User manual for "AFS WORLD ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "AFS WORLD ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page AFS WORLD ELD.


ELD User

The electronic logging system was
designed with drivers in mind. The
logbook has been programmed with
current HOS rules and FMCSA
requirements to make compliance as
simple as it can be. Fleet managers can
also congure settings to accommodate
the businesss needs.
This self-certied and FMCSA-approved
application automatizes most tasks for
drivers to create accurate logs with
minimal effort.

Your ELD package contains a hardware
piece and a cable.
Identify your vehicles diagnostics port
and connect the hardware to it using
the cable.
(The port will be inside the cabin, under
the dashboard or next to the drivers
seat on the oor.)

Install the Device

Mount the device in a xed position
using a dual lock fastener.

 Automatic recording of hours of
 Review of historical logs, including
locations and annotations
 Easy log management
 Access previous logs
 Log certication
 DOT inspection mode

ELD Functions

 Pre- or post-trip DVIRs
 Team driving


Begin Recording HOS

Automatic hours of service records
begin as soon as the logbook app is
successfully paired with the hardware
piece. Your logs will be displayed in a
graph grid format. Go to Todays Log to
view your RODS for the current shift.
In compliance with federal regulations,
any movement at 5 miles per hour or
more will be logged as driving time and
will set the drivers status accordingly.
No changes can be made to the Timer
screen while in Driving mode.
After the movement has stopped, you
can switch your status. It will
automatically be set to On Duty, Not
Driving if you do not.

Captured statuses cannot be deleted,
and Driving statuses cannot be edited.
Edits for non-driving statuses are
available from the app, and you can also
add past duty statuses if necessary.

Managing Your Logs

Edits that result in non-compliance with
HOS rules will prompt a notication but
can still be made and saved.


Log Archive

Your logs from the previous 14
days are available in the Logs
section of the main menu. Tap on
any dates log to view detailed
information, including shipping
document number, annotations, and
certication status.

You can certify logs by tapping on
them in the Log Archive and then on

Log Certication

Certied logs will require recertication
after any edits.

The DOT Inspection mode displays all
information mandated by the Department
of Transportation, including logs and driver

Roadside Inspections

Graph-grid: Logs are shown in
paper-like graph grip format. For each
log, there is a 24-hour timeline
beginning at twelve o'clock at night.
Events: View the time and location for
each event. Tap on it to display more
detailed information, including trailer
number, shipping documents, codrivers
and annotations.
Driver information: Driver name, license
number, ruleset, motor carrier, etc., are
displayed for review.
Different date logs can be navigated with
the arrow buttons to each side of the

Logging HOS from Different Devices

Single drivers can use different
smartphones or tablets to run the
logbook app. Before switching devices,
conrm that the data has been updated
on the server.

© 2024

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.