User manual for "ELD MANDATE PLUS"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ELD MANDATE PLUS".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Ratan Baid.


Revision Table
Revision No


Release Description



App user manual

ELD Mandate Plus


CONTENTS--------------------------------------------------------- Revised on 09/08/2019
1. LOGIN CREDENTIALS .........................................................................................................4
1.1 Enter login credentials ......................................................................................................4
1.2 Forgot password ..............................................................................................................5
2. Home Page .......................................................................................................................7
2.1 Apps Dashboard..............................................................................................................7
2.1.1 VIN Selection ...............................................................................................................7
2.1.2 Mode of driving .............................................................................................................7
2.1.3 How to select Duty of Status ..........................................................................................8
2.1.4 Vehicle status ............................................................................................................. 10
3. MENU PAGE .................................................................................................................... 11
4. Driver Duty Limitation ...................................................................................................... 12
5. VIOLATION STATUS ......................................................................................................... 13
5.1. Continuous Hours ......................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Driving Hours ................................................................................................................ 15
5.3 Duty Hours ................................................................................................................... 17
5.4 Weekly Hours ................................................................................................................ 17
5.5 Violation Icon Behaviour ................................................................................................. 18
6. SELF-INSPECT MENU ....................................................................................................... 19
6.1 Status Logs ................................................................................................................... 20
6.2 EDIT STATUS LOGS ....................................................................................................... 21
7. SELF-CERTIFIED MENU .................................................................................................... 22
8. REPORT MENU ................................................................................................................ 25
9. TRIP/LOAD SHEET MENU .................................................................................................. 26
9.1 Add Load Sheet ............................................................................................................. 26
9.2 Add Consignment.......................................................................................................... 27
10. FUEL PURCHASE ............................................................................................................ 30
11. DVIR MENU ................................................................................................................... 31
11.1. Pre-Trip ..................................................................................................................... 32
11.2. Post-Trip .................................................................................................................... 35
11.3. GET LIST ................................................................................................................... 36
12. SIGN-OUT & SIGN-IN PAGE ............................................................................................ 38

13. LOG REPORT...39
15. ABOUT ELD PAGE .............42
16. APP QUICK HOW  TOS. .......................................................................... ....43


1.1 Enter login credentials

Make sure mobile data is on.
Enter your Driver ID (A 4-6-digit number that was generated by the back office dashboard when the
driver's profile was created).


Enter your password. It will not be displayed. To display the entered password, click on
To automatically display the password next time you login, check the Remember Me check box.
e. Click on Sign In button.

After app installation, If driver has logged in and logged out once, next time the login page will be
displayed as unidentified profile. In Unidentified Profile also you can follow the same process to Login.


1.2 Forgot password

Click on Forgot Password? link to generate a new password.
Password reset can be done by giving driver id, license no and license expiration date.
Set new password alert is seen.
Once you have reset; login to your account.
Password successful pop-up is displayed.


In Unidentified Profile also you can follow the same process using Forgot Password link to generate


2. Home Page

Once you login you will be on the app home page. In the upper right corner click Connect to Device.

The app will sync with the ELD and the home page will look as shown below. The VIN number will be
displayed in green text above the date and ELD name is displayed below the date.

2.1 Apps Dashboard

On the left-hand side drivers name, business name, trip no and start location/ trip origin are
On the right-hand side VIN no, date and ELD no. is displayed in green.
Balance driving hours for the day displayed on the left and Balance Duty hours for the
week on the right respectively.


2.1.1 VIN Selection
In Some case trucks may not stream the VIN. In order to resolve this,


Login into ELD Mandate website.
In the dashboard from the left menu click "My fleet".
Click "Add Fleet" pop up screen opens.
Please fill in the VIN, Plate number and Truck no and click "Save".
Continue steps a-d, if you have more than one truck.
Now when you login from the APP, when the VIN is not streamed, you will get a pop up, listing
the truck numbers (the information we have added in "My fleet").
g. Select the truck number.
h. Now the App will bind the VIN to the SSID, so that VIN will be a part of the data stream from the truck.

