User manual for "ELD 2 GO"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ELD 2 GO".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page ELD 2 GO.


ELD Capabilities
Electronic Logs
Hours of Service Records
Stay FMCSA-compliant with automatic hours of service logs. The
ELD system was developed according to the technical standard to
provide accurate data recollection and HOS violation alerts.

User-Friendly Interface
The driver app and online portal are intuitive to facilitate log
management and everyday operations. Different login credentials
are provided for each user to control access levels.

RODS Transfer
Pass inspections with the DOT Inspection mode. You can access
records of duty status and display them on your device for the
ofcer to review with a few taps of the screen or transfer them if

Set Up
Mobile App
Sign into the Drivers Mobile App
Go to your mobile device's app distribution platform and download
the logbook app. Sign in with the username and password created
through the online portal.

Connect the Hardware to the Vehicle
Locate the trucks ECM (diagnostic) port and connect the ELD
device with the 9-pin, 6-pin or OBDII cable provided.

Synchronize the App and ELD Hardware
Go to the list of available vehicles and select yours. Your phone or
tablet will attempt to connect to ELD via Bluetooth. Wait for a green
indicator to show up at the top right corner of your screen. When it
does, you can start using the electronic logging system.

Set Up
Fleet Manager Portal
Sign into the Fleet Manager Portal
Go to your preferred browser and use your credentials to sign into
the portal. You will be required to provide information about your
company, portal users, drivers, and vehicles.

Log Management
As per federal regulations, the driving time recorded by the device cannot
be edited. Other duty status events of your logs data can be adjusted.
Go to Logs and choose the log that requires an edit.
Tap the pencil and then go to the section you need to edit.
Add an annotation

The app allows you to display your RODS for the current shift as well as
those from the previous seven days for the DOT ofcer.
Access the DOT Inspection mode from the Main Menu.
The Start Inspection button will display RODS for the ofcer and
allow navigation via the arrows on the sides of the Date eld.

Tap Send if you are requested by the ofcer to transfer your
RODS. Select web services or email and enter the necessary
Tap Back after the inspection to go back to your regular logs.

Fleet Management
Fleet Manager Portal
Manage operations from the eet management dashboard. Monitor
drivers and vehicles, improve dispatch, nd areas of opportunity and
boost eet performance.

GPS Tracker
Locate each vehicle in your eet at any moment through the Global
Positioning System. Reduce fuel use, monitor driver behavior and
provide precise ETAs to customers.

IFTA Tax Reporting
Eliminate the need for manual calculations of miles driven per
jurisdiction with the IFTA calculations feature. Tax reporting is made
more efcient as automatic calculations eliminate human error.

Preventative Maintenance Alerts
Program routine maintenance for each vehicle and receive alerts to
keep the eet working optimally and reduce downtime. Drivers can
also submit vehicle inspection reports to notify their manager of any
mechanical defects they detect.

© 2025

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