User manual for "SELECT ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "SELECT ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Select Eld Services Inc.



Manual for Drivers

This manual provides information related to the ELD App. If you have any
additional questions or need further assistance, please consult your eet
manager or refer to the customer support line.


Downloading the ELD App
You can download the ELD App from the app distribution platform compatible with your
mobile device. Search for the app by name and follow the on-screen instructions to
download and install it.

Synchronizing the app with the ELD hardware
Follow these steps to synchronize the app and ELD hardware:
Go to the list of available vehicles in the app.
Select your vehicle from the list.
Your phone or tablet will attempt to connect to the ELD hardware via Bluetooth.
Wait for a green indicator to appear at the top right corner of your screen.
Once the green indicator appears, you can start using the electronic logging system.

Verifying that the synchronization was successful
The green indicator at the top right corner of your screen indicates a successful
synchronization between the app and the ELD hardware. This indicator conrms that your
device is connected to the ELD device and ready to use the electronic logging system.


Changing duty status
To change your duty status in the ELD App, tap the Status Circle on the main screen. Select
the appropriate status from the list, such as Off Duty, Driving, On Duty, Sleeper, Yard Moves,
or Personal Use. Tap the Update button to save the changes.

Logs certication
To certify your logs in the ELD App, go to the Logs section. Tap on the certication option
or button and follow the prompts to provide your electronic signature. Any edits made to
certied log will require recertication.

Editing HOS records


In the Logs section, tap on the specic duty status entry you wish to modify. Make the
necessary changes, such as the duty status, location, or annotations, and save the updated
record. Remember that the driving time captured by the device cannot be edited under any

Past HOS records access
The Logs section within the app provides access to past HOS records. Navigate to the
Logs screen from the menu and select the desired date to view the corresponding logs.

Sending logs from the ELD App
ELD App provides an option to send your logs electronically. Tap send option within the
app and choose the desired transfer type.

HOS violations notications
ELD App will automatically notify you of any potential HOS violations or upcoming
violations. Pay attention to these notications, which will alert you when you are
approaching or have exceeded maximum allowable driving time, required rest breaks, or
other HOS regulations.


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