2.1.2 Mode of driving
a. In the ELD Dashboard screen, click to select the Driver mode of driving.
b. In the Mode of driving Strip, select Default to access all the duty status (off duty,
Sleeper Berth, Driving, On duty, Waiting Time).
c. Once the Driving Mode has been selected, you can select duty of driving accordingly
Comments dialog box appears.


d. Enter your comments and click on Submit button to record your comments. If you do not want to
record your comments, click on skip button.
e. You can view the following Event Comments popup for Personal Use.

f. You can view the following Event Comments popup for Yard Moves.


g. The selected Driver mode is displayed on the ELD Dashboard.
h. You can select same as to change Driving mode to PERSONAL USE and YARD MOVES.

The following categories are available:
Default  Select for on duty driving
Personal Use  Select for personal use
Yard Moves  Select for yard shuttle service
If you select Default, the Duty of Status dialog box is enabled. You
can choose an appropriate option based on the driving situation.

2.1.3 How to select Duty of Status

Click on the appropriate Duty of Status.
The selected Duty of Status is displayed on the ELD Dashboard.


You can view the following Event Comments popup for On Duty Not Driving duty status.


2.1.4 Vehicle status
For example, if your duty status is in driving, but the vehicle is idle more than 5 minutes, the vehicle
status displays a pop up message to suggest you to change your driving status.


Menu page contains all the app features like Notifications, Load Sheet, DVIR, Fuel Purchase, Log Report,
For example, if you are entering Load sheet details and if you want to move to DVIR, you can select the
Menu icon on the top left and you can easily navigate to different features in the App.
Once you are done with your driving service you can sign out of the app by clicking the Sign out from the
top left menu icon.


4. Driver Duty Limitation

Your Driver Duty Limitation status is located in the top left most icon, which reflects the type of driving you
selected from the website for that particular driver. There are currently 12 types of driving limitations. You can
switch to Canada rule from default rule by using switch option from Settings on the left side menu.



US 7 Days 60 Hours: It is the rule of driving 60 hours a week which you selected from the ELD
Mandate website.
US 8 Days 60 Hours: It is the rule of driving 70 hours a week which you selected from the ELD
Mandate website.
100 Air Miles: Rule indicates that the driver is driving within 100 mile radius of their

yard or main office.
150 Air Miles: Rule indicates that the driver is driving within 100 mile radius of their
yard or main office.


Construction Material 7 Days 60 Hours: Rule indicates that driver is driving 60 hours a week
for the vehicles which is use for construction work/purpose.
f. Construction Material 8 Days 70 Hours: Rule indicates that driver is driving 70 hours a week
for the vehicles which is use for construction work/purpose.
g. Ground Water 7 Days 60 Hours
h. Ground Water 8 Days 60 Hours
i. Passenger 8 Days 60 Hours
j. Passenger 7 Days 60 Hours
k. Canada 7Days 70 Hours
l. Canada 14Days 120Hours


You can view your violation status via the four primary sub icons located in the top row of the app.


5.1 Continuous Hours
The rule of Continuous hours will depend upon the duty of driving which you selected for the driver during
creation of driver ID from the ELD Mandate website.


Hours spent: Summary of total continuous hours driven per day.
Max Hours: As per the rule of continuous driving is allowed on the basis of duty of limitation
which you select.
Violated Hours: Shows the number of hours driven more than the rules.


5.2 Driving Hours
The rule of Driving hours will depend upon the duty of driving which you selected for the driver during
creation of driver ID from the ELD Mandate website.


Hours Spent: Summary of total driving hours per day.
Max Hours: As per the rule of driving is hours allowed on the basis of duty of limitation which
you select.
Violated hours: Shows the number of hours driven more than the rule.


5.3 Duty Hours
The rule of Duty hours will depend upon the duty of driving and on duty hours which you selected for
the driver during creation of driver ID from the ELD Mandate website.


Hours Spent: Summary of total driving and on duty hours per day.
Max Hours: As per the rule of duty hours is allowed on the basis of duty of limitation which you
Violated hours: Shows the number of hours driven more than the rule.


