User manual for "Zippy ELD IOSIX for iOS"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Zippy ELD IOSIX for iOS".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Zippy ELD.
User [email protected] 440-696-0007 5146 Hartwell Ln Brunswick OH 44212 Manual 02 Application guide 01 Log in to application using your username and password. If you dont have a Zippy ELD account, please, contact your carrier. If you dont remember your password, you can reset by clicking Forgot password?, or contact to your carrier. Page 02 03 02 Your tablet with Zippy ELD application automatically scans for ELD. When you log in to your Zippy ELD account, the app starts scanning for available ELD devices automatically. And the ELD device lights green, when it is ready to use. Page 03 04 03 04 You should choose your ELD. If the ELD is connected to vehicle, you can see green icon on the top left corner of the dashboard. Once the scanning is complete, select your ELD device from the displayed list of results. Page 04 If it is not connected, the icon stays red with ELD not connected text. 12:37 AM Using Zippy ELD on the road 05 01 Once you have connected your mobile device to ELD, your driving time is automatically recorded. When your vehicle starts moving and reaches the speed of at least 5 mph, your duty status is automatically set to Driving . If the speed of your vehicle goes less than 5 mph, your duty status changes to On Duty. Page 05 06 02 03 Choose a status in the main window based on your current situation. Fill out location field and put remarks, such as Pre-trip inspection or Coffee break (if the location field is left empty, it will be automatically set). From the statuses in the main window, select "Off Duty", "Sleep", "On Duty" depending on your situation. Page 06 07 Review ELD logs 01 Tap Menu icon on the top left corner and select Inspection. 01 Tap Begin inspection and show your electronic logbooks eight-day summary to the officer. Page 07 08 Transfer ELD records to authorized safety officer for inspection Follow the provided guidelines to show your records to the officer Page 08 01 Tap Menu icon on the top left corner and select Inspection. 09 02 In the pop-up menu, select Send ELD Output File to DOT in order to send your electronic logbooks data to DOT. Page 09 03 In the newly opened window, write your comment and click the Send button. 01 395.22 Motor carrier Responsibilities 10 A motor carrier must ensure that its drivers possess onboard a commercial motor vehicle and ELD information packet containing the following items: An instruction sheet for the driver describing ELD malfunction reporting requirements and record-keeping procedures during ELD malfunctions. ELD Malfunctions Page 10 The following instructions are in accordance with the guidelines set forth in 395-34 Zippy ELD will monitor and report malfunction data based on section 4.6 ELDs Self-Monitoring of Required Functions: P Power compliance malfunction, E Engine synchronization compliance malfunction, T Timing compliance malfunction, L Positioning compliance malfunction, R Data recording compliance malfunction, S Data transfer compliance malfunction, O Other ELD detected malfunction.