User manual for "ELD TREX"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ELD TREX".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page ELD TREX.



ELD TREX (Electronic Logging Device)

Compliant with the Technical Standard for
Electronic Logging Devices

Driver, Support Personnel
and Back-Office Guide
Android Operating System

Phone 814.413.4343  Email [email protected]


Table of Contents
Configuring the ELD before operation ............................................ 1
Local Support Account (initial ELD configuration) ........................ 3
Configuring the ELD with the right asset .............................................. 3
Establishing ECM Connection ............................................................... 3
Reinstalling the ELD app ........................................................................ 5

ELD Driver Operation ........................................................................ 7
Driver Authentication ............................................................................... 7
Selecting a vehicle profile (assets) ........................................................ 8
Engine Synchronization (ECM connection) ....................................... 11
ELD Diagnostics ..................................................................................... 12
Driver Profile (Preferences) .................................................................. 13
Personal Use (PU) and Yard Moves (YM) ......................................... 13
ELD Main Operation Screen ................................................................ 15
Interactions ...................................................................................................... 15
Changing Duty Status .................................................................................... 15
Time Remaining .............................................................................................. 16
Recap ............................................................................................................... 16
Deferral ............................................................................................................ 16
Possible Violations ......................................................................................... 19
Annotations & Remarks ................................................................................. 19
Fuel Purchase Capture (IFTA report) .......................................................... 20
Co-Driver Operation (authentication & remarks) ....................................... 20
Roadside Inspection Mode............................................................................ 21

Certifying your records and Log Edits................................................. 22
Assumption of Unidentified Logs ......................................................... 25
Motor Carrier Suggestions .................................................................... 26
ELD Exports ............................................................................................ 28
Printout or Display .......................................................................................... 28
Exporting the ELD output file ........................................................................ 29

ELD general messages and notifications ........................................... 31

ELD Diagnostics and Malfunctions (Resolution) .........................36
Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) ....................................38
Shipments (connecting to brokers, shippers, receivers &
carriers) ..............................................................................................41
Help and Support ............................................................................ 45
Index ...................................................................................................46

D R I V E R , S U P P O R T



B A C K - O F F I C E




Configuring the ELD
before operation
Read this chapter before operating the ELD!
Confirm you have received all required component, make sure your
account was created and you have access to the ELD online portal.


o save time in the future; we recommend you print a copy of this document and
keep it inside the cab. This document contains critical information to properly
operate your ELD and a list of malfunctions and how to resolve them. It is also
recommended to write down your ECM devices identifier (shown below) on a
separate location in case you lose this document.
In some instances, this manual uses Icon Keys to direct your

 Important information

attention to specific and important information. See the
different icons on the left.

Take notes

 Online support account
 Appears on Logbook


D R I V E R, S U P P O R T



B A C K - O F F I C E


What you need before operating the ELD?

Your mobile device (where the ELD app is running) must a) have Bluetooth enabled
and b) be connected to the internet either with a cellular data plan or connected to a hot
Installing the ECM device:
Please plug the ECM device to the vehicles diagnostic port. In some cases, you might
need to use the ECM adapter to plug the device on J1939 port.
Locate the diagnostic port (see image below for possible locations depending on vehicles
make, model and year).
 For the ELD to remain compliant, it must remain connected to the ECM device and read engine

data. Engine data is only available when the vehicles engine is turned on.


D R I V E R , S U P P O R T



B A C K - O F F I C E


Local Support Account (initial ELD configuration)
The initial configuration is only required right after installing the ELD app for the first
time and it is no longer needed after. The objective is to initially configure a vehicle
profile (tractor number, VIN number) and connect/test the ECM device connection.

Configuring the ELD with the right asset

The ELD has to be linked to a carrier asset (vehicle). Please tap on
the truck or trailer image to pick from the asset list downloaded during
login (see list below) or to manually enter (if allowed) a new truck or
trailer. Once you select a tractor or trailer from the downloaded list
the ELD will always use the VIN number, license plate and
registration state displayed on the list:

Establishing ECM Connection

Before a driver can operate an ELD, the ELD must be
synchronized to the vehicles engine using what is known as an
Engine Synchronization Module (ECM) which is very common on
GPS trackers.
Before scanning and connecting to an ECM device, make sure your
ELD has Bluetooth functionality enabled:


D R I V E R , S U P P O R T



B A C K - O F F I C E


 We highly recommend installing a label or decal on the vehicles dashboard with
the ID of the ECM device installed on the vehicle. Also, write down this ECM

To connect to the ECM device, tap on Scan Devices, wait for the device to show up
(make sure the correct ECM ID shows up)
 For the ECM device to work properly and the ELD to be able to connect to the device and
read engine data, the engine must be turned on. Keep this in mind when operating the ELD.
Duty status changes, as an example, require engine parameters when generated. Make sure the
engine is still running when making duty status changes. Some ELD configurations locks
an ELD to a specific ECM device, in which case the Scan Devices screen is not
shown and the ELD will automatically run the diagnostic.


