User manual for "NexTraq Elogs"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "NexTraq Elogs".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page NexTraq.

APRIL 2018

The NexTraq eFleetSuite system complies with and is tested
against the United States Department of Transportation
(USDOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
(FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for
Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B.

Sign In


Driver Overview


Change Status


Driver Vehicle Inspection






View Logs




Manual Location Data Entry


Driver Options


Vehicle in Motion


Sign Out


Symbols & Warnings


Malfunction & Data Diagnostic Event Indicators






Instructions for Law Enforcement Officials



This screen is shown when the vehicle is
stopped and no driver is signed in to the
logging device. Tap on the line that says
Enter Driver ID, then use the on-screen
keyboard to enter the Driver ID and
password provided to you by your motor
carrier. Then tap the Enter or Return arrow on the keyboard.
Tip: Wherever an underlined text field appears on the screen, tap once above the
line to show the keyboard. Tap the Enter button when you have finished typing to
close the keyboard.
Q: What if I was not provided with a password?
A: If you have previously been using an NexTraq eFleetSuite AOBRD and your
motor carrier did not provide you with a password, and if you have not signed in
to the Driver Portal (website) and set a password, leave the password field blank.
You will be prompted to set your password. If you are not prompted for a
password, contact your carrier to have your password set.

Every time you sign in, the logging device will request your electronic
records of duty status (daily logs) from the web server.

When you receive a message that logs are received or up to date,
click OK to view your last recorded duty status and current driving
time left. If you entered the wrong sign-in information or dont yet
have enough time available, tap Cancel to return to the Sign-In
screen. Re-enter the correct information or wait until you have hours
available, and try again.

Q: What is Gain time at?
A: This is the date (month/day/year) and time at which your Available Drive Time
will increase, presuming that you dont change duty statuses before then. See
Driver Overview for more information.
Q: Ive been waiting a long time, but still havent received my logs. What should I do?
A: The system will try to reach the server for 60 seconds. If the server cannot be
reached, you will receive an error message and must reestablish communications before
signing in. If you have recently signed in to this device, a Stop button will appear after
60 seconds, allowing you to continue signing in without reaching the server.
Q: I received a message that there are proposed edits and/or uncertified
logs that need to be reviewed on the eFleetSuite website. What do I do?
A: You will need to sign in to the Driver Portal to complete these actions, as they are
required on logs older than can be accessed on the device.

If you are configured to operate commercial vehicles in both the
United States and Canada, you may preview your driving time left for
either country before completing the sign in process. Tap the flag
icon to select your country setting. All screens, including Driver
Overview, View Logs, and Vehicle Motion, will update to show
your hours of service information for the selected country.

After previewing availability, tap Status
and then choose the button that best
represents your initial duty status. See the
Change Status section for a complete list
of buttons and corresponding duty
You will be required to enter an annotation (comment) when
selecting Yard Moves (ON YM) or Personal Conveyance (OFF PC).
See Change Status for more information about these options.
If you are the first driver to sign in during your work shift, the device

will prompt you to confirm the vehicle ID. If the vehicle ID has changed
or is not correct, tap the pencil icon and enter or update the vehicle ID.
If the vehicle ID displayed is correct, or you are finished entering the
ID, tap OK. Please take caution when updating your vehicle ID to
validate that the vehicle ID matches that used by your carrier.
You may be prompted to enter your location if GPS data is not
available. See Location Data Entry.


Q: I dont see a Driving button. How do I record when I am driving the
A: When you tap ON Driver, you are indicating that you are on duty and preparing
to operate the vehicle. The logging device will detect when the vehicle is moving and
record the correct duty status for you based on the movement of the vehicle. See
the details below.
ON Driver



stops for 5

Drivers duty status is
recorded as Driving
(Line 3)
Driver is prompted
whether to remain
Driving or change to
On Duty or another


ON Driver

Q: I dont have a co-driver. Do I still need to tap the On Duty (Driver) button before I
operate the vehicle?
A: Yes. The logging device uses this information not only to maintain accurate driver
logs but also for other recordkeeping, such as determining when driver vehicle
inspection reports need to be created or reviewed. See Driver Vehicle Inspection.

If you are the first driver to sign in during your work shift, you may be
asked to review the trailers and shipments added by a previous
driver, and remove or add new resources.
Tap Remove to remove the selected resource shown on the left
without recording it on your log. To add a shipment, enter the ID in
the Shipment ID field on the right and then tap Add. You may also
add or remove resources after you are signed in. See Resources.

Tap Next to keep all resources shown. This will record these
resources, if any, on your current driver log.

If the DVIR feature is enabled and you are the driver of the vehicle,
you will be prompted to review the most recent driver vehicle
inspection report for each resource in the current vehicle
combination. If a trailer was removed during sign in, you will be
prompted to create a driver vehicle inspection report for each trailer
removed. See Driver Vehicle Inspection.
The Driver Overview screen will be shown when the sign in process
is complete. Always review your logs before operating the
vehicle to ensure that all information is true and correct. You
are responsible for ensuring that all records required to be in your
possession1 are available in electronic and/or paper format.
Tip: Tap Back to go back and change a response without
starting over. Tap Cancel to discard all previous responses
and restart the sign in process from the beginning.

