User manual for "ABC ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ABC ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page ABC ELD LLC.

User Manual


Navigate the Main Menu
The apps features are available through the
Main Menu. Features include:





DOT Inspection

Select Vehicle



You can also access your accounts details as
well as an information package.

Records of Duty Status
Current status can be managed from the
Status page. Driving will be set automatically.
You can change the status by tapping on the
down arrowhead symbol.

To add duty status to a past log, go to the
Logs page. Records from the past 14 days will
be available for review. Tap on the log to which
you want to add a status and then on the plus
sign. Add the relevant data and save the

Logs Certication
Once you have reviewed your log, you can
sign it to certify the information it contains.
Tap Certify on the bottom right corner and
draw your signature with your nger or a
stylus pen until you are satised with the
result, then tap Agree.

HOS Violation Alerts
HOS violations and near violations trigger
notications for both drivers and eet
managers. Form, certication, and missing
information alerts are indicated by a red icon
on the main screen.
HOS violations are recorded by the system
and displayed under the log graph. Tap them
to review the details.



Inspection of Vehicle Components
Create driver vehicle inspection reports to
record and report defects that require a
mechanics attention. Go to the main menu,
tap on DVIRs, and then on the plus sign to
create a report. Select the names of defective
components and make notes or specify the
issues in the Remarks section. Save the report.
You can access the report later to conrm
that the issues have been addressed.

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