D R I V E R, S U P P O R T



B A C K - O F F I C E


A diagnostic is performed to make sure the ELD is fully compliant and ready for driver

Reinstalling the ELD app

If you need to reinstall the ELD app (or install it on a different device), please search the
Google Play Store for apolloELD and install the app. When you open the ELD app
for the first time, you need to approve the following permissions:
Use camera

Use location

Use the network

You also need to give permission for the app to show over other apps:


D R I V E R , S U P P O R T



B A C K - O F F I C E


You also need to synchronize the ELD with the portal at least once. Tap on

Wait until the ELD is synchronized with the server and the following message is


D R I V E R, S U P P O R T



B A C K - O F F I C E


ELD Driver Operation
Driver Authentication

The ELD has three different accounts:
Driver: Unique, per-driver account used by drivers Hours of Service and ELD
regulations. This account records duty status changes (RODS) and allows the export of
drivers records for printout, display and agent output file generation.
Support: Account used by the carrier and ELD manufacturer to setup, configure, update
and troubleshoot the ELD. No duty status changes are recorded with this account and
no access to drivers record of duty status changes is permitted under the support
Non-authenticated: All operation of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) is recorded
under this account (a.k.a Unidentified Driver) if no driver has logged into the ELD. Nonauthenticated records (vehicle movement and on-duty time) are stored on the ELD as
well as the carrier and should be assumed by a driver account.
Log in using your drivers credentials. Login IDs, and the drivers license associated with
the login ID, cannot be duplicated and are unique in the ELD system.
 Each driver using the system will have a unique login ID.
 This login name and password is for the specific drivers use only and must not be

shared with any other person (driver or not). The login name belongs to the driver
and is linked to the drivers personal information (e.g. drivers license, etcetera). If
the driver changes carrier and is now driving for a different carrier, the login name,
under certain circumstances, will remain the same and it is the drivers obligation to
ask the home base carrier to update the carrier name and DOT number on the
The driver is restricted to be logged on to only one ELD at any time. In order for the
driver to logon on a different mobile device, the driver must change to off duty status
and logout from the previous device.
Drivers unlock. In an event the driver is still logged on a ELD, but the device ceased to
function or gets lost, the driver must call the home base carrier and ask for his login
name to be unlocked. The unlock process will change the drivers status to off duty at
the time the driver solicited the login unlock.


Selecting a vehicle profile (assets)

Before drivers logs can be exported and shared with an authorized agent, the driver must
update the correct vehicle information. Please tap on the truck or trailer image to pick
from the asset list downloaded
during the login (see list below) or
to manually enter (if allowed) a new
truck or trailer. Once you select a
tractor or trailer from the
downloaded list the ELD will
always use the VIN number, license
plate and registration state displayed
on the list.

Important: Enter your
vehicles dashboards odometer
value (twice) in order for the ELD
to adjust discrepancies between the
dashboard and engine odometer.


Make tractor and trailer selection:


Show/Limit asset list to nearby ECM devices.
When a driver login on to the app and taps on the Vehicle profile, the app will scan all the
nearby ECM devices and will list the vehicle(s) profile associated with the MAC address found.
Drivers will have a toggle on that page to turn this feature off and show all the carriers vehicle(s).
When configuring the driver profile, Carriers must select if this option will be set on or off, once
the driver login on to the app.