See US 49 CFR 395.15(b)(4) and CA SOR-2005-313 84

Q: I performed some work after signing out of the logging device but before signing
in again. Can I record that activity now?
A: Yes, but only if the activity you wish to add was On Duty, not Driving. After
completing the sign in process, go to Options to add Pre Shift time (time worked
just before signing in to the logging device) and/or Post Shift time (time worked just
after signing out of the logging device). Your driving time left will be recalculated
accordingly. You are also able to use the Driver Portal to make edits to your log.


This is the main screen of the application, showing the drivers name,
current duty status, and hours and minutes of driving time left.
Tap + Driver to allow a co-driver to sign
in. Tap on any drivers card on the left to
see the Driver Overview screen for a codriver who has already signed in.

Available Drive Time is shown in the large colored gauge. The color
reflects the approximate driving time left:

Green  more than 3 hours left


Yellow  between 1 and 3 hours left


Red  less than 1 hour left

Tap the circled arrow below Gain Time
At to display Driving Time Details,
including active exceptions and the time
remaining under each applicable hours of
service rule. You may need to swipe up
and down to view more detail if it does
not all fit on the screen.
If you have uncertified logs or proposed
edits that require review, you will notice an
orange flag over the Options button and
three orange lines in the upper left corner.
See Options and View Logs for more
information. A red flag indicates missing
data. See Driver Options.

Q: What is Available Drive Time, and how is it calculated?
A: Available Drive Time is the maximum time in hours and minutes (hh:mm) that a
driver legally may continue to operate a commercial vehicle without rest. The
logging device calculates the time remaining until each applicable hours of service
limit will be reached. The lowest of these is displayed as Available Drive Time.





US property1
carrying limits

US passenger2
carrying limits

Canada south of
60N limits


11 hours

10 hours

13 hours


8 hours

Not applicable

Not applicable


14 hours

15 hours

14 hours


Not applicable

Not applicable

13 hours


Not applicable

Not applicable

14 hours


Not applicable

Not applicable

14 hours


60 hours in 7 days
70 hours in 8 days

60 hours in 7 days
70 hours in 8 days

70 hours in 7 days
(Cycle 1) or
120 hours in 14
days (Cycle 2)

See US 49 CFR 395.3


See US 49 CFR 395.5


See CA SOR-2005-313 12-29

Q: What is the difference between Work Shift rules and Daily rules?
A: Work Shift rules restrict the on duty time that a driver may accumulate from the
moment the driver reports to duty to the moment he or she is released from duty. Work
Shift calculations do not reset until the driver has accumulated the minimum consecutive
off duty time required by the applicable US or Canadian hours of service regulations.
Canada has additional rules, called Daily rules, which restrict the on duty time a driver
may accumulate from the start of one 24-hour log period to the start of the next and


establish mandatory minimums for the total off duty time a driver must accumulate within
a log period. Daily calculations automatically reset at the beginning of each log day.
Q: What does it mean if driving time left is N/A?
A: N/A means that the logging device cannot calculate Available Drive Time due to
insufficient data. Review all records of duty status, including paper logs, to
determine your actual driving time left.
Q: Why do my driving time details sometimes show Salesperson instead of Cycle

A: If you are operating in the US as a driver salesperson , the typical cycle duty
limit does not apply toward your driving time left so long as you do not exceed 40
hours Driving in any period of 7 consecutive days . The Salesperson value shows
how long you may continue to drive under this driver salesperson exception.

See US 49 CFR 395.2

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See US 49 CFR 395.1(c)

Starting from the Driver Overview screen, tap Status and then
choose the option that best describes your current activity.
These options are available for all drivers:

ON Driver

Choose this when you are on duty and taking control of the vehicle.
The logging device will detect when the vehicle is moving and
automatically record your activity as D (Line 3) when the vehicle is
moving and ON (Line 4) when the vehicle is stopped. No other
driver may take control of the vehicle until you choose a
different status, start a Rest Break, or sign out.

ON Not

Choose this if you are on duty but not in control of the vehicle. This
will record your activity as ON (Line 4). If no one has taken control
of the vehicle, the automatic motion detection system will
continue to track vehicle movements and report them as
Unidentified Driver events.


Choose this when you are beginning a period of rest in the
vehicles sleeper berth.This will record your activity as SB (Line 2).

Sign Out

Choose this when you are relieved of duty and are signing out of
the logging device. This will record your activity as OFF (Line 1).
To record your status as off duty without signing out of the logging
device, see Rest Break.

These additional options may be available if enabled by your carrier:


Choose this if you are relieved from all responsibility for performing
work and taking control of the vehicle for your own personal use.
This will record your activity as Authorized Personal Use of CMV
(PC) (OFF, Line 1).
Choose this if you are moving your vehicle inside your carriers yard.
This will record your activity as Yard Moves (YM) (ON, Line 4).