5.4 Weekly Hours
The rule of Weekly hours will depend upon the duty of driving which you selected for the driver during
creation of driver ID from the ELD Mandate website.


Hours Spent: Summary of total driving and on duty hours for the week.
Max Hours: As per the rule of weekly hours is allowed on the basis of duty of limitation which
you select.
Violated hours: It shows the number of hours driven more than the rule.


5.5 Violation Icon Behaviour

Green Icon represents your current Continuous Hours, Driving Hours, Duty Hours and Weekly Hours under
non  violation status.

Orange Icon represents your current Continuous Hours, Driving Hours, Duty hours and Weekly Hours about
to be in violation status i.e. the icon colour will change to orange before 30 Mins.

Red Icon represents your current Continuous Hours, Driving Hours, Duty Hours and Weekly Hours exceeded
the hours limitations and you have violated the hours.


The dashboard of Self Inspection page contains Driver name, Truck VIN details, Date, ELD details,
Company name, Trip number, origin, and destination.

6.1 Status Logs

STATUS LOG: By selecting the status log button, it displays Duty status logs of the driver on
the present day.
UNIDENTIFIED: When you sign out the app and reopen the app it goes to the unidentified profile.
You can change the duty status in unidentified profile. Later you can assign the unidentified logs
to your account by using this unidentified button. Just select the unidentified logs and click the
floating action button and assign the logs to your account.


6.2 Edit Status Logs
If you click an event, you will get the option to edit the logs. Once you click Edit button, you can view the
Duty Status button to change the status of driving such as Off Duty, Sleeper Berth, Driving and On Duty
Not Driving. Select the option which you want to change or edit accordingly.


The dashboard of the Certify page contains Driver name, Truck VIN details, Date, ELD details, Company
name, Trip number, origin, and destination.
Certify primarily contains PENDING and CERTIFIED details.


PENDING: When you select the pending button, it displays the message which indicates the
particular self-certified items for a specified date that were not completed.
For example, if you did not self-certify for a particular date, you can click on that date which
is shown by the app and you can certify it by entering comments and certify. Then it will
reflect in the certified menu.
After entering comments for a particular Pending self certified record, You can view that under
the Certified button.



CERTIFIED: By selectingCertified button, it displays the dates which you already self-certified.
You can also edit the previously certified data, but your "Re-submission" count will increment when
you edit your self-certified data again.



The dashboard of the Report page contains Driver name, Truck VIN details, Date, ELD details, Company name,
Trip number, origin, and destination.

We have 2 ways of submitting logs to FMCSA via WEB and EMAIL by selecting the either one of it, fill the
Location description and comments and then click send button.


You can create your load sheet by using the ELD Mandate website or ELD Mandate App.

9.1 Add Load Sheet
After clicking Add Load Sheet the next screen opens where you can add your load information such as Date,
Origin, Destination, Driver (you can add co-driver) and Trailer number.
Note: You can add your co- driver if required or you can leave it blank.


9.2 Add Consignment
a. By clicking Plus button(+), it will proceed to next screen where you need to fill shipper


To Add Shipper Details: Enter Shipper name, Country, Zip Code, City and Address. Click Save
to proceed.

Note: You cant edit Shipper details once you have saved via App but you can edit through ELD
Mandate website.

Consignment Info: Here enter consignment details such as Billing date, Description, Packing
type, Quantity, Weight, Delivery notes and P.O Number.



Consignee Info: Here enter consignee details such as Consignee Name, Address, Country,
City, State and Zip Code.

After filling above load sheet information click the save button. The Load Sheet information will be
available inside Load Sheet Dashboard.
You can create multiple Load Sheets and you can select the required Load Sheet according to the
Once you select the required Load Sheet you can Edit or Use the Load Sheet. When you Use the
Load Sheet your Load information is on the main home dashboard where you can track your


Once you are done with your trip you can select the respective Load Sheet and you can close the
Current Trip by clicking "Yes".