You can also add a new tractor or
trailer (if allowed by your carrier) by
selecting the + button located on
the top right of the screen:

 Once a new asset is created on the ELD, the asset information is broadcasted to the ELD
portal and other ELDs operating under the same carrier.
Engine Synchronization (ECM connection)

To connect to the ECM device, tap on Scan Devices, wait for the device to show up
(make sure the correct ECM ID shows up)
 For the ECM device to work properly and the ELD to be able to connect to the device and
read engine data, the engine must be turned on. Keep this in mind when operating the ELD.
Duty status changes, as an example, require engine parameters when generated. Make sure the
engine is still running when making duty status changes. Some ELD configurations lock

an ELD to a specific ECM device, in which case the Scan Devices screen is not
shown and the ELD will automatically run the diagnostic.


configurations lock
an ELD to a specific
ECM device, in
shown and the ELD

ELD Diagnostics

Once connected to the ECM device you can run an ELD diagnostics (accessible from
the top-right menu). The diagnostic checks critical components on your ELD and all
areas must pass the test in order for you to remain complaint.


Bluetooth and ECM connection status: The ELD must be able to read engine data
at all times. Make sure the Bluetooth and ECM connection indicators remain green. If
the indicator turns red, please go to Scan Devices and connect to the ECM-linked device.

Driver Profile (Preferences)

We recommend verifying the driver's profile. Please make sure the information is correct:
carrier name, your rule set (60-hour or
70-hour) and the home base time zone.
Select the ruleset drop-down to change
rule set from 60h to 70h and vice versa.
Select the units of measurement (miles,
gallons, kilometers or liters). Starting
24h time is set by your carrier but could
be changed at any time. Just keep in
mind that the new 24h starting time will
take effect on your next cycle (after the
36h restart).

Personal Use (PU) and Yard Moves (YM)

As a driver, current regulations allow up to 75 Km of driving for personal use. This
provision allows you to, for instance, drive to the nearest rest area, drive home among
other reasons. The ELD will prompt you to add a pre-defined remark or type a different
 The ELD must be connected to the ECM device in order for the Personal Use
provision (button) to be available.
Once you have reached the 75 Km limit you will receive a notification and you will be
automatically switched to Driving duty status:


If the ELD shuts down (e.g. power loss) or restarted, you will be prompted to either exit
or continue the Personal Use status:

The ELD also allows you to drive the vehicle inside a yard. Please, switch to Yard Move
(YM button) before putting the vehicle in motion. If the vehicles speed exceeds 32
Km/h you will be switched (automatically) to Driving duty status.
Same as Personal Use, if the ELD is restarted, you will be prompted to either remain in
the Yard Move status or exit such a status.


ELD Main Operation Screen
Deferral (and current
deferred day) button

Engine data
Connection to ECM
Main menu

Currently active user
(tap to switch
between drivers)
Malfunction indicator
(tap for additional
Diagnostic indicator
(tap for additional

Shift remaining
Driving time (used vs
Shift remaining ONDuty time (used vs

Cycle remaining ONDuty time. Tap for
Recap information

next possible
notification area

Time spent in the
current duty status

Available and current
duty status

Roadside inspection

Create DVIR

Adverse conditions
will activate each day
when nearing shift
driving/onduty time

Changing Duty Status

To change the duty status tap on the desired duty status button. Changing to (and out
of) ON-DUTY, YARD and PERSONAL will prompt you to select a pre-defined
remark or enter your own remark.
 When coming out of ON-DUTY status, you can input the number of gallons fueled into the
vehicle which are required for proper IFTA reporting.


Time Remaining

The three donuts constantly show the actual time spent on each status (driving, ONDuty and cycle ON-Duty). The corresponding donut will turn yellow or red to indicate
proximity to the time limit.

Tap on the ON-Cycle (see recap) donut to see how much ON-Duty time will be
removed once the 7th or 14th day is reached. The recap summary message also tells
you the day and time when the next available recap will take place. This information has
great value for the driver, so you can plan your weekly cycle and be aware of how much
time you will get back each day, after the 7th or 14th day (according to the currently
selected ruleset).


You, as a driver, may split the off-duty time over any two consecutive days by deferring
a maximum of two hours of the required daily off-duty time from the first day to the
second day and increasing the total driving and on-duty times in the first day by not
more than two hours.