The Rest Break feature is used for recording off duty activity during
the work shift. Drivers who use this feature remain signed in to the
application, thereby avoiding the screen prompts associated with
signing out of a logging device and signing back in again.

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Drivers should only use this feature if they will return to duty in
the same vehicle before the end of the work shift.
To begin a rest break, tap the Rest Break
button in the upper right of the driver
overview screen and confirm that you
want to start a break now. This will record
your activity as Off Duty (Line 1) without
signing you out of the application.
The application will determine the minimum rest necessary to
improve driving time, and show this value as Gain Time At. When
the required rest break time is fulfilled, Gain Time At and Available
Drive Time will be recalculated.
To end a rest break, tap the red Stop
Break button in the upper right to display
the Status screen.
Choose ON Driver if you are returning to
duty and will be operating the vehicle or
ON Not Driver if you are the co-driver.
Choose SB if you will continue resting in the vehicles sleeper berth
before returning to duty. Choosing any button other than OFF Sign
Out will return to the Driver Overview screen and cause Gain Time
At and Available Drive Time to be recalculated.
When you are finished using the vehicle, dont use the Rest Break
feature. Instead, choose OFF Sign Out from the Status screen.
This will begin the sign out process and trigger a post-trip driver
vehicle inspection (if applicable).

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After choosing the ON Driver button or adding a trailer to the vehicle
combination, verify the ID of the resource that you are using, and
then tap Request DVIR.
The logging device will request the most
recent driver vehicle inspection report and
refresh this screen when a response is
received. Fill in any empty boxes and tap
Q: Ive been waiting a long time without receiving the most recent report. What
should I do?
A: If you have waited at least 60 seconds, tap Stop to continue the inspection
process without a response from the web server. If a previous un-reviewed report is
already stored on the logging device, it will be presented for you to review. If not,
perform your own inspection and create a new DVIR listing any defects you find.

If a previous report is presented for you to review, use the arrow
buttons to scroll through the report and review all the information
provided. See View DVIR.
If any defects are listed, verify that a
statement is present certifying that the
defects were repaired or that repair is not
needed. Be sure to review all defects for
each resource in the current vehicle
combination. When you are done with the
review, tap Next to show the acknowledgement screen.

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Tap Yes if you are satisfied with the vehicles condition, otherwise
tap No. If any unresolved defects were listed on the report, you will
also need to select Complete or Not Needed for Repair Status. Tap
Done to submit the report.

When it is time to create a driver vehicle
inspection report, a list of resources subject
to inspection will be shown. Tap once on a
resource to highlight it and then choose the
appropriate button.

No Defects

Choose this to report that the resource is free of defect or

Add Defects

Choose this to note one or more defects for the resource.

A resource ID shown in blue and having a message of No Defects
or Defects Added on the right indicates that you have completed a
DVIR for that resource during the current inspection process, or that
an unrepaired defect has been carried over from a previous report.
You must complete a DVIR for all resources in the list to move to the
next screen. See Carry Over Defects.


US 49 CFR 396.11 requires a report to be prepared at the completion of each days work on
each vehicle operated; CA NSC Standard 13 requires a report to be completed once every 24

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When you tap Add Defects or Edit
Defects, a list of parts will be shown for
the selected resource. Tap once on a part
to highlight it, and then select one or more
defects from the list on the right. All defect
lists will include an option for Other, where
you can type in your own description.
Repeat this process for each defective
part. Tap Done to return to the Select
Resource screen. After inspecting all
resources, tap Finish if there are no
defects to report, or tap Next to show the
Review & Submit screen.
Note: Part names and defect descriptions are specific to the type of
resource (vehicle or trailer) currently selected for inspection. Both
lists can be customized by your motor carrier.

In some cases, the previous DVIR for an asset may include a defect
that was certified as Repairs Not Necessary. This suggests that the
defect or deficiency may still exist, but that repair is not required in
order for the vehicle to be operated safely.
The logging device will carry over such defects to the next driver
vehicle inspection report. You will be notified when beginning a new
inspection report if the previous report has such defects. You may
add to or edit these defects as needed before submitting your new
inspection report.

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From the Driver Overview screen, tap the Trailers button.
To add a trailer to the list, enter the trailer ID and then tap Add (or
Enter on the keyboard). This will add the trailer as a current
resource and also record this information on the current days log for
each driver who is signed in. To drop trailers, tap on one or more
checkboxes in the list on the left, and then tap Remove. Tap on
Home to return to the Driver Overview.
If the DVIR feature is enabled, you will be prompted to create a DVIR
when you remove a trailer, or review the most recent DVIR when you
add a trailer. See Driver Vehicle Inspection.

From the Driver Overview screen, tap the Shipments button.
To add a shipment to the list, enter the shipping document number (if
applicable) or the shipper name and commodity name, and then tap
Add. This will add the shipment as a current resource and also
record this information on the current days log for each driver who is
signed in. To drop a shipment, tap on it once to highlight it in the list,
and then tap Remove.
Tip: If adding multiple shipments bound for separate destinations,
add them one at a time so that each is listed on a separate line. This
will allow you to remove individual shipments at each stop, so that
the shipment list always reflects your current load.

