User manual for "MATRACK MA-ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "MATRACK MA-ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Matrack Inc..
USER MANUAL MATRACK MA-ELD Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports Drivers can create vehicle inspection reports before or after their trip and notify their eet manager of any defects they identify. Tap on the button to access past DVIRs and manage reports. Tap on a previous DVIR to conrm the identied defects have been repaired by a mechanic. DVIRs are stored and can be reviewed to prevent issues in the future. Status Screen The status screen shows relevant information about: Status. Shows the drivers current status. Tap on it to display the list of possible statuses and choose a new one. Shift. Shows on-duty time for the current shift and remaining time before the shift ends. Driving. Shows driving time for the current shift and remaining driving before the shift ends. Cycle. Shows remaining time on the current 7- or 8-day cycle . DOT Driver Inspections Drivers must use the inspection mode when subject to a roadside inspection. Navigate the main menu to nd the DOT inspection option and tap it. Tap Begin Inspection and give your mobile device to the o cer. If the o cer requires you to transfer your logs, tap Send Logs, choose data transfer type and tap Send.