User manual for "BOLT eLOGS"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "BOLT eLOGS".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Bolt ELD LLC.

User Manual


Electronic Logging Device (ELD)

Records of
Duty Status

Easily manage your duty status changes with our user-friendly ELD app. View,
edit, and certify your logs for accurate and compliant records.

Available Hours and
Required Breaks

Stay informed about your available driving hours and mandatory rest breaks to
ensure compliance with HOS regulations.

Inter- and Intrastate
HOS Rules

Our app supports both inter- and intrastate HOS rules, providing you with the
flexibility to comply with specific regulations.

Roadside Inspection

During roadside inspections, use the DOT Inspection mode in the app to share
your logs with ease.

Vehicle Inspection

Generate pre- or post-trip DVIRs within the app, notifying mechanics of any
vehicle defects promptly.

Online Fleet
Manager Portal

Access the Fleet Manager Portal to monitor HOS compliance, view real-time
data on driver duty status, and receive notifications on HOS violations.

GPS Tracking

Track your vehicle's location in real-time for improved fleet management and

IFTA Calculations

Automatically calculate IFTA data to simplify fuel tax reporting for interstate

Installation and Setup

Install ELD Hardware

Begin by locating the ECM (diagnostic) port in your vehicle. This port is typically found
on or near the dashboard, under the steering column, or close to the drivers seat.
Depending on your vehicle type, use the appropriate connection:
 6-pin Connector: Common in older commercial vehicles.
 9-pin Connector: Standard in most modern commercial trucks.
 OBDII Connector: Typically found in light commercial vehicles and passenger cars.
Once you've identified the correct connector, securely attach the ELD hardware to the
port using the appropriate cable provided. Ensure the ELD device is firmly mounted on
your dashboard where it remains visible and accessible for operation. This placement
is crucial for ease of use during your driving and inspection processes.

Installation and Setup
Install ELD Software

Before you start using the ELD, ensure that your mobile device is connected to the internet and Bluetooth
is enabled:
 Installing the ELD Software: Download the ELD app from your device's app store and follow the
on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
 Logging In: Use your provided credentials to access the app. If you encounter login issues, verify your
credentials with your fleet manager or contact customer support.
 Syncing Your Device with ELD Hardware: After logging in, select your vehicle from the list to sync your
mobile device with the ELD hardware.

Hours of Service
Once the ELD is set up, it automatically records driving time. Any movement at 5 mph or faster is logged as
driving. When stationary, the driver can select a different duty status. The system calculates and displays:
 On-Duty Limits
 Available Driving Time
 Required Breaks and Off-Duty Periods
This information is shown in the app's Status section for drivers and in the online portal for fleet managers,
ensuring compliance with HOS regulations.

Log Management

Accessing Logs
Log in to the ELD app with your unique credentials and navigate
to the "Logs" section to access your electronic HOS records.

Viewing Logs
View detailed RODS for different dates, including time, duration,
and location of each duty status change.

Editing Logs
Edit duty status entries (except for the automatically recorded driving logs) to ensure accuracy.
Simply tap on a date, use the pencil icon to make changes, and save your edits.
Certifying Logs
Certifying Logs: End your shift by digitally certifying your logs for accuracy and
compliance with the tap of a button.

Roadside Inspections
DOT Inspection
During a roadside inspection, follow these steps:
 Access "DOT Inspection" mode from the Main
 Tap "Start Inspection" to display your Records
of Duty Status (RODS) to the officer.

HOS Compliance Alerts

 Use the navigation arrows to review logs by

Stay compliant with HOS
regulations by monitoring alerts:

 If requested, send your RODS via web services
or email by selecting the "Send" button.

 On the main logs screen,
watch for the red exclamation
icon, which signals an HOS
violation or Form/Certification

 Once the inspection is complete, tap "Back" to
return to your regular logs.

 Review a list of HOS
violations by scrolling below
the log graph. Tapping on a
violation provides more

Electronic Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR)
Create DVIR

Create a New Inspection Report:
 Access the Menu and select DVIR.
 Tap the plus sign to start a new inspection.
 Review the list of vehicle components and mark any with detected defects.
 Add notes in the Remarks section if needed.
 Tap Sign to finalize and save the report in the DVIR history.

Edit DVIR:

Delete DVIR

Edit an existing Report:

Delete an existing Report:

 Go to DVIR History and select
the report you wish to edit.

 In DVIR History, select the report to delete.

 Click the "..." button.

 Choose Remove and confirm the deletion.

 Choose Edit to make changes.

 Click the "..." button.

Fleet Manager Portal

Set Up Fleet Manager Portal

Use your credentials to sign into the online portal, providing essential information
about your company, portal users, drivers, and vehicles.

Monitor HOS and

Stay on top of drivers' duty status and remaining hours in real-time. Receive
notifications about HOS violations and access archived violation records.

Preconfigured Statuses

Customize duty statuses access by setting Yard Move and Personal Use as
valid options.

Driver and Vehicle Information

Track your drivers' current or last location, the vehicle driven, and their contact
information effortlessly.

Download and Transfer Logs

Download any drivers' logs in PDF format with a few clicks. In case of a roadside
inspection, easily send logs to an FMCSA officer from the online portal.

Filter Logs

Save time by quickly finding logs by date, driver, or vehicle using the filter option.

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