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This screen allows you or an official to view your electronic record of
duty status (daily log) for each day required to be in your possession1.
It also allows you to certify your logs and accept or reject edits to your
logs that were proposed by a user on the host website. If all the details
do not fit on one screen, swipe the screen vertically to scroll.
Starting from the Driver Overview screen for the driver, tap Logs to
see the grid view (graph of duty statuses) for todays date
(month/day/year). Tap the Events/Grid button to toggle between the
grid view and a line-by-line detail view. Use the arrows on either side
of the date or swipe the screen side to side to navigate through your
log history. The Details button displays general carrier, driver, and
ELD information. The Certify button allows you to certify your log for
the day displayed.

Graph of all duty statuses for each 24hour period starting at midnight
Total hours
The grid is color coded as follows:
Personal Conveyance (OFF)
Yard Moves (ON)
All other statuses

EVENTS (Log Details)


Duty status changes and locations
Remarks and annotations
Exceptions claimed by the driver
Edits and requested changes
o See Definitions for details
Malfunction and data diagnostic events
o See Malfunction & Data
Diagnostic Event Indicators
for more information

See US 49 CFR 395.15(b)(4) and CA SOR-2005-313 84

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Log date, time, and time zone
[Canada format only] The cycle being
Name of motor carrier
USDOT number of motor carrier
Main office address
Drivers home terminal name
Home terminal address
Driver name, ID, license number and state
ELD Provider, Registration ID, and Identifier
Vehicles (trucks or tractors), trailers, and shipments
Distance driven
Total duty hours for the 7- or 8- consecutive day period [US format]
or 7- or 14- day cycle [Canada format] ending today
Current odometer and engine hours
Current location
Malfunction and diagnostic indicators


Excluding any distance travelled while operating a CMV as a personal conveyance


Visible only when viewing a log for the current date


Displays a prompt to certify your log for
the date displayed
You must enter your password when
certifying your logs
IMPORTANT: Logs cannot be certified
if there are pending proposed edits or Unidentified Driver events

Q: If I am off duty for several days in a row, do I have to certify each day ?
A: If you have been continuously off duty for multiple days, display the log for the last
day on which you were off duty, and tap the Certify button. You will be prompted to
certify the range of dates encompassed by that off duty event.
Q: Why am I being asked to certify my log again?
A: You can only certify logs that are complete. Any new status change, log edit or
annotation, or accepting a proposed edit will require that you re-certify your log.

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Q: What if I need to certify logs that are not available on the mobile device?
A: You will only be able to certify the previous 7 or 14 days on the mobile device,
depending on your driver type. You can certify older logs through the Driver Portal.

If a non-driver host user has proposed an
edit to your log, you will need to Accept or
Reject the edit either from the Driver Portal
or through the Logs page on the device.
To view a proposed edit, navigate to the
day of the edit, then tap Events. Scroll through the events to locate
the proposed edit, shown in red. You can also tap Review Logs
from the Options menu to navigate to any log that requires review.
See Driver Options. Tap the proposed event and tap Accept or
Reject. You can use the Annotate button to add a comment to the
Q: What happens if I reject an edit?
A: The event will be displayed as Inactive - Rejected. Your availability will not be
affected and you will not need to re-certify the log.
Q: What happens if I accept an edit?
A: The event becomes an active event in your log. Your availability is recalculated
accordingly and you will need to re-certify the log.
Q: What if an edit was proposed for a date that is not available on the mobile
A: You will only be able to view the previous 7 or 14 days on the mobile device,
depending on your driver type. You can review older logs and accept or reject edits
through the Driver Portal.

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This screen allows you or an official to view
the most recent driver vehicle inspection
report for any resource (vehicles, trailers,
etc.) in the vehicle combination. You also
have the option to start a new DVIR during
your shift.
Starting from the Driver Overview screen for any driver, tap DVIR1
to see the report for the first available resource (typically the vehicle).
Tap the tabs at the top left of the screen to navigate between the
different resources.
A driver vehicle inspection report includes the following information:
 Resource type (Vehicle or Trailer) and ID
 Location of vehicle when the driver vehicle inspection report was
 Defects or deficiencies noted, or No Defects
 Report creation details:
o Driver
o Date3 and time
 Repair certification details (if applicable):
o Certifying agent or driver
o Date3 and time
o Repairs Made or Repairs Not Necessary
 Driver review/acknowledgment details:
o Driver
o Date3 and time
o Safe to Operate or Unsafe to Operate
To begin a new DVIR at any time, tap the + Add DVIR button. Once
you have started an open DVIR, you will have the option to toggle
between the Certified or Opened DVIR and to edit or add to the
open DVIR with the Edit DVIR button.

Visible only if the DVIR feature is enabled; selectable only if a driver vehicle inspection report
is available for viewing
Visible only when viewing a DVIR for a Vehicle
Displayed in month/day/year format

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The logging device uses GPS to determine
the vehicles location at the time of each
duty status change and driver vehicle
inspection. If valid coordinates cannot be
obtained from GPS, you will be prompted
to enter the location. GPS entry consists of
the following fields:

Choose from City/State, Intersecting Highways, Highway/Mile
post or Highway/Service Plaza.