To make use of deferral of daily OFF-Duty time, tap on the Deferral checkbox on the
ELDs main screen.
If you have taken the required 10-hour
OFF-Duty time for the current 24-hour
period, then no deferral time is needed,
and a notification will show you are in
such situation:

If you would like to defer time to the
next day use the slider to select how
much time you would like to defer:


Once you select how much time you want to defer, you will need to confirm:

For the current and the next day, your main ELD screen will show information
regarding you deferred time and when OFF-Duty time is fully taken in order to remain
compliant with Hours-of-Service regulations:

Current deferral Day
1 or 2

Keep track of Deferral time. You need a
total of 20 hours OFF-Duty time between
the 2 days. Required OFF-Time also
includes mandatory 8 consecutive hours

Possible Violations

This area shows the closest possible violation. It also triggers a notification pop-up one
hour before the violation and another one thirty minutes before the next possible

Annotations & Remarks

When changing to (and out of) ON-DUTY, YARD and PERSONAL duty status, the
ELD will show you the pre-defined remarks to simplify the use of the ELD. You can
also type your own remark:


Fuel Purchase Capture (IFTA report)

 Please, enter the number of gallons put in the vehicle (when refueling) for an
accurate IFTA report:
Co-Driver Operation (authentication & remarks)

A co-driver can authenticate by tapping on the currently active driver button (which
brings the login screen) or the co-driver can go to the menu and select the Co-Driver
Login option.


Roadside Inspection Mode

 If you are stopped on the road, we
the Roadside Inspection Mode by tapping on

recommend you to enter
the button.

This mode allows you to export the Printout/Display document as well as exporting the
ELD data file:


Certifying your records and Log Edits

Every duty status change must be certified before exporting the drivers logs. Select the
Certify Logs option from the menu to list all unverified logs. Select each day and tap
on the Certify button. At the end of each 24-hour period, the ELD will automatically
prompt the driver to certify logs for the last 24 hours period. During the driver login and
logout, the driver will be prompted to certify the logs.


You can also certify your logs at any time by going to the main menu and selecting Certify
Logs. Select the day or days you would like to certify:

Select the 24-hour period you want to certify then tap on the CERTIFY button. You
need to agree to the statement.


To view your Logbook, edit your logs or export Logs/ELD data file, go to the
Logbook option in the menu.

LOGS tab

You can move to a different day by selecting the left and right arrows:

The Logbook tab shows the logbook for the selected day and the Logs tab has a list with
all the logs for that day, where you can edit an existing log. You can use the mobile
devices swipe option to move between the Logbook and the Logs tabs:

Adding, deleting and editing an existing record (log): On the LOGS tab select the edit
icon. Make the necessary changes, input the mandatory remark explaining the reason of
the change and then Confirm Changes. Remember, driving time can only be increased,
on automatically recorded records; and deleted, reduced or increased on manually
recorded records! Your ELD must be synchronized to your tractors ECU (via ECM
device). Failure to read engine values will make you non-compliant.
Daily ON-DUTY, cycle ON-DUTY and possible violations will be calculated according
to the new record change.

edit log

add a new

Assumption of Unidentified Logs

During the login process, you will be
prompted to review the existing
unidentified logs.
If the unidentified logs do not
belong to you, just tap on SKIP. If
some, or all, unidentified logs belong
to you select REVIEW LOGS,
select the checkbox associated to the
logs that belong to you and assume
the logs. The carrier can later revert
those logs back to the unidentified if
needed for which you will be asked
to confirm.


Motor Carrier Suggestions

For time to time, the carrier you work with may suggest some changes to your logs.
You are responsible for assuming or rejecting those suggestions.
 Carrier-proposed edits will show on your ELD at different times. They will
show during login and logout process and they will also be shown as a new
ELD message on the main screen:

Carrier-proposed log edits are shown during the login, logout and in the message
inbox (see image above).
Please make sure:

You are not driving while attending to carrier-proposed log edits


You re-certify your ELD records if a carrier-proposed log edit is assumed


Once you tap on the ELD message button a list of carrier-proposed log changes
will be shown:

2) Select REJECT or
ACCEPT to perform
the desired action.
The action selected
will be applied to the
selected logs

1) Select the logs you
want to accept OR


ELD Exports

The ELD Must be able to share a Printout (or Display) the Logbook for the current plus
the previous 14 days and/or export the ELD output file via email (as a preferred
Printout or Display

You can go to the menu and select Logbook or enter Roadside Inspection mode. This
is a single step process. Enter the file comment provider by the roadside inspector and


Exporting the ELD output file

The following export methods are supported:

Option 1Telematics using both: Wireless Web services and Email,
Option 2Local using both: USB2 and Bluetooth.
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the
Export ELD Data File from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of
the following methods:
- Agent External Storage: The ELD will first verify the external storage device is
compatible with FMCSA specifications by validating the contents of file
"ELDUSBTX.TXT". After positive validation the ELD will save the data file on the
FMCSA-provided external storage
- Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair
and verify PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety
officials technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website
using Web services.
- FMCSA web service: This option securely communicates to FMCSA's end-point ad
obtains submission ID.

