User manual for "Mobile Dispatch"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Mobile Dispatch".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Acordex, LLC.

Mobile Dispatch ELD
Quick Guide
Logging In

Connecting to the Power Unit

When you
rst turn on
your tablet,
the Mobile
Dispatch app should already be running and displaying
the login screen. Log in with the name & password
provided to you by dispatch.

In the Trip
menu, tap
the "DVIR"
button. This
brings you
to the DVIR
menu, with a place to enter your "Tractor Num" at the
top. Fill in your power unit number and tap "Report."

Accessing the Trip Menu
This is the
Tap the
"Trip" button
below the
to open the
Trip menu.

The tablet will connect to the power unit's engine while
you are lling out your DVIR.
Engine Connection Status
Engine connection is working
Finish your tractor DVIR
Check the tractor number
Bring tablet back inside cab
This is not an ELD tractor
If connection problems persist, ask your mechanic.

Changing Your Driving Status
Automatic changes

Manual Changes

Most of your driving status changes are automatically
set by your vehicle's speed or tapping a shipment
button such as "Arrived" at a stop.

You will
need to
enter a few
each day.

Accessing the ELD Menu
Tap the
above), and
the ELD
menu will
The top
button lets
you change
your driving

Use the
ELD menu
and tap the
This will bring up a customized list, similar to this
example which shows just three statuses to choose
from. Tap your new status, for example, "Lunch."
Logout Every Day
Use the "Trip" menu and tap "Logout" at the end of your
workday. This will guide you through the tasks you
need to do, ending with the screen to approve today's
log and any unapproved past logs. It's important to log
out every day.

Working With a DOT Ofcer
Safety Officer Request

Displaying Your HOS Data

You may be asked to send or display your Hours of
Service (HOS) data to a DOT Ofcer.

Tap on the ELD dashboard, then tap the "Grids" button.

Sending Your HOS Data
Tap on the
then tap the
Tell the
ofcer that
you have a
type ELD.
The ofcer
will ask you to send data by either "Web Service" or
"Email." Mobile Dispatch gives you both choices, as
shown above.

Procedure During Malfunctions
Continue using the tablet as usual. The tablet has failover software that will still make your grid. However, if
the tablet isn't working at all, you must use a paper grid.

Editing Your Record of Duty Status
ELD Indicator Lights

Approving Edits Made by Others

If your HOS
log was
by someone
else, the
"Edits" light
will turn on.
If the ELD dashboard "Diag" or "Malf" lights turn on, tap
the ELD dashboard, then tap the "Dashboard Info"
button to nd out what happened.

If the "Edits"
light is on,
there is a suggested edit that needs your approval or
rejection. Tap the ELD dashboard, then tap the "Review
Edits" button.

Indicator Light Colors
Green: the error is resolved and no action is needed.
Yellow: something needs your attention, but the system
is working correctly.
Red: some part of the ELD system may be out of order.
Grey (off): No issues
Mobile Dispatch is created by Acordex Imaging + Mobile.
Complete documentation is available in Mobile Dispatch in your ofce.
More information is available at
Ver. 2.87

Correcting Errors in Your HOS Record
If you made
a mistake,
such as forgetting to log off or record your lunch break
within the past week, tap the ELD dashboard, then tap
the "Grids" button. Each grid has its own "Edit" button
that will let you make corrections.
Unidentified Driver Records in Your Power Unit
If the ELD
"Unidentied" button is enabled, the power unit you are
using has recorded vehicle use events when no one
was logged in. You can see whether some of them are
yours by tapping this button.

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Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.