User manual for "NEW ELD WORLD 1.4"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "NEW ELD WORLD 1.4".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page NEW ELD WORLD INC.

Drivers Manual



For legal and safety purposes, please refrain from calling your
office, customer support line, of safety personnel while driving.

ELD Installation

ELD Device
Step 1.
Make sure that your vehicles engine must be
OFF. If the engine is ON,please turn it off and
turn the key the Off position before connecting
to the ELD device.




Step 2.
Locate the diagnostic port inside your vehicles
cabin. The diagnostic port is typically located in
one of the following places: 1 under the left side
of the dashboard, 2 under the steering wheel,
n3 near the drivers seat, 4 under the drivers seat.

ELD Installation

ELD Device
Step 3.
To connect the ELD plug it into the diagnostic
port of the vehicle. Unscrew the lock surface
until it locks. Make sure the ELD is connected.
Step 5.
Then, get the tablet provided by fleet and turn it
on. Tablet should automatically start application.

Step 4.
Once plugged in the device will start syncing with
the engine control module (ECM) and New ELD
World application on the tablet.

Application guide


For Android Devices
Type New Eld World into the search bar of
Google Play Store. Tap on Install button to
download the app into your device.

For IOS Devices
Type New Eld World into the search bar of App
Store. Tap on Get button. Tap on Install button
to download the app into your device.

Application guide

Permission for
First of all app need to get access to
bluetooth and location for exchanging
data between drivers mobile device and
ELD device.

Application guide


Driver can enter the app by using
username and pasword which created for
exactly for this driver.

Application guide

By touching on the screen of mobile device
application can get IP Adress of the ELD. By
pressing Connect button ELD device starts
working with our application.

Your cellular device will
automotically scan ELD.


Application guide

The view of logs screen of the
Driver must swipe screen up to down by
time to reload new data and refreshing
the screen.

Application guide


In this section driver can see time
indicators value which belongs to his/her
duty status.
From the statuses in the main window,
driver can select a status depending on
Drivers graph will be shown here.
To change duty status driver have to click
this + icon button.

Application guide


Drivers errors, violations and messages
related to him/her work statuses can be
seen in the notifications section.

Application guide


To change current status to another one
driver must pick one status then press
save button.

Application guide

on the road
Once you have connected your mobile
device to NEW, your driving time
automatically recorded. When your vehicle
begins moving, your duty status will
automatically be set to Driving. At 5 mph (or
more) the vehicle is considered Drive.
When driver stops moving, Drive screen
waits for 3 minutes, if the speed does not
exceed at 5mph (or more) the Drive status
will be exited.

Application guide

Go to the main Logs screen. Click on
any log from the logs table.

Application guide

The page which this logs info placed will
be opened. 
Then click Edit button.

Application guide

You will be able to change the timeline of the
chosen status: tap on the timeline and move
it right to prolong, or left to shorten it.
Also, you can edit the status timeline by
using the fields From and To
To edit the type of the status, tap on the
needed status from the list of the offered
Press Save to save changes.

Application guide

In navigation bar Profile section which
driver can fill Shipping document
information fields.

Application guide


In navigation bar Certify section which
driver create own signature and sign his/
her duty days. Also unsigned days will be
appear here.

Application guide


There is Menu section in navigation bar. It
shows general information and events.
Such as Inspection, DVIR, Co-driver,
Chat etc. General information about
each ones is given in the next page.

Application guide


By clicking avatar in the menu page
driver can open his/her own information.

Application guide


For representing required reports driver
can go with Inspection section and
generate it. Generated daily report view
is below.

Application guide


In next opened window, type your
comment and click on the send button for
transfering it.

Application guide

adding new DVIR

DVIR page will be shown like this. There
are recent DVIRs and its issues type and
with current status(fixed or not).

issue created time

issue isnt fixed yet

issue fixed

The page for creating a new DVIR.

Application guide

adding new DVIR

Co-driver name

switching with Co-Driver

By clicking Co-Drivers name can search
and change his/her Co-Driver to another

In Co-Driver page driver can see his/her
Co-Driver and switch with him.

Application guide

By clicking this section interface mode
can change from Light mode to the Dark
mode and vice versa.


© 2025

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.