The ELD must be connected to the ECM and reading engine data in order to export
the output file. If engine data is not available, you will see a notification indicating ECM
connection is missing:

There are two different ways to export the
output file, you can share (tap on
SHARE) the output file with a third party
or you and email the output file to a
government agency. In both cases, enter
the file comment provided by the
roadside inspector and tap on AGENT.



ELD general messages and notifications

Some notifications are shown while operating the ELD. Some of them are errors,
warnings or just specific information regarding an operational change. These are the
most common notifications:
During authentication:

You are logged on a different device: A driver can only use credentials to log in to one
ELD. The same driver account cannot be used on multiple ELDs. If you lost
your ELD while authenticated, contact your company and ask them to Unlock
your account. You will be able to log in after your account is unlocked.


Wrong authentication: Make sure your Username and Password are correct. Also,
make sure you have internet access and good upload/download speed.


(e.g. shipments, events, violations, etcetera) error: Make sure you
have internet access and good upload/download speed.

Unidentified Driving: Once the vehicle, to which the ELD is connected to, begins
moving a Driving event is created. The ELD will show a visual and audible notification
indicating the driver to stop and authenticate on the ELD. The driver could continue to
the destination, authenticate later on and review/accept unidentified events.


Logs Certification: At the beginning of every 24-hour period, the ELD shows a
notification to the driver asking to certify the logs for the previous day or past days. You
can select not to certify your logs (yet), certify the previous 24-hour period or all pending


Once you are ready to certify your logs, please agree to the following statement:


Automatic Driving status with multiple drivers authenticated: If the vehicle moves, there
is more than one driver authenticated on the ELD and no driver is on Driving duty
status; the ELD shows an audible and visual notification prompting drivers to select the
driver currently operating the vehicle.


Carrier-proposed log edits: If the carriers back-office personnel propose a change to the
drivers logs, a notification is shown on the ELD. The driver can assume or reject the
carrier-proposed edits during login, logout or by taping on the new message icon.
Notification of carrier-proposed edits during normal ELD operation:


ELD Diagnostics and Malfunctions (Resolution)
1- Power Data/Compliance Diagnostic (ECM parameters must be available within 1
minute of powering the vehicles engine on)
Resolution: Make sure you are connected to the ECM device. On the menu, go to Scan Devices and select
your ECM device. Make sure all engine parameters pass the diagnostics (all green)
2- Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic (not all ECM parameters are available when
the ELD records an event e.g. duty status change)
Resolution: Make sure you are connected to the ECM device. On the menu, go to Scan Devices and select
your ECM device. Make sure the diagnostic passes all engine parameters (all green)
3- Missing Required Data Elements Data Diagnostic (other required data e.g. location,
coordinates) not available when recording an event)
Resolution: Make sure the GPS module is enabled on your ELD
4- Data Transfer Data Diagnostic (An ELD must verify this functionality at least once
every 7 days)
Resolution: Verify that you have an active cellular or wifi connection all the time. Confirm that your logs
are always updated on the ELD portal
5- Unidentified Driving Records Data Diagnostic (more than 30 minutes of driving
without a driver logged on the ELD)
Resolution: You are not logged on the ELD and the vehicle moves for an extended period. Please log in
and select your Driving time
6- Other ELD identified Diagnostic (ELD provider may implement additional,
technology-specific malfunction and data diagnostic detection schemes)
MALFUNCTIONS (most malfunctions relate to a Diagnostic, but a malfunction is generated when
the same diagnostic occurs for at least 30 minutes in the last 24 hours):
P- Power Compliance (related to diagnostic 1)
E- Engine Synchronization Compliance (related to diagnostic 2, for instance multiple
periods of no ECM data that, when added together are more than 30 minutes in the last
24 hours)
T- Timing Compliance (the time on the ELD, compared to an external time source are