(Optional) Enter the customer name or landmark where the status
change or inspection took place. This name will appear in the
Events view of your driver logs to provide additional context for
your activities. See View Logs.


Enter the name of the city. If outside city limits, enter the name of
the nearest city, town or other population center.


Select the state, province, or territory.

If GPS coordinates are not available when the automatic motion
detection system records a status change, the driver will need to
enter the location of that change after the vehicle stops moving.
If there is a red flag over the Options button, tap on it and then tap
Missing Data.
This will display the location data entry
screen, where you should verify the date
(month/day/year) and time at the top of the
screen for each duty status change before
entering the location where that change
occurred. Enter an annotation to document
the change.
Tip: If the logging device frequently prompts you to enter location data,
check the GPS antenna to ensure that it has not become loose or been

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These options provide a way to record
additional information on your logs,
synchronize logs with the web server, view
system diagnostics, and other functions.
Starting from the Driver Overview screen,
tap Options.

This option allows you to update the Vehicle ID if the device was
provisioned incorrectly or if the Vehicle ID has changed.

This option allows you to synchronize electronic records with the web
server at any time during your trip. Use this if you need to:
 Download amendments to your logs for the current or
previous day(s)
 Download notes for a DVIR after it has been reviewed
 Download inspection checklists and other configuration
settings that have changed since you signed in
This option will be disabled if the logging device is unable to open a
connection to the web server. See Symbols & Warnings.
Note: Depending on the wireless network used, excessive log requests may lead to
overages on your carriers data plan. Use this feature only as necessary.

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This option allows you to record On Duty, not Driving time worked
just prior to signing in. Select the date (month/day/year) and time
that the pre-shift activity started and verify the total time to be added.
Add an annotation when prompted to document the reason for the
change. Your Available Drive Time will be recalculated accordingly.
This option will be enabled for up to 48 hours after the sign in
process is complete if the drivers previous status was Off Duty.

This option allows you to record On Duty, not Driving time worked
just after the driver last signed out. Select the date (month/day/year)
and time that the post-shift activity ended and verify the total time to
be added. Add an annotation when prompted to document the
reason for the change. Your Available Drive Time will be
recalculated accordingly.
This option will be enabled for up to 48 hours after the sign in
process is complete if the drivers previous status was Off Duty.

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This option allows you to utilize one or more of the following
(temporary) exceptions from hours of service regulations. When you
take an exception, your Available Drive Time will be recalculated
accordingly based on the type of exception claimed.
100 Air-Mile1

Relief from the 30-minute rest break requirement and a limitation of 12
hours of Work Shift Duty. Requires a return to the work reporting
location. Only for property-carrying drivers.

150 Air-Mile2

Relief from the 30-minute rest break requirement. Work Shift Duty limit
increased to 16 hours on 2 days in a 7-consecutive-day period or after
any 34-hour restart. Only for non-CDL property-carrying drivers.

16 Hour3

Work Shift Duty limit increased from 14 to 16 hours. Does not increase
Work Shift Driving limit, and may only be used once every 7 consecutive
days or after a 34-hour restart.

30 Minute Rest

Relief from the 30-minute rest break requirement. Only for propertycarrying drivers.


Work Shift Driving limit increased by up to 2 hours. Does not increase
Work Shift Duty limit, and may not be used during the same shift with
16 Hour.


Relief from all Driving, Duty, and Rest Break/Off Duty rules. Only used
during state-specified planting and harvesting periods.


Relief from all Driving, Duty, and Rest Break/Off Duty rules. Only used
in a declared Federal, State, or local State of Emergency.

Certain restrictions apply; see US 49 CFR 395.1(e)(1)
Certain restrictions apply; see US 49 CFR 395.1(e)(2)
Available to limited US drivers. Other restrictions also apply. See US 49 CFR 395.1(o).
Available to limited US drivers.
Certain restrictions apply; see US 49 CFR 395.1(b)(1), US 49 CFR 395.2, and CA SOR-2005-313 76(2).
Certain restrictions apply; see US 49 CFR 395.1(k)
Certain restrictions apply; see US 49 CFR 390.5 or US 395.1(b)(2), and CA SOR-2005-313 76(1).

This option allows you to invalidate a previously-taken exception.
This option is only available for certain exceptions.

This option allows you to view identification information about the
device, as well as a general system health check. Tap and hold on
System Check to view system details.
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This option is visible if you have uncertified logs or if a non-driver
host user has proposed an edit to your log that requires your
attention. Tapping this option will take you to the log(s) requiring
review. See Certify and Accept / Reject for more details.

This option allows you to back-fill information for duty status changes
that have been recorded in the past. This option is visible only if
required information (most typically the vehicles location) was not
available when the duty status change was recorded. See Location
Data Entry.

