User manual for "PREMIERRIDE LOGS"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "PREMIERRIDE LOGS".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
PREMIERRIDE LOGS ELD MANUAL FOR TRUCKERS Setting Up Your ELD Hardware Let's start by checking the contents of the package to ensure everything is there. Locate the diagnostic port in your vehicle's cabin. It can typically be found on or under the dash, usually to the right of the steering column or on the floor next to the driver's seat. Now, connect the cord from the ELD hardware to the diagnostic port. To keep the ELD device securely in place, use tape to attach it to the top of the dash. If it's plugged into a floor outlet, tape it to the sidewall of the cabin. Last, download the ELD app and sync it to the device. HOS Logs When you need to make changes to your HOS logs, it's a breeze: Open the app and navigate to the Logs section. Find the specific log entry you want to edit. Please note that you cannot modify your driving time or delete previous HOS statuses. However, you can make edits to other fields as needed. While making edits, exercise caution to ensure compliance with HOS regulations. The system will provide warnings to assist you, but it won't prevent you from saving potentially violative edits. If you edit a certified log, keep in mind that it will need to be recertified. Roadside Inspections and RODS Pulled over for a roadside inspection? Follow these steps: Access DOT Inspection mode directly from the Main Menu. Tap the Start Inspection button to display your Records of Duty Status (RODS) to the inspecting officer. You can use the arrows on the sides of the Date field to navigate through your logs easily. If the officer requests it, you have the option to send your RODS by tapping the Send button. Simply choose between web services or email and provide the necessary information as prompted. Once the inspection is complete, tap the Back button to seamlessly return to your regular logs. HOS Compliance Alerts Stay on top of HOS compliance with our helpful alerts: While on the main logs screen, keep an eye out for the red exclamation icon. This icon indicates the presence of a HOS violation or a Form/Certification warning in your log. Scroll down below the log graph to find a list of HOS Violations. Tapping on a violation will provide you with more details about it. These violations cover various areas, including Cycle Violations, Shift Violations, Driving Violations, and Break Violations. Reviewing Your HOS Rules To review your HOS rules, follow these simple steps: Go to the Main Menu and locate the Rules section. Check out the rules on your profile, which will display the rule set you're currently using. This includes information about your cycle, cargo type, and other details like authorization for personal conveyance and yard moves. If you have any questions or need further clarification about your HOS settings, don't hesitate to reach out to your fleet manager for guidance. Co-Drivers and Single Driver Configuration For co-drivers operating as a team, it's important that both drivers use the same app and device. If you're a single driver using multiple devices, ensure that the data is transferred correctly to the server before switching to another device. By following these guidelines, you can maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your ELD system while staying compliant with regulations. Safe travels and happy trucking!