Resolution: Make sure the date and time on your mobile device is properly set. DO NOT (manually)
change the date or the time on your ELD
L- Positioning Compliance (no location available, (related to diagnostic 1)
R- Data Recording Compliance (monitor storage capability to store records)
Resolution: Make sure you have sufficient internal storage on your ELD. Delete files if necessary
S- Data Transfer Compliance (ELD records not able to be uploaded)
Resolution: You probably dont have internet access. Restart the ELD (if needed) and confirm you
reconnect to the network


Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR)
Select the DVIR button on the main screen. The tap on the + button (bottom of screen)
to select the applicable region (USA, Canada Schedule 1 or Canada Quebec). Additional
options are available for Quebec compliance: heavy vehicle, bus and motor coach.
A compliant checklist is shown. Select any defect you might have found during your
vehicle and trailer inspections. On the last step enter a remark and indicate if the defects
were corrected or not.


Select the item with defects and tap on NEXT.

We have separated items under the C-TPAT 17 agreement in order to help you reduce
border delays (if applicable) and minimize risks.
Check all. Minor and major, defects accordingly. Take pictures of defects which are
uploaded to the ELD portal and could be shared later on.


On the last step, enter the remark and sign the inspection report:

If defects were found and corrected, you can ask the mechanic for a signature. There is
a third, optional signature which some carriers require before a vehicle leaves the yard.
You can take up to 9 different pictures. Once you are done select Upload.


Shipments (connecting to brokers, shippers,
receivers & carriers)
Addressing two of the biggest complains from drivers using an ELD
The new Shipment Sync feature, implemented on app release 133, targets those
specific needs by allowing drivers, motor carriers, brokers, shippers and receivers to be
connected and sharing shipment information in real-time. Shippers and receivers can
confirm exact arrival time, bay number assigned to the driver, safe parking instructions
and additional notes. This information is shared (instantly) with drivers, allowing them
to better plan their routes, rest times and minimize dock waiting time. The next page
shows a general overview of Shipment Sync:

First you need to create the shipment (see image above). Once the shipment is uploaded
to the ELD portal, the carrier can share the shipment with brokers, shipper and receiver.


On the new Shipments tab (online portal), motor carrier personnel can see all
shipments created by drivers. A pop-up window is displayed once the Details link is
clicked. The motor carrier can share these ETAs with the broker and pickup/delivery
warehouses. To do so, the motor carrier just needs to input the email address of every
entity they want to share the shipment information with and save the shipment.

Once the shipment is saved on the ELD portal an email (from domain: is sent to each destination. Shippers and receivers (independently) can input
the specific warehouse arrival, bay number, safe parking information and additional
notes. Information about the motor carrier, drivers first and last name, shipping
document, last known location is shown on the left pane. The last know location is
updated every time the page is loaded.


Once the shipment information is saved, an instant notification is sent to the driver
including all the details added by the pickup/delivery personnel, keeping the driver
updated at all times.


New Help and Support menu option.
There is a new option added to the app menu called Help & Support. That option is a link
to our most up to date ELD support information. On that page, users will find a variety of
topics that will help with the daily operation of the ELD.

New Help and Support menu option.
There is a new option added to the app menu called Help & Support. That option is a link
to our most up to date ELD support information. On that page, users will find a variety of
topics that will help with the daily operation of the ELD.



J1939 port, 2
license plate, 4, 9
location, 1, 36, 37, 43
malfunctions, 1, 36
mobile device, 2, 8, 24, 37
Motor Carrier Suggestions, 27
odometer, 4, 9
plug, 2
Printout, 21, 29
Recap, 16
registration state, 4, 9
reinstall, 7
Remarks, 19
Roadside Inspection, 21, 29
Scan Devices, 5, 6, 11, 12, 36
Shipment, 42
Support Account, 4
tractor number, 4
Unidentified, 8, 25, 31, 36
vehicle, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 14, 15, 20, 31, 34, 36, 39,
VIN number, 4, 9
violation, 19

Annotations, 19
asset, 4, 9, 10
Bluetooth, 2, 5, 12
carrier, 4, 8, 10, 13, 25, 27, 28, 35, 42, 43
Certify, 22, 23
co-driver, 20
Deferral, 16, 17
diagnostic port, 2
Diagnostics, 11, 36
Driver, ii, 8, 13, 20, 39
Duty Status, 15
DVIR, 39
ECM device, 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 13, 24, 36
Edits, 22
ELD Exports, 29
Engine Synchronization, 5, 11, 36, 37
Fuel, 20
identifier, 1
IFTA, 15, 20
internet, 2, 31, 37




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