This option allows you to add driving events to your log that were
recorded while no driver was signed in to the device. Unidentified
driver events are recorded any time the vehicle is moved without a
driver signed in, or if a driver is signed in but is not in ON Driver, YM,
or PC status. To avoid these events, always make sure to properly
sign in to the device before moving the vehicle.
Tapping this option will take you to the log date with the unidentified
driver event(s). Once you have reviewed the event details, tap the
event and then tap Accept or Reject to either add the event to your
log or discard it. Rejecting the event will remove it from your view on
the device. Other drivers and non-driver host users will still have the
ability to view and accept or assign the event.

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When you Accept an unidentified driver event, it is added to your log
and your Available Drive Time is recalculated accordingly. The
system automatically places in you in an ON Not Driver status
following the unidentified driver event. Both the unidentified driver and
following On Duty event will appear on your log with an Origin of
Unidentified Driver.
Q: What if I Reject an Unidentified Driver event by mistake?
A: Rejecting the event permanently removes it from your view on the device. Contact
your carrier to have them assign the event to you as a proposed edit from the host. You
will first need to certify your log before the non-driver host user can propose an edit.
Q: What if I Accept an Unidentified Driver event by mistake?
A: If the driver who should have accepted the event is your co-driver, you can reassign
the event to them. Tap on the driving event and tap Reassign. Enter your password
when prompted, select the co-driver from the list, enter an Annotation (comment), and
click Reassign. Your co-driver must then enter their password to approve the change.
The driving event will be removed from your log and added to your co-drivers log, and
both of your Available Drive Time will be recalculated accordingly.

This option allows an enforcement official to review your logs and
allows you to send your logs via email or web service on the request
of an enforcement official. To send your logs, tap Roadside
Inspection and then tap Data File Transfer. Tap either Email or
Webservice, as directed by the enforcement official. See
Instructions for Law Enforcement Officials for more information.

26 |

This message is displayed at the bottom of
the Driver Overview when the vehicle is
moving. While this message is displayed,
the application will not allow any interaction
with the user.
The dialog may display the following
additional information:

No driver is signed in
Change status to
Authorized Personal
Use Of CMV (PC)
Yard Moves (YM)

No one is signed in to the device. Sign in as soon as you
are safely able to do so. An audio warning will play when
the vehicle begins moving.
A driver is signed in to the device, but is not in ON
Driver, OFF PC, or ON YM status. An audio warning will
play when the vehicle begins moving.
The vehicle is being moved with the driver in Personal
Conveyance status.
The vehicle is being moved with the driver in Yard
Moves status.

If the person operating the vehicle is in Driving status and has less
than one hour of driving time left, audio warnings will sound

27 |

When you are finished with your shift or otherwise done using the
vehicle, tap Status and then tap OFF Sign Out. Do not use the
Rest Break feature unless you will be returning to duty in the same
vehicle during your shift.
If the DVIR feature is enabled, you may be prompted to create a
driver vehicle inspection report before signing out.
You may also be prompted to review your logs on the device during
sign out. Tap Yes to be taken to the log(s) that require review. See
View Logs for more information. Tap No to proceed without
reviewing your logs. Tap Back to cancel and return to the Driver
After the sign out process is complete, the logging device will send
your records to the web server.
Q: I forgot to sign out of the logging device in another vehicle before I signed
into this logging device. What will happen to my records?
A: If both logging devices are connected to the web server, a message will be sent
to the previous vehicle to sign you out. Inspect your records carefully and report any
errors to your supervisor. Make it a habit to sign out every time that you are
finished using a vehicle, to protect the integrity of your electronic records.

28 |

[Green] The logging device is currently connected to your engine
or the system black box. All drive time will be recorded correctly.
[Gray] The black box or Vehicle Data Service has stopped sending
data to eFleetSuite. Drive events will not be recorded, and paper
logs should be used.
[Red] The connection to the engine has been lost, and drive events
will not be recorded. Paper logs should be used.

[Green] The logging device is currently connected to your wireless
data provider and is able to send data.
[Amber] The connection to your wireless data provider has been
closed because the logging device has no new data to send. A
connection will be reestablished when there is data to send.
[Red] The logging device cannot connect to your wireless data
provider. Reasons may include low signal strength or network
service interruption.

[Green] The logging device currently has a good lock on GPS.
[Amber] The logging device is connected to some GPS satellites,
but not enough to establish a valid position. Location information
will need to be filled in manually.
[Red] No GPS connection available. Location information will need
to be entered manually.

29 |

The logging device is waiting for driver logs to be synchronized
with the web server.

The trailer list is empty.

The shipment list is empty.

[Orange] This icon can represent a few different warnings. Read
the text that accompanies the icon to determine what the warning
is and if any action is needed.

The logging device cannot obtain vehicle location data frequently
enough to meet International Fuel Tax Agreement requirements.
Drivers must keep paper records of their route of travel and
miles per jurisdiction until normal location detection resumes.
A warning audio will sound once when the failure is detected and a
different audio will sound when this failure is resolved.

