User manual for "ONE PLUS ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ONE PLUS ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page ONE PLUS ELD.


Synchronize the logbook
app with the ELD device

Enable the Bluetooth function on your mobile device.
Note: The pairing must be done from the app, not from
the phone or tablet settings.


Login to the app and select the vehicle from the list.
Enter MAC address listed on the device and press
Connect. The device will attempt to connect to the
selected vehicles ELD via Bluetooth.


When the synchronization is complete, you will see a
green icon in the connection bar.

Using the ELD on the road
Once the ELD device is synched to the app, your hours of
service will be automatically recorded. Begin your shift by
setting your duty status; it will be visible in the status
circle. Vehicle movement of 5 miles/hour or greater will set
the duty status to Driving.
When you are done driving, tap the status circle to choose
a new status and tap Update. If you dont, the app will
switch the status to On Duty.
You will not be able to access your logs and other features
while driving to avoid safety hazards.

Hours of Service
The system will tell drivers and eet managers the drivers
remaining on-duty and driving hours as well as required
breaks and off-duty time. Available duty, shift, and cycle
hours will also be displayed.
Visual notications and sound warnings will be issued to the
driver before any HOS violations to simplify compliance and
avoid penalties.

© 2025

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