Fuel Type  Select your fuel type from dropdown.
Gallons / Litres  Enter the Gallons / Litres purchased.
Amount  Enter the Gallons / Litres amount.
Capture Bill  You can take picture of your Fuel Receipt and our app saves it.


11. DVIR Menu
Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) primarily contains "Pre/Post" and "Get List".


11.1 Pre-Trip
Pre-trip is a mandatory report which need to be checked and signed before you begin your trip.



By clicking Pre/Post button, it will ask to submit pre trip report, where you can find carrier name,
address, date, time, Truck number, VIN, Plate No, Location Comments and odometer reading (it will
reflect current odometer reading automatically).
You are required to manually enter the trailer number.
The accessories list contains 22 mandatory individual items to check during pre-trip. You can
add additional accessories using the ELD Mandate website.




In the Defect status, you have to select any one of the three radio buttons which are suitable and
you have to add your comments (entering comments is mandatory) under the Remarks field. Finally,
the driver has to sign and save.
Once the required pre-trip details have been entered and saved the data is reflected in DVIR
dashboard/page and the driver can view it on the same page.



11.2 Post-Trip
Post-trip is a mandatory report checked and signed after reaching the destination.




When clicking Pre/Post button, it will ask to submit pre-trip report, where you can find carrier name,
address, date, time, Truck number, VIN, Plate Number and odometer reading (it will reflect current
odometer reading automatically).
Trailer number which is entered manually and it is mandatory.
The accessories list contains 22 mandatory individual items to check during post-trip. You can add
additional accessories using the ELD Mandate website.
In the Defect Status, you must select any one of the three radio buttons which are suitable and you
have to add your comments (entering comments is mandatory) under the Remarks Field. Finally,
the driver must sign and save.
Once the required post-trip details have been entered and saved the data is reflected in DVIR
dashboard/page and the driver can view it on the same page.


11.3 GET LIST
Get list reflects the total number of trucks registered under single driver name.

The DVIR report of each individual Truck number can be viewed inside the Get List by selecting required
truck number.
By Clicking on Delete button, You can delete the record.


By clicking the View Button, You can view the Company Details, Form Details , Truck details, Trailer
details and Driver details associated with that particular record.


Sign out/Sign in: By clicking the top left menu icon you can find an option to sign out. Once you are
done with a sign out you can follow the same procedure by clicking the top left menu where you can sign
in again.


Log Report : In Log Report you can view 3Tabs Header, Chart and Events.
a. Header - You can view the Current Location, Driver, Co-Driver, Vehicle, ELD and Carrier details.
b. Chart  It displays the Hours Of Service of drivers in chart view(graphical representation).
c. Event Logs  It displays the details of each event like Event start time, Location, Odometer, Eng
Hours, Origin, Event Type/Status, and Event Comments. It will display the violation related information
if the driver exceeds the duty limitations.


You can share the Log report by entering the desired email and clicking on send.


The driver can select the following exceptions. Once he chooses and saves the exception, it will
Automatically reset after 10 hours consecutive break. If any exception is enabled the driver cant choose
another exception.


By clicking the top left menu About ,you can see the brief description of ELD Product, function, Application
version and Latest Firmware version installed.



How do I ensure I am connected to the device?


How do I change my duty status?


On the left side of the app, you will see your current duty status, listed as Driving or On Duty
Not Driving. Click the current status to change it to Off Duty. When you have completed your
break, select the status Off Duty to change back into Driving or On Duty Not Driving

What should I do at the end of the day?


After idling for five minutes, the app will alert you that the engine is idling and will ask if you
would like to switch to On Duty Not Driving Status, or stay in Driving status. You have one
minute to respond manually. If you have not responded after one minute and you are still idling,
the app will automatically switch you to On Duty Not Driving status.

How do I record my 30-minute break?


After driving for five minutes, the app will alert you that the engine is engaged and will ask if
you would like to switch to Driving status, or stay in On Duty Not Driving/Off Duty/Sleeper
Berth status. You have one minute to respond manually. If you have not responded after one
minute and you are still driving, the app will automatically switch you into Driving status.