The vehicle is moving but the person operating the vehicle has not
been identified. Stop driving and either sign in or change status as

Visible only if the IFTA feature is enabled and valid GPS coordinates could not be
obtained for at least 5 minutes

30 |

Data Diagnostic Event




Engine synchronization


Missing required data


Data transfer


Unidentified driving






Engine synchronization






Data recording


Data transfer


Other ELD detected


31 |

Device was not powered on within 1 min of the
engine receiving power, or lost power at any
point while the engine was powered on
Device was not able to receive data from the
ECM (or other data source) within 5 seconds of
requesting the data
Device is missing required information for
reporting on driver logs
Device is unable to confirm the proper operation
of the certified primary roadside transfer
More than 30 min of driving in a 24 hour period is
recorded under the unidentified driver profile

Device lost power during driving events for a
total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour period
Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data
source) for a total of more than 30 min during a
24-hour period
Device is not able to synchronize to UTC
Device is not able to acquire a valid position
measurement within 5 mi of vehicle movement
for a total of more than 60 min over a 24 hour
Device is no longer able to record or retain
required event data or retrieve locally-stored
recorded logs
Device continues to fail checks of the roadside
transfer mechanism for three days following a
Data Transfer Diagnostic Event
The eFleetSuite application has stopped working
or is not responding as expected

See the following tables for ELD malfunction and data diagnostic
event definitions. General troubleshooting steps can be found in the
Troubleshooting section.
Data diagnostics appear on your
device when a driver is signed in to
the application. If your device
enters a data diagnostic state, you will see
a red triangle icon in the action bar at the
top of the screen. Navigate to your log
events to determine the exact type of diagnostic event that
has occurred, and see Troubleshooting for common causes and
An ELD compliance
malfunction appears
on your device as a pop-up notification icon
that sits on top of all applications. The icon
will include the malfunction description.
The example shown is a Timing
Compliance malfunction. You must document the occurrence of a
compliance malfunction and notify your carrier within 24 hours.
A compliance malfunction cannot be dismissed, it must be corrected
before you continue using the device as an ELD. Refer to the
Troubleshooting section for common causes and resolutions. If you
are not able to immediately resolve the malfunction, you must begin
keeping paper logs until the device is once again compliant. If your
logs can no longer be accessed on the device, you must reconstruct
your logs on paper for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7
consecutive days.

32 |

See the following tables for common troubleshooting steps.

System Check screen
shows Failed for
The comms indicator on
the Sign In screen is red;
Driver logs or DVIR
cannot be downloaded at

Possible Cause
connections not

Corrective Action
Verify the connections are tight,
but finger tighten only. Turn the
antennas toward the nearest
window or windshield.

Cellular coverage

Move outside or away from
buildings or other objects that
may obstruct the signal. Contact
the cellular provider of your
device and request a coverage
check for your area.

Possible Cause
connections not

Corrective Action
Verify the connections are tight,
but finger tighten only. Turn the
antennas toward the nearest
window or windshield.

Physical location /
coverage issue

Move outside or away from
buildings or other objects that may
obstruct satellite view.

Possible Cause
Ignition wire
incorrectly installed

Corrective Action
Verify ignition wire is not
receiving power with the engine
Contact the NexTraq ELD
Support Team at 678-762-4310.

System Check screen
shows Failed for GPS;
Missing locations
appearing on driver logs;
Record State Line
Crossings message on
Device is recording
positioning compliance

Device is recording engine
synchronization data
diagnostic events and/or
compliance malfunctions

33 |

Device not
receiving engine
data from ECM


Possible Cause

Corrective Action

System Check screen
shows Failed for

9-pin connection
not properly

Verify the 9-pin connector and
any adapters used for installation
are connected tightly and
snapped into place.

Device not
receiving engine
data from ECM

Contact the NexTraq ELD
Support Team at 678-762-4310.

Installation did not
use 9-pin cables

Verify that the correct J1708 or
J1939 wires were used to
connect to the vehicle wiring.
Verify that the connection point
on the vehicle was not bypassed
by some other connection.
Verify that the data lines used to
connect are live and sending
data from the databus.


Possible Cause

Corrective Action

Power Failure remarks in
driver logs;

Incorrectly installed
power wire or no
power to the 9-pin
connector power pin

Verify that the power and ground
wire are receiving a constant 12 or
24 volts of power with the engine
off. Verify that the 9-pin connector
and any adapters used for
installation are connected tightly
and snapped into place.
Test the vehicles battery and
alternator. Check for faulty wiring;
exposed or corroded wiring or
loose connections.
Re-wire the device straight to a
constant 12 or 24 volt source.
See Installation Guide for details.

Missing odometer
conflicts appearing on
driver logs;
Device is recording
engine synchronization
data diagnostic events
and/or compliance


Device shutting down or
rebooting unexpectedly;
Screen does not power on
with engine crank or when
the circular hardware
button is pressed

Inconsistent voltage
to the device

Device is recording power
data diagnostic events
and/or compliance

Device is wired
through a master kill

34 |

eFleetSuite stops
responding to touches

Screen does not power on
with engine crank or when
the circular hardware
button is pressed

Possible Cause
Application not

Defective or
No power

Corrective Action
Reboot the device by holding the
red hardware button until the
Power Off menu appears. Tap
Power Off and then OK.
If the Power Off menu will not
appear, disconnect the 9-pin or
Molex-Molex connector on the
wiring harness.
Have your carrier administrator
submit an RMA request to have
the screen repaired.
Verify that the device is receiving
power through the 9-pin harness.

