User manual for "Rigbot"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Rigbot".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Rigbot LLC.

Driver User Manual
RBV002  ELD - 3.2


Initial Settings
Bluetooth Pairing Part 1
Login to Rigbot
Bluetooth Pairing Part 2
Recording HoS
Dashboard view
Adding load documents
Creating vehicle inspection report (DVIR)
Certify driver log
Inspection and transfer driver logs
ELD Malfunction guide
User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Initial Settings
 Ensure that the GPS and Wifi is
turned to high accuracy in your

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Bluetooth Pairing part 1
 Prior to pairing the LMU to the app,
ensure that in settings of the tablet are

Ensure that the Bluetooth is turned on in
the tablets settings

 Ensure that the Bluetooth is paired with
the LMU (datalogger)
 Please ensure that you are doing the
pairing when no other LMUs are close or
is switched on. If they are close multiple
LMUs will be seen.
 Once paired with a tablet, the tablet will
remember the paired LMU. DO NOT
UNPAIR unless you absolutely need to.

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Login to Rigbot App
 Rigbot Application requires driver
to login with the appropriate user
name and password created and
provided by the carrier back office
 Driving without logging in will
result in unassigned vehicle miles
 In case of team drivers, there will
be an active driver and an
inactive driver login

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Login to Rigbot App
 Enter User Name
 Enter Password
 Click Login button

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Login to Rigbot App
 Select the name of the Carrier

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Login to Rigbot App
 Select Tractor Unit/CMV
Power Unit Number assigned
to the Driver by the Carrier

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Rigbot App Menu
 The most relevant menus are
the dashboard, logs and
Vehicle inspection reports

Inspection Mode

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Bluetooth pairing part 2
 Once you enter the app,
please click the Bluetooth
button and wait for the
light to light up.

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Recording HoS with Rigbot
 Once logged in, Dashboard
screen appears, summarizing
current duty status as On-Duty
and current status of driver HoS
 While stationary, driver can
switch duty status to Drive, OffDuty, Sleeper Berth or Drive OffDuty for personal conveyance or
yard move by tapping and
selecting one of the buttons on
the top
 While in motion no part of the
app will be accessible

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Dashboard screen while driving
 While driving, all menu and
screen touch buttons will be
disabled to prevent distractions

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Dashboard while in other states
 During other driving status,
menu and screen touches
buttons will be accessible and
can be tapped and activated

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Creating Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)

Access Vehicle Inspection
Reports by expanding the
Menu Bar on top left


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Creating Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
 Click on the Vehicle
Inspection Reports to initiate
a new report

Inspection Mode

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Creating Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
 Click on + symbol to initiate a
new DVIR

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Creating Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
 Go through the listed
inspection items and check
the item that requires
attention and reporting

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Creating Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
 Once resolved and/or
approved by the mechanic as
safe and satisfactory to drive,
insert signatures and save the

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Certifying Driver Logs
 Signing and certifying logs is
required at end of each day
 From the main logs screen, tap on
the Certify symbol on the top
right corner

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Certifying Driver Logs
 Certify by signing
1) Click
to save and
to discard changes

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DOT Inspection
 On occasions of roadside
inspections, driver can present the
inspecting officer with options to
 View the logs on mobile
 Transfer files electronically

Inspection mode is
selected in menu

Inspection Mode

 Complete view of the past seven
and current days log can be made
available for inspection

View HOS Log

Choose the option
opted by officer
Trasnfer HOS Log

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

Driver Logs available for printing
 This report can be downloaded
and made available for printing

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

ELD Malfunction Manual
 LED Lights are provided on the
logger device to indicate
malfunctions as shown in the
table here
 Along with LED light malfunction
indicators, driver receives alert
on the screen header if a
malfunction requires driver to
maintain paper logs



Left side Green No Power to the
Light Not Solid unit
Right Side
Orange Light
Not lit and

No internet

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2


1) Ensure the cable connections
are snug and as required
disconnect and connect back
and recheck
2) Review logs and verify for
3) Contact motor carrier back
office for resolution

ELD Malfunction Manual
 Driver should immediately call support at 1 844 474 4268 for assistance with troubleshooting
 Keep a paper log for duty hours for the day
 Notify the back office of carrier within the day
 Carrier back office should take measures to resolve the issue within seven days of notification
 If the issue is not resolved, carrier back office should request a replacement device from Rigbot

User Manual RBV002 - ELD - 3.2

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