Manual

Driver Login
Step 1: Open the Smartelds application.
Step 2: Enter the Username and Password.

Step 3: Press the Login button.

Connecting ELD with Vehicle
Step 1: Locate the diagnostic port.
Step 2: Attach the wire to the diagnostic port.
Step 3: Attach other side of the wire to the device.

Selecting Vehicle and Trailer
Step 1: Press Vehicle icon next to your name.

Step 2: Press vehicle Name and select Vehicle.
Step 3: Press Trailer Name and select Trailer.

Step 4: Press the Save button.

Connecting ELD with Smartelds App
Step 1: Press Connect (Red) button on top right.

Step 2: Press scan button if no device found.
Step 3: Select the available device.

Step 4: ELD will connect with Smartelds App.

How to change duty status
Step 1: Press the remaining time.

Step 2: Select your current duty status.
Step 3: Location & odometer will be auto picked.
Step 4: Press the save button.

Using personal use and yard move
Step 1: Press the remaining time.

Step 2: Select the checkbox below duty status.
Step 3: Enter the note.

Step 4: Press the save button.

How to perform DVIR
Step 1: Press the DVIR button at the bottom.
Step 2: Select the form and press on inspect.
Step 3: Select all checkboxes and then finish.
Step 4: Select vehicle condition.
Step 5: Add signature and finish DVIR.

How to view Logs
Step 1: Press the logs button at the bottom.

Step 2: Current day logs will show there.
Step 3: Select the date to view previous logs.
Step 4: Press Show all to view all logs.

How to certify logs
Step 1: Press the logs button at the bottom.

Step 2: Select logs of previous days.
Step 3: Press certify button on top right corner.
Step 4: Verify your info & press I agree to certify.

How to Login Co-driver
Step 1: Open the left side menu

Step 2: Press Co-driver Login.
Step 3: Enter username and password.
Step 4: Press the Login button.

How to switch between Co-drivers
Step 1: Open the left side menu.

Step 2: Press switch co-driver.
Step 3: Press view or make driver.

Step 4: Enter the password and login.

Roadside Inspection
Step 1: Open the left side menu.

Step 2: Press roadside inspection.
Step 3: Press Start Review.

Step 4: Handover the device to the Inspector.

Data Transfer
Step 1: Open the left side menu.

Step 2: Press roadside inspection.
Step 3: Press Email or Data Transfer.

Step 4: Enter the comment and press transfer.

How to Accept/ Reject edit request
Step 1: Open the left side menu.

Step 2: Press the Requests.
Step 3: Accept or Reject the request.
Step 4: Enter the note and press save.

Malfunctions & Data Diagnostic Event
Step 1: M or D icon will blink on the top.

Step 2: Press M or D icon on the top.
Step 3: List of events will show up.

Step 4: Press the event to check the details.

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