How long can my engine idle before the ELD moves me into On Duty Not Driving status?


On the left-hand side of the app, you will see your current duty status, listed as Driving. Click
the current status to change it to Off Duty, On Duty Not Driving, or Sleeper Berth. When
you wish to change back, click your status again to select the appropriate status.

How long can I drive before the ELD moves me into Driving status?


After you have added your drivers on ELD Mandate website, remove the ELD from the package
and plug it into your ECM or comport. On your smartphone or tablet, download the ELD Mandate
app and login with your Driver ID and password. Once you switch the engine on, you will be
able to see the ELD hardware turning on and a blue light visible. After a few minutes the light
will change to green and be stable during the entire drive time. After being on for a few minutes,
your app will show details like VIN number, date, name, and ELD SSID.

At the end of the day, you will change your duty status to Off Duty or Sleeper Berth. To do so,
click your current duty status, Driving or On Duty Not Driving and change it to the desired
status. At the beginning of the next day, you change it back to the new status to start your

How do I set an alarm to warn of impending violations?

You do not need to set an alarm. Once you or your company creates a driver profile in the backoffice dashboard and selects what hourly rulesets you use to set your week, this automatically
sets the app to warn you of any impending violations.

h. How do I record when I use my truck for personal use or yard moves?

On the right side of the app, you will see your current driving mode, listed as Default. Click
the blue MoD button in the center change your mode of driving to Personal or Yard
Moves. You will need to enter a comment regarding the change of mode. When you have
completed your personal use or yard moves and are ready to switch back to work use, click the
blue MoD: button again and enter an appropriate comment to switch.



Do Personal Moves or Yard Moves adversely affect my 34 hour off time?


What parts of my logs can I edit?


You can only edit the duty status of your logs. You cannot change the length of time, location,
or any other aspect of your logs.

How can I edit my logs?


No. Personal Moves and Yard Moves are not considered in Hours of Service.

On the left side menu, select Self Inspect. Choose any log, you will get an option to edit the
status. This will allow you to change the duty status of the selected log.

Can the back office edit my logs for me?

Yes. The back officer can edit the driver logs and send the accept/deny request to the driver,
Once the driver accepted the request the changes will be reflected in the driver's log.

m. What is self-certification?

Self-certification is making sure that all of your logs are correct and making sure they are ready

n. How do I complete my self-certification?


Can I self-certify more than once?


No. The back office cannot certify the logs.

How do I complete my pre and post trip inspections?


Yes. If you see in a certified log that you have made an error and need to correct it, you can
certify that log again.

Can the back office certify my logs for me?


On the left side menu, select Certify. You will see a list of Pending logs that require certification.
Select the log you wish to certify, enter any comments, check the box to certify that your entries
are true and correct, and click agree. This will move the log to list of Certified logs.

On the left side menu, select DVIR. Then select the blue Pre/Post button. You will be asked
to submit the pre-trip or post-trip report; you will see the carrier name, address, date, time,
truck number, and odometer reading. You are required to manually enter the trailer number.
Check the boxes of any items that need attention. In the Remarks section, select the check box
for that status that fits your inspection and add your comments (this is mandatory). Finally,
sign and save.

How do I input my load/trip information?

On the left side menu, select Load Sheet. Then select the blue +Add Load Sheets button on
the right side. You can add your load information, including date, load type, origin, destination,
driver and co-driver, vehicle type, and trailer number. By clicking Add Consignment you will
proceed to the next screen where you will add your shipper details, including shipper name,
address, zip code, city, and state. You will also add consignment details including billing date,
description, packing type, quantity, weight, delivery notes, and P.O. number. Finally, add the
consignee details, including the consignee name, address, zip code, city, and state. The load
sheet information will now be available on the main Load Sheet screen. Once you select the
required load sheet, you can edit it or select it so that your load information is available on the
main home dashboard so you can track your trip. When you are done with your trip, you can
select the respective load sheet and remove it from the dashboard.


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