Defective or

If the hardware buttons light up
but the screen will not come on
when the circular hardware button
is pressed, have your carrier
administrator submit an RMA
request to have the screen

Possible Cause
An incorrect ID or
password was
No cellular
connection and no
credentials stored
locally on the device

Corrective Action
Contact your administrator to
verify your ID and to have your
password reset.

Error Message
Driver ID or password is
invalid for driver [xxx]
Unable to reach host

Error Message
Device is recording or
displaying Other
compliance malfunction

35 |

Possible Cause
Application has
stopped responding

Corrective Action
Reboot and/or re-provision the
device. Contact the NexTraq ELD
Support Team at 678-762-4310.

The following abbreviations and terms are used in records generated
by this logging device. Use the extra space provided to list any
additional codes used by your motor carrier.

Cellular communications




Electronic logging device

ELD Login

When an authorized user logs in to an ELD

ELD Logout

When an authorized user logs out of an ELD

Inactive - Changed
Inactive - Rejected
Inactive - Requested

A log event that was edited and is no longer the active
A requested edit that was rejected and was not applied to
your log
A log edit that has been requested by a non-driver host
user but has not yet been applied to your log


Off duty


On duty, not driving


Personal conveyance


Sleeper berth


Yard moves

NexTraq ELD Support Team
email: [email protected]
phone: 678-762-4310

36 |

To review the drivers electronic record of duty
status (daily log) for each day required to be in
their possession1, tap on Options and then tap Roadside Inspection.
This will show you the log grid starting with the current day. Tap the
Events/Grid button to toggle between the grid view and a line-byline detail view. Use the arrows on either side of the date or swipe
the screen side to side to navigate through the log history. The
Details button displays general carrier, driver, and ELD information.
The DVIR button will display the most recent approved DVIR and the
open DVIR (if applicable).

Graph of all duty statuses for each 24hour period starting at midnight
Total hours
The grid is color coded as follows:
Personal Conveyance (OFF)
Yard Moves (ON)
All other statuses

EVENTS (Log Details)


Duty status changes and locations
Remarks and annotations
Exceptions claimed by the driver
Edits and requested changes
o See Definitions for details
Malfunction and data diagnostic events
o See Malfunction & Data
Diagnostic Event Indicators for more information

See US 49 CFR 395.15(b)(4) and CA SOR-2005-313 84

37 |


Log date, time, and time zone
[Canada format only] The cycle being
Name of motor carrier
USDOT number of motor carrier
Main office address
Drivers home terminal name
Home terminal address
Driver name, ID, license number and state
ELD Provider, Registration ID, and Identifier
Vehicles (trucks or tractors), trailers, and shipments
Distance driven
Total duty hours for the 7- or 8- consecutive day period [US format]
or 7- or 14- day cycle [Canada format] ending today
Current odometer and engine hours
Current location
Malfunction and diagnostic indicators


Excluding any distance travelled while operating a CMV as a personal conveyance
Visible only when viewing a log for the current date


To transmit the ELD Data File to the
FMCSA, tap the Data File Transfer button.
Tap to select either Email or Web Service,
enter a comment, and tap Done to
complete the request and send the file.
To view all unassigned unidentified driver events
recorded by the device, tap the drivers name
(above the grid) and tap Unidentified Driver. Use
the arrows on either side of the date or swipe the
screen side to side to navigate through the log

38 |

This button allows you to view the most recent
driver vehicle inspection report for any resource
(vehicles, trailers, etc.) in the vehicle

Tap DVIR to see the report for the first
available resource (typically the vehicle). Tap
the tabs at the top left of the screen to navigate between the different
A driver vehicle inspection report includes the following information:
 Resource type (Vehicle or Trailer) and ID
 Location of vehicle when the driver vehicle inspection report was
 Defects or deficiencies noted, or No Defects
 Report creation details:
o Driver
o Date and time
 Repair certification details (if applicable):
o Certifying agent or driver
o Date and time
o Repairs Made or Repairs Not Necessary
 Driver review/acknowledgment details:
o Driver
o Date and time
o Safe to Operate or Unsafe to Operate
If the driver has started a new DVIR during their shift, you will have the
option to toggle between the Certified or Opened DVIR.

Visible only if the DVIR feature is enabled; selectable only if a driver vehicle inspection report
is available for viewing

Visible only when viewing a DVIR for a Vehicle


Displayed in month/day/year format

Upon completion of the roadside inspection, tap Home to return to the
Driver Overview. The driver will be required to enter their password to
exit the Roadside Inspection screen.

39 |

NexTraq ELD Support Team
email: [email protected]
phone: 678-762-4310

© 2025

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.