User manual for "CLOVER ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "CLOVER ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Clover ELD LLC.

User Guide


Getting Started

Connecting the ELD Hardware
Logging into the Mobile App

Using the Mobile App


Accessing the Online Portal
Monitoring Driver Compliance
Downloading and Transferring Logs
Customizing Statuses

Offline Mode and Data Synchronization


Navigating the Main Menu
Managing Duty Status
Certifying Logs
Creating Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs)
Accessing DOT Inspection Mode
Reviewing HOS Violations and Warnings

Fleet Manager Portal


Staying Compliant Without Internet

Table of Contents


Connecting ELD Hardware
Find your vehicle's ECM port, which is usually located beneath the dashboard near the
steering column.
Plug the ELD device's cable into the ECM port.
After connecting, position the ELD device on your dashboard. The device should be visible
to you while you're seated in the driver's seat and also externally visible for inspections.

Logging into the Mobile App
Open your device's app distribution platform.
Search for the ELD app and download it onto
your smartphone or tablet.
Use provided credentials to log in and choose
your vehicle.

Getting Started


Main Menu
The Main Menu provides access to all the app features. From here, you can seamlessly
navigate to different functionalities, enabling you to manage your duty status, review logs,
create vehicle inspection reports, access DOT inspection mode, and stay informed about
any HOS violations or warnings.

Managing Duty Status
Effortlessly switch between different duty statuses as needed:

Locate the status circle in the app's
Tap the status circle to reveal a list of
available statuses (e.g., Off Duty,
Driving, On Duty, Sleeper, Yard Move,
Personal Use).
Choose the appropriate status to
reect your current activity.
*Electronic Logging Device records
driving time automatically

Using the Mobile App


Certifying Logs
Certifying your logs is crucial for compliance:

Access the Logs section of the
app from the menu.
Look for the "Certify" button.
Follow the prompts to
electronically sign your logs,
thereby conrming their accuracy.

Creating DVIRs
Generating Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs) is essential for maintaining vehicle

Within the app, nd the section dedicated to DVIRs.
Tap the + button to start a new inspection.
Inspect vehicle components for any defects.
If any issues are detected, provide remarks or notes.

Using the Mobile App


Accessing DOT Inspection Mode
Use DOT Inspection Mode during roadside inspections:

Locate the section or option labeled "DOT Inspection" within the app.
Using the app's interface, present your Records of Duty Status (RODS) to the ocer.
If needed, send your RODS via email or web services as instructed by the ocer.

Reviewing HOS Violations and Warnings
Stay informed about potential violations and warnings related to your Hours of Service (HOS):

Using the Mobile App

Monitor the main logs screen.
Keep an eye out for a red exclamation
icon; this indicates potential HOS
violations or warnings.
Tap on the icon to explore the details
of the violation, including its type
(Cycle, Shift, Driving, Break).


Accessing the Online Portal
The Fleet Manager Portal provides you with a comprehensive toolset to oversee driver
compliance and streamline operations.
Using your preferred web browser, navigate to the Fleet Manager Portal login page.
Enter your dedicated credentials (username and password).
Once logged in, you'll have access to a range of management options.

Transferring Logs
The portal enables you to handle driver logs for compliance.
Locate the logs you need within the portal's interface.
Choose the desired log or logs for transfer.
Click the appropriate transfer option (e.g., Web Service) to send the logs directly from the
portal to relevant authorities.

Fleet Manager Portal


Offline Mode and Data Synchronization
If you encounter intermittent or poor connectivity, the oine mode ensures continuous

When oine, the app will switch to oine mode, maintaining proper logs.
You'll see a notication conrming the switch to oine mode.
Even when oine, log data is properly recorded and will sync as soon as you regain
To manually sync data, tap the "Sync" icon in the action bar.

Offline Mode and Data Synchronization


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