User manual for "NEO ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "NEO ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
MANUAL Per FMCSA rules, this guide must be kept in the vehicle at all times. ADDRESS 1 Download NEO ELD Application 1 Search for NEO ELD in the Google Play store 2 Tap INSTALL to download the app into application using your email and password (PICTURE 3). If you dont have a NEO 3 Log ELD account, please contact your eet manager. PICTURE 3 2 4 Select your vehicle from the list (PICTURE 4). If your vehicle number doesnt show up, please contact your eet manager. PICTURE 4 5 Your cellular device will connect to the NEO ELD plug automatically. The status will be shown on top of the main screen. PICTURE 5 6 The status line will appear in 3 ways: DEVICE IS SCANNING DEVICE IS CONNECTING DEVICE CANT CONNECT Note: When the device is properly connected, the status line will not show. 3 Install NEO ELD In Your Vehicle sure your vehicle engine is turned o. If the engine is on, please turn it o and turn 1 Make the key to the O position before connecting ELD device. 2 4 Locate the diagnostic port inside your vehicles cabin. The diagnostic port is typically located in one of the following places: 1 3 2 1. Under the left side of the dashboard 2. Under the steering wheel 3. Near the drivers seat 4. Under the drivers seat. the NEO ELD plug into the diagnostic port of the vehicle. 3 Attach Twist the plug base until it locks into place. 4 Once plugged in, the device will start syncing with the engine control module (ECM) and NEO ELD application on your cellular device. The NEO ELD device has LED lights to simply indicate its status to the driver: Pacific Track WHAT TO DO MALFUNCTION Turn the engine off and reconnect the plug NO LIGHT BLINKING ORANGE Turn the engine off and restart the tablet; call customer support IOSiX MALFUNCTION WHAT TO DO NO LIGHT Turn the engine off and reconnect the plug BLINKING BLUE Turn the engine off and reconnect the plug BLINKING GREEN Turn the engine on and restart the tablet 4 Using NEO ELD On The Road Once you have connected your mobile device to NEO ELD, your driving time will be automatically recorded. When your vehicle begins moving at a speed of 5 mph or more, your duty status will automatically be set to Driving. At 0 mph or less, the vehicle is considered to Idle. When Idle, you can change your duty status by tapping and selecting one of the alternative duty status (PICTURE 6). PICTURE 6 Tap sign (top right corner of the app) to switch to Night Mode. Tap sign to switch back to the Day Mode (PICTURE 7). PICTURE 7 5 Using NEO ELD On The Road (continued) If the vehicle remains Idle for 5 minutes, a pop-up window will appear asking if you would like to change your duty status. If no selection is made within 60 seconds, duty status will change automatically to On Duty (PICTURE 8). When not driving, the main window will be in foreground (PICTURE 9). PICTURE 8 When not driving, the main window will be in foreground (PICTURE 9). PICTURE 9 6 Using NEO ELD O The Road Select the status: O Duty, Sleeper, On Duty (PICTURE 10). PICTURE 10 Fill out the location eld and put remarks, such as Pre-trip inspection or Coee break (if the location eld is left empty, it will be automatically set) (PICTURE 11) . PICTURE 11 7 Using NEO ELD Off The Road (continued) If you need to add corrections to your e-log, you can insert missing status by tapping or edit existing status by tapping (PICTURE 12). PICTURE 12 Choose the status you want to change and set the time frame (PICTURE 13). PICTURE 13 8 There are two ways you can set the time frame: 1 Drag the border dots (PICTURE 14). PICTURE 14 2 Set the time using the pop-up window (PICTURE 15). PICTURE 15 9 Other options available from the main screen: A Check your prole (PICTURE 16-A). B Sign your daily electronic log-book (PICTURE 16-B). PICTURE 16-A PICTURE 16-B C Make a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR). (PICTURE 17-A, 17-B) PICTURE 17-A PICTURE 17-B in & check out (Track detention time for pick up and delivery). D Check (PICTURE 18-A, 18-B) PICTURE 18-A PICTURE 18-B 10 Ocer Inspection Its easy to provide an ocer with your driving information. 1 Tap icon on the top left corner, or swipe from left side of your device to the right side and select Inspection Module (PICTURE 19). PICTURE 19 2 Tap Begin Inspection and hand your device to the ocer (PICTURE 20) or tap Send Logs to send the report through email (PICTURE 21). PICTURE 20 PICTURE 21 11 Ocer Inspection (continued) The application will generate the report for the ocer (PICTURE 22). PICTURE 22 Tap on the top left corner to exit DOT inspection. * Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulation 49 CFR 39515 does not require a driver to provide a hard copy printout of their logs for on authorized safety ocial. However, you can email your logs from the NEO ELD App should you choose to provide the authorized safety ocial with a hard copy. 12 Settings Choose Settings from the side menu to change sound settings or violations visibility (PICTURE 23). PICTURE 23 Move toggle to the right to turn on an option, or to the left to turn it o (PICTURE 24). PICTURE 24 13 NEO ELD Malfunctions 395.22 Motor Carrier Responsibilities A motor carrier must ensure that its drivers possess onboard a commercial motor vehicle an ELD information packet containing the following items: An instruction sheet for the driver describing ELD malfunction reporting requirements and recordkeeping procedures during ELD malfunctions. The following instructions are in accordance with the guidelines set forth in 395.34 How does the driver know if NEO ELD is malfunctioning? The NEO ELD device has LED lights to simply indicate its status to the driver. Pacific Track MALFUNCTION WHAT TO DO NO LIGHT Turn the engine off and check the cable connection BLINKING ORANGE Turn the engine off and restart the tablet; call customer support i IOS X MALFUNCTION NO LIGHT BLINKING BLUE BLINKING GREEN WHAT TO DO Turn the engine off and reconnect the plug Turn the engine off and reconnect the plug Turn the engine on and restart the tablet 14 NEO ELD will monitor and report malfunction data based on section 4.6 ELDs Self-Monitoring of Required Functions table 4: P E T L R S 0 Power compliance malfunction Engine synchronization compliance malfunction Timing compliance malfunction Positioning compliance malfunction Data recording compliance malfunction Data transfer compliance malfunction Other ELD detected malfunction 15 NEO ELD Malfunctions (continued) What does the driver need to do if the NEO ELD is malfunctioning? 1 Provide written notice to your eet management within 24 hours of malfunction discovery. 2 Keep a paper log for that day and until ELD is repaired or replaced. What does the eet need to do if the NEO ELD is malfunctioning? motor carrier must take action to correct the malfunction of the ELD within 8 days of 1 Adiscovery of the malfunction on a drivers notication to the motor carrier whichever occurs rst. 2 Upon notication by eet manager, NEO ELD will send a new device. a motor carrier needs a time extension, they must notify the FCSA Division Administrator 3 Iffornotifies the State of the motor carriers principal place of business within 5 days after a driver the motor carrier according to the guidelines set forth in 395